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Document that slice means pointer to a sequence
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Also document that slices are twice as large as pointers to Sized types
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LeonMatthes committed Aug 1, 2020
1 parent cfdf9d3 commit e6c83dd
Showing 1 changed file with 15 additions and 2 deletions.
17 changes: 15 additions & 2 deletions library/std/src/
Expand Up @@ -565,8 +565,8 @@ mod prim_array {}
/// *[See also the `std::slice` module](slice/index.html).*
/// Slices are a view into a block of memory represented as a pointer and a
/// length.
/// A slice is any pointer/reference to a block of memory. They are represented
/// as a regular pointer and a length.
/// ```
/// // slicing a Vec
Expand All @@ -587,6 +587,19 @@ mod prim_array {}
/// x[1] = 7;
/// assert_eq!(x, &[1, 7, 3]);
/// ```
/// As slices store the length of the sequence they refer to, they have twice
/// the size of pointers to [`Sized`](marker/trait.Sized.html) types.
/// Also see the reference on
/// [dynamically sized types](../reference/dynamically-sized-types.html)
/// ```
/// let pointer_size = std::mem::size_of::<&u8>();
/// assert_eq!(2 * pointer_size, std::mem::size_of::<&[u8]>());
/// assert_eq!(2 * pointer_size, std::mem::size_of::<*const [u8]>());
/// assert_eq!(2 * pointer_size, std::mem::size_of::<Box<[u8]>>());
/// assert_eq!(2 * pointer_size, std::mem::size_of::<Rc<[u8]>>());
/// ```
#[stable(feature = "rust1", since = "1.0.0")]
mod prim_slice {}

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