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Fix bug 1054472: Use ETags to determine if we can send 304s.
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Changes the fetch_snippets view to add ETags to outgoing responses that
are a hash of their content. It then uses the incoming ETags from
clients to determine what snippet content the client currently has 
cached, and whether new snippet content needs to be delivered or if a
304 can be sent to instruct the client to use their cached snippets.

This should allow us to increase the frequency of updates by lowering
the amount of data we need to send.
  • Loading branch information
Michael Kelly committed Aug 22, 2014
1 parent 1dd9014 commit b12f537
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Showing 9 changed files with 289 additions and 99 deletions.
18 changes: 7 additions & 11 deletions snippets/base/
@@ -1,20 +1,16 @@
from django.core.urlresolvers import resolve

from snippets.base.views import fetch_json_snippets, fetch_snippets

class FetchSnippetsMiddleware(object):
class SkipMiddleware(object):
If the incoming request is for the fetch_snippets view, execute the view
and return it before other middleware can run.
If the incoming request is for a view that has the skip_middleware
kwarg, execute the view and return the response before other
middleware can run.
fetch_snippets is a very very basic view that doesn't need any of the
middleware that the rest of the site needs, such as the session or csrf
middlewares. To avoid unintended issues (such as headers we don't want
being added to the response) this middleware detects requests to that view
and executes the view early, bypassing the rest of the middleware.
Allows views like the FetchSnippets view to bypass unnecessary
def process_request(self, request):
result = resolve(request.path)
if result.func in (fetch_snippets, fetch_json_snippets):
if result.kwargs.pop('skip_middleware', False):
return result.func(request, *result.args, **result.kwargs)
1 change: 0 additions & 1 deletion snippets/base/templates/base/fetch_snippets.html
Expand Up @@ -5,4 +5,3 @@
{% endfor %}
{% include 'base/includes/snippet_js.html' %}
<!-- Content generated at {{ current_time }} -->
24 changes: 24 additions & 0 deletions snippets/base/tests/
Expand Up @@ -64,3 +64,27 @@ class JSONSnippetFactory(BaseSnippetFactory):
class ClientMatchRuleFactory(factory.DjangoModelFactory):
FACTORY_FOR = models.ClientMatchRule
description = factory.Sequence(lambda n: 'Client Match Rule {0}'.format(n))

class CONTAINS(object):
Helper object that is equal to any object that contains a specific
If exclusive=True is passed to the constructor, sets will be used
for comparison, meaning that an iterable is equal to this object
only if it contains the same values given in the constructor,
ignoring the order of values.
def __init__(self, *values, **kwargs):
self.values = values
self.exclusive = kwargs.get('exclusive', False)

def __eq__(self, other):
if self.exclusive:
return set(v for v in other) == set(self.values)
return all(v in other for v in self.values)

def __ne__(self, other):
return not self.__eq__(other)
64 changes: 17 additions & 47 deletions snippets/base/tests/
@@ -1,57 +1,27 @@
from mock import Mock, patch
from django.test.client import RequestFactory

from import eq_

from snippets.base.middleware import FetchSnippetsMiddleware
from snippets.base.middleware import SkipMiddleware
from snippets.base.tests import TestCase

class FetchSnippetsMiddlewareTests(TestCase):
def setUp(self):
self.middleware = FetchSnippetsMiddleware()

def test_resolve_fetch_snippets_match(self, fetch_snippets, resolve):
If resolve returns a match to the fetch_snippets view, return the
result of the view.
request = Mock()
result = resolve.return_value
result.func = fetch_snippets
result.args = (1, 'asdf')
result.kwargs = {'blah': 5}

fetch_snippets.assert_called_with(request, 1, 'asdf', blah=5)
class SkipMiddlewareTests(TestCase):
urls = 'snippets.base.tests.urls'

def test_resolve_fetch_json_snippets_match(self, fetch_json_snippets, resolve):
If resolve returns a match to the fetch_json_snippets view,
return the result of the view.
request = Mock()
result = resolve.return_value
result.func = fetch_json_snippets
result.args = (1, 'asdf')
result.kwargs = {'blah': 5}
def setUp(self):
self.middleware = SkipMiddleware()
self.factory = RequestFactory()

fetch_json_snippets.assert_called_with(request, 1, 'asdf', blah=5)
def test_process_request_no_kwargs(self):
"""If the skip_middleware kwarg is missing, return None."""
request = self.factory.get('test')
eq_(self.middleware.process_request(request), None)

def test_resolve_no_match(self, fetch_snippets, resolve):
def test_process_request_kwargs(self):
If resolve doesn't return a match to the fetch_snippets view, return
If the skip_middleware kwarg is present, execute the view and
return the response.
request = Mock()
result = resolve.return_value
result.func = lambda request: 'asdf'

eq_(self.middleware.process_request(request), None)
request = self.factory.get('test_skip')
eq_(self.middleware.process_request(request), 'skipped')
154 changes: 137 additions & 17 deletions snippets/base/tests/
Expand Up @@ -2,23 +2,45 @@

from django.contrib.auth.models import User
from django.core.urlresolvers import reverse
from django.http import HttpResponse
from django.test.client import RequestFactory
from django.test.utils import override_settings

from funfactory.helpers import urlparams
from mock import patch
from mock import ANY, patch
from import eq_, ok_

import snippets.base.models
from snippets.base import views
from snippets.base.models import Client
from snippets.base.tests import (JSONSnippetFactory, SnippetFactory,
from snippets.base.tests import (CONTAINS, JSONSnippetFactory, SnippetFactory,
SnippetTemplateFactory, TestCase)

snippets.base.models.CHANNELS = ('release', 'beta', 'aurora', 'nightly')
snippets.base.models.FIREFOX_STARTPAGE_VERSIONS = ('1', '2', '3', '4')

class FetchSnippetsTests(TestCase):
def test_base(self):
def setUp(self):
self.view = views.FetchSnippets()
self.view.get_client_cache_key = lambda *args: 'client_key'

self.mock_response = HttpResponse('')

self.factory = RequestFactory()
self.mock_request = self.factory.get('/')

self.view_kwargs = {
'startpage_version': '4',
'name': 'Firefox',
'version': '23.0a1',
'appbuildid': '20130510041606',
'build_target': 'Darwin_Universal-gcc3',
'locale': 'en-US',
'channel': 'nightly',
'os_version': 'Darwin 10.8.0',
'distribution': 'default',
'distribution_version': 'default_version'

def test_generate_response(self):
# Matching snippets.
snippet_1 = SnippetFactory.create(on_nightly=True)

Expand All @@ -28,14 +50,112 @@ def test_base(self):
# Snippet that doesn't match.

snippets_ok = [snippet_1]
params = ('4', 'Firefox', '23.0a1', '20130510041606',
'Darwin_Universal-gcc3', 'en-US', 'nightly',
'Darwin%2010.8.0', 'default', 'default_version')
response = self.client.get('/{0}/'.format('/'.join(params)))
client = Client('4', 'Firefox', '23.0a1', '20130510041606', 'Darwin_Universal-gcc3',
'en-US', 'nightly', 'Darwin%2010.8.0', 'default', 'default_version')
request = self.factory.get('/')

with patch.object(views, 'render') as render:
render.return_value = HttpResponse('asdf')

response = self.view.generate_response(request, client)
render.assert_called_with(request, ANY, {
'snippets': CONTAINS(snippet_1, exclusive=True),
'client': client,
'locale': 'en-US',

eq_(response, render.return_value)
asdf_sha256 = 'f0e4c2f76c58916ec258f246851bea091d14d4247a2fc3e18694461b1816e13b'
eq_(response['ETag'], asdf_sha256)
eq_(response['Vary'], 'If-None-Match')

def test_get_request_match_cache(self):
If the request has an ETag and it matches the cached ETag,
return a 304.
self.view.generate_response = lambda *args: self.mock_response
self.mock_request.META['HTTP_IF_NONE_MATCH'] = 'etag'

with patch('snippets.base.views.cache') as cache:
cache.get.return_value = 'etag'
response = self.view.get(self.mock_request, **self.view_kwargs)

ok_(not cache.set.called)
eq_(response.status_code, 304)

def test_get_cache_doesnt_match_response(self):
If the request ETag and cached ETag don't match, and the
resulting response's ETag doesn't match the cache, the cache
should be updated.
self.view.generate_response = lambda *args: self.mock_response
self.mock_response['ETag'] = 'etag'

with patch('snippets.base.views.cache') as cache:
cache.get.return_value = 'other_etag'
self.view.get(self.mock_request, **self.view_kwargs)

cache.set.assert_called_with('client_key', 'etag', 90)

eq_(set(snippets_ok), set(response.context['snippets']))
eq_(response.context['locale'], 'en-US')
def test_get_cache_empty(self):
If the cache is empty, it should be updated with the response's
self.view.generate_response = lambda *args: self.mock_response
self.mock_response['ETag'] = 'etag'

with patch('snippets.base.views.cache') as cache:
cache.get.return_value = None
self.view.get(self.mock_request, **self.view_kwargs)

cache.set.assert_called_with('client_key', 'etag', 90)

def test_get_request_doesnt_match_cache_matches_response(self):
If the request's ETag doesn't match the cache but it matches
the response's ETag, return a 304.
self.view.generate_response = lambda *args: self.mock_response
self.mock_request.META['HTTP_IF_NONE_MATCH'] = 'etag'
self.mock_response['ETag'] = 'etag'

with patch('snippets.base.views.cache') as cache:
cache.get.return_value = 'other_etag'
response = self.view.get(self.mock_request, **self.view_kwargs)

cache.set.assert_called_with('client_key', 'etag', 90)
eq_(response.status_code, 304)

def test_get_request_doesnt_match_cache_or_response(self):
If the request's ETag doesn't match the cache or the response's
ETag, send the full response.
self.view.generate_response = lambda *args: self.mock_response
self.mock_request.META['HTTP_IF_NONE_MATCH'] = 'etag'
self.mock_response['ETag'] = 'other_etag'

with patch('snippets.base.views.cache') as cache:
cache.get.return_value = 'other_etag'
response = self.view.get(self.mock_request, **self.view_kwargs)

ok_(not cache.set.called)
eq_(response, self.mock_response)

def test_get_request_no_etag(self):
"""If the request has no ETag, send the full response."""
self.view.generate_response = lambda *args: self.mock_response
self.mock_response['ETag'] = 'etag'

with patch('snippets.base.views.cache') as cache:
cache.get.return_value = 'etag'
response = self.view.get(self.mock_request, **self.view_kwargs)

ok_(not cache.set.called)
eq_(response, self.mock_response)

@patch('snippets.base.views.Client', wraps=Client)
def test_client_construction(self, ClientMock):
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -63,15 +183,15 @@ def test_client_construction(self, ClientMock):
def test_cache_headers(self):
view_snippets should always have Cache-control set to
'public, max-age={settings.SNIPPET_HTTP_MAX_AGE}' and no Vary header,
even after middleware is executed.
'public, max-age={settings.SNIPPET_HTTP_MAX_AGE}' and only Vary
on If-None-Match, even after middleware is executed.
params = ('4', 'Firefox', '23.0a1', '20130510041606',
'Darwin_Universal-gcc3', 'en-US', 'nightly',
'Darwin%2010.8.0', 'default', 'default_version')
response = self.client.get('/{0}/'.format('/'.join(params)))
eq_(response['Cache-control'], 'public, max-age=75')
ok_('Vary' not in response)
eq_(response['Vary'], 'If-None-Match')

class JSONSnippetsTests(TestCase):
Expand Down
16 changes: 16 additions & 0 deletions snippets/base/tests/
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
from django.conf.urls.defaults import patterns, url

def test_view(request):
return 'test'

def test_view_skip_middleware(request):
return 'skipped'

urlpatterns = patterns('',
url(r'^test$', test_view),
url(r'^test_skip$', test_view_skip_middleware, {'skip_middleware': True}),

6 changes: 3 additions & 3 deletions snippets/base/
Expand Up @@ -8,13 +8,13 @@
'(?P<distribution_version>[^/]+)/$', views.fetch_snippets,
'(?P<distribution_version>[^/]+)/$', views.FetchSnippets.as_view(),
kwargs={'skip_middleware': True}, name='base.fetch_snippets'),
'(?P<distribution_version>[^/]+)/$', views.fetch_json_snippets,
kwargs={'skip_middleware': True}, name='base.fetch_json_snippets'),
url(r'^preview/$', views.preview_snippet, name='base.preview'),
url(r'^show/(?P<snippet_id>\d+)/$', views.show_snippet, name=''),

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