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More Cargo.toml updates
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atouchet committed May 31, 2020
1 parent 14303bd commit 77f7fa5
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Showing 10 changed files with 103 additions and 106 deletions.
16 changes: 8 additions & 8 deletions components/net_traits/Cargo.toml
Expand Up @@ -13,31 +13,31 @@ test = false
doctest = false

content-security-policy = {version = "0.4.0", features = ["serde"]}
content-security-policy = { version = "0.4.0", features = ["serde"] }
cookie = "0.11"
embedder_traits = { path = "../embedder_traits" }
headers = "0.2"
http = "0.1"
hyper = "0.12"
hyper_serde = "0.11"
piston_image = {package = "image", version = "0.23"}
ipc-channel = "0.14"
lazy_static = "1"
log = "0.4"
malloc_size_of = { path = "../malloc_size_of" }
malloc_size_of_derive = "0.1"
mime = "0.3"
msg = {path = "../msg"}
msg = { path = "../msg" }
num-traits = "0.2"
percent-encoding = "2.0"
pixels = {path = "../pixels"}
piston_image = { package = "image", version = "0.23" }
pixels = { path = "../pixels" }
serde = "1.0"
servo_arc = {path = "../servo_arc"}
servo_url = {path = "../url"}
servo_arc = { path = "../servo_arc" }
servo_url = { path = "../url" }
time = "0.1"
url = "2.0"
uuid = {version = "0.8", features = ["v4", "serde"]}
webrender_api = {git = ""}
uuid = { version = "0.8", features = ["v4", "serde"] }
webrender_api = { git = "" }

std_test_override = { path = "../std_test_override" }
4 changes: 2 additions & 2 deletions components/pixels/Cargo.toml
Expand Up @@ -12,6 +12,6 @@ path = ""

euclid = "0.20"
malloc_size_of = {path = "../malloc_size_of"}
malloc_size_of = { path = "../malloc_size_of" }
malloc_size_of_derive = "0.1"
serde = {version = "1", features = ["derive"]}
serde = { version = "1", features = ["derive"] }
12 changes: 6 additions & 6 deletions components/profile/Cargo.toml
Expand Up @@ -11,21 +11,21 @@ name = "profile"
path = ""

profile_traits = {path = "../profile_traits"}
ipc-channel = "0.14"
heartbeats-simple = "0.4"
ipc-channel = "0.14"
log = "0.4"
profile_traits = { path = "../profile_traits" }
serde = "1.0"
serde_json = "1.0"
servo_config = {path = "../config"}
time_crate = {package = "time", version = "0.1.12"}
servo_config = { path = "../config" }
time_crate = { package = "time", version = "0.1.12" }

[target.'cfg(target_os = "macos")'.dependencies]
task_info = {path = "../../support/rust-task_info"}
task_info = { path = "../../support/rust-task_info" }

[target.'cfg(target_os = "linux")'.dependencies]
regex = "1.1"

[target.'cfg(not(target_os = "windows"))'.dependencies]
libc = "0.2"
servo_allocator = {path = "../allocator"}
servo_allocator = { path = "../allocator" }
10 changes: 5 additions & 5 deletions components/profile_traits/Cargo.toml
Expand Up @@ -11,16 +11,16 @@ name = "profile_traits"
path = ""

energy-profiling = ["energymon", "energy-monitor"]
energy-profiling = ["energy-monitor", "energymon"]

crossbeam-channel = "0.4"
energy-monitor = {version = "0.2.0", optional = true}
energymon = {git = "", optional = true}
energy-monitor = { version = "0.2.0", optional = true }
energymon = { git = "", optional = true }
ipc-channel = "0.14"
log = "0.4"
serde = "1.0"
servo_config = {path = "../config"}
signpost = {git = ""}
servo_config = { path = "../config" }
signpost = { git = "" }
time = "0.1.12"

1 change: 0 additions & 1 deletion components/range/Cargo.toml
@@ -1,5 +1,4 @@

name = "range"
version = "0.0.1"
authors = ["The Servo Project Developers"]
Expand Down
28 changes: 14 additions & 14 deletions components/script_layout_interface/Cargo.toml
Expand Up @@ -13,27 +13,27 @@ path = ""
app_units = "0.7"
atomic_refcell = "0.1"
canvas_traits = {path = "../canvas_traits"}
canvas_traits = { path = "../canvas_traits" }
crossbeam-channel = "0.4"
euclid = "0.20"
fxhash = "0.2"
gfx_traits = {path = "../gfx_traits"}
gfx_traits = { path = "../gfx_traits" }
html5ever = "0.25"
ipc-channel = "0.14"
libc = "0.2"
malloc_size_of = { path = "../malloc_size_of" }
malloc_size_of_derive = "0.1"
metrics = {path = "../metrics"}
msg = {path = "../msg"}
net_traits = {path = "../net_traits"}
metrics = { path = "../metrics" }
msg = { path = "../msg" }
net_traits = { path = "../net_traits" }
parking_lot = "0.10"
profile_traits = {path = "../profile_traits"}
range = {path = "../range"}
script_traits = {path = "../script_traits"}
profile_traits = { path = "../profile_traits" }
range = { path = "../range" }
script_traits = { path = "../script_traits" }
selectors = { path = "../selectors" }
servo_arc = {path = "../servo_arc"}
servo_atoms = {path = "../atoms"}
servo_url = {path = "../url"}
style = {path = "../style", features = ["servo"]}
style_traits = {path = "../style_traits", features = ["servo"]}
webrender_api = {git = ""}
servo_arc = { path = "../servo_arc" }
servo_atoms = { path = "../atoms" }
servo_url = { path = "../url" }
style = { path = "../style", features = ["servo"] }
style_traits = { path = "../style_traits", features = ["servo"] }
webrender_api = { git = "" }
34 changes: 17 additions & 17 deletions components/script_traits/Cargo.toml
Expand Up @@ -12,14 +12,14 @@ path = ""

bitflags = "1.0"
bluetooth_traits = {path = "../bluetooth_traits"}
canvas_traits = {path = "../canvas_traits"}
bluetooth_traits = { path = "../bluetooth_traits" }
canvas_traits = { path = "../canvas_traits" }
cookie = "0.11"
crossbeam-channel = "0.4"
devtools_traits = {path = "../devtools_traits"}
embedder_traits = {path = "../embedder_traits"}
devtools_traits = { path = "../devtools_traits" }
embedder_traits = { path = "../embedder_traits" }
euclid = "0.20"
gfx_traits = {path = "../gfx_traits"}
gfx_traits = { path = "../gfx_traits" }
http = "0.1"
hyper = "0.12"
hyper_serde = "0.11"
Expand All @@ -29,19 +29,19 @@ libc = "0.2"
log = "0.4"
malloc_size_of = { path = "../malloc_size_of" }
malloc_size_of_derive = "0.1"
media = {path = "../media"}
msg = {path = "../msg"}
net_traits = {path = "../net_traits"}
pixels = {path = "../pixels"}
profile_traits = {path = "../profile_traits"}
media = { path = "../media" }
msg = { path = "../msg" }
net_traits = { path = "../net_traits" }
pixels = { path = "../pixels" }
profile_traits = { path = "../profile_traits" }
serde = "1.0"
servo_atoms = {path = "../atoms"}
servo_url = {path = "../url"}
servo_atoms = { path = "../atoms" }
servo_url = { path = "../url" }
smallvec = "0.6"
style_traits = {path = "../style_traits", features = ["servo"]}
style_traits = { path = "../style_traits", features = ["servo"] }
time = "0.1.12"
uuid = {version = "0.8", features = ["v4"]}
uuid = { version = "0.8", features = ["v4"] }
webdriver = "0.40"
webgpu = {path = "../webgpu"}
webrender_api = {git = ""}
webxr-api = {git = "", features = ["ipc"]}
webgpu = { path = "../webgpu" }
webrender_api = { git = "" }
webxr-api = { git = "", features = ["ipc"] }
4 changes: 1 addition & 3 deletions components/selectors/Cargo.toml
@@ -1,10 +1,8 @@

name = "selectors"
version = "0.22.0"
authors = ["The Servo Project Developers"]
documentation = ""

description = "CSS Selectors matching for Rust"
repository = ""
readme = ""
Expand All @@ -23,8 +21,8 @@ bench = []
bitflags = "1.0"
cssparser = "0.27"
derive_more = "0.99"
log = "0.4"
fxhash = "0.2"
log = "0.4"
phf = "0.8"
precomputed-hash = "0.1"
servo_arc = { version = "0.1", path = "../servo_arc" }
Expand Down
94 changes: 47 additions & 47 deletions components/servo/Cargo.toml
Expand Up @@ -15,82 +15,82 @@ crate-type = ["rlib"]
debugmozjs = ["script/debugmozjs"]
egl = ["mozangle/egl"]
energy-profiling = ["profile_traits/energy-profiling"]
profilemozjs = ["script/profilemozjs"]
googlevr = ["webxr/googlevr"]
jitspew = ["script/jitspew"]
js_backtrace = ["script/js_backtrace"]
layout-2013 = ["layout_thread_2013"]
layout-2020 = ["layout_thread_2020"]
max_log_level = ["log/release_max_level_info"]
media-dummy = ["servo-media-dummy"]
media-gstreamer = ["servo-media-gstreamer", "gstreamer"]
native-bluetooth = ["bluetooth/native-bluetooth"]
no-wgl = ["canvas/no-wgl"]
uwp = ["servo_config/uwp", "script/uwp"]
webrender_debugger = ["webrender/debugger"]
no_static_freetype = ["webrender/no_static_freetype"]
profilemozjs = ["script/profilemozjs"]
refcell_backtrace = ["script/refcell_backtrace"]
uwp = ["servo_config/uwp", "script/uwp"]
webdriver = ["webdriver_server"]
webgl_backtrace = [
media-dummy = ["servo-media-dummy"]
media-gstreamer = ["servo-media-gstreamer", "gstreamer"]
webrender_debugger = ["webrender/debugger"]
xr-profile = ["canvas/xr-profile", "canvas_traits/xr-profile", "script/xr-profile", "webxr/profile"]

background_hang_monitor = {path = "../background_hang_monitor"}
bluetooth_traits = {path = "../bluetooth_traits"}
bluetooth = {path = "../bluetooth"}
canvas = {path = "../canvas", default-features = false}
canvas_traits = {path = "../canvas_traits"}
compositing = {path = "../compositing", features = ["gl"]}
constellation = {path = "../constellation"}
background_hang_monitor = { path = "../background_hang_monitor" }
bluetooth = { path = "../bluetooth" }
bluetooth_traits = { path = "../bluetooth_traits" }
canvas = { path = "../canvas", default-features = false }
canvas_traits = { path = "../canvas_traits" }
compositing = { path = "../compositing", features = ["gl"] }
constellation = { path = "../constellation" }
crossbeam-channel = "0.4"
debugger = {path = "../debugger"}
devtools = {path = "../devtools"}
devtools_traits = {path = "../devtools_traits"}
embedder_traits = {path = "../embedder_traits"}
debugger = { path = "../debugger" }
devtools = { path = "../devtools" }
devtools_traits = { path = "../devtools_traits" }
embedder_traits = { path = "../embedder_traits" }
env_logger = "0.7"
euclid = "0.20"
gfx = {path = "../gfx"}
gfx = { path = "../gfx" }
gleam = "0.11"
gstreamer = { version = "0.15", optional = true }
ipc-channel = "0.14"
keyboard-types = "0.4"
layout_thread_2013 = {path = "../layout_thread", optional = true}
layout_thread_2020 = {path = "../layout_thread_2020", optional = true}
layout_thread_2013 = { path = "../layout_thread", optional = true }
layout_thread_2020 = { path = "../layout_thread_2020", optional = true }
log = "0.4"
media = {path = "../media"}
msg = {path = "../msg"}
net = {path = "../net"}
net_traits = {path = "../net_traits"}
profile = {path = "../profile"}
profile_traits = {path = "../profile_traits"}
script = {path = "../script"}
script_layout_interface = {path = "../script_layout_interface"}
script_traits = {path = "../script_traits"}
servo_config = {path = "../config"}
servo_geometry = {path = "../geometry"}
servo-media = {git = ""}
servo-media-dummy = {git = "", optional = true}
servo-media-gstreamer = {git = "", optional = true}
servo_url = {path = "../url"}
media = { path = "../media" }
msg = { path = "../msg" }
net = { path = "../net" }
net_traits = { path = "../net_traits" }
profile = { path = "../profile" }
profile_traits = { path = "../profile_traits" }
script = { path = "../script" }
script_layout_interface = { path = "../script_layout_interface" }
script_traits = { path = "../script_traits" }
servo-media = { git = "" }
servo-media-dummy = { git = "", optional = true }
servo-media-gstreamer = { git = "", optional = true }
servo_config = { path = "../config" }
servo_geometry = { path = "../geometry" }
servo_url = { path = "../url" }
sparkle = "0.1"
style = {path = "../style", features = ["servo"]}
style_traits = {path = "../style_traits", features = ["servo"]}
webgpu = {path = "../webgpu"}
webrender = {git = ""}
webrender_api = {git = ""}
webrender_surfman = {path = "../webrender_surfman"}
webrender_traits = {path = "../webrender_traits"}
webdriver_server = {path = "../webdriver_server", optional = true}
webxr-api = {git = ""}
webxr = {git = ""}
style = { path = "../style", features = ["servo"] }
style_traits = { path = "../style_traits", features = ["servo"] }
surfman = "0.2"
gstreamer = { version = "0.15", optional = true }
webdriver_server = { path = "../webdriver_server", optional = true }
webgpu = { path = "../webgpu" }
webrender = { git = "" }
webrender_api = { git = "" }
webrender_surfman = { path = "../webrender_surfman" }
webrender_traits = { path = "../webrender_traits" }
webxr = { git = "" }
webxr-api = { git = "" }

[target.'cfg(all(not(target_os = "windows"), not(target_os = "ios"), not(target_os="android"), not(target_arch="arm"), not(target_arch="aarch64")))'.dependencies]
[target.'cfg(all(not(target_os = "windows"), not(target_os = "ios"), not(target_os = "android"), not(target_arch = "arm"), not(target_arch = "aarch64")))'.dependencies]
gaol = "0.2.1"

[target.'cfg(target_os = "windows")'.dependencies]
mozangle = {version = "0.2"}
mozangle = { version = "0.2" }
6 changes: 3 additions & 3 deletions components/servo_arc/Cargo.toml
Expand Up @@ -11,10 +11,10 @@ name = "servo_arc"
path = ""

servo = ["serde"]
gecko_refcount_logging = []
servo = ["serde"]

nodrop = {version = "0.1.8"}
serde = {version = "1.0", optional = true}
nodrop = { version = "0.1.8" }
serde = { version = "1.0", optional = true }
stable_deref_trait = "1.0.0"

0 comments on commit 77f7fa5

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