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How Socorro Works

Socorro is a set of components for collecting, processing and reporting on crashes. It is used by Mozilla for tracking crashes of Firefox, B2G, Thunderbird and other projects. The production Mozilla install is public and hosted at

The components which make up Socorro are:

  • Collector - collects breakpad minidump crashes which come in over HTTP POST
  • Processor - turn breakpad minidump crashes into stack traces and other info
  • Middleware - provide HTTP REST interface for JSON reports and real-time data
  • Web UI aka crash-stats - django-based web app for visualizing crash data

There are two main functions of Socorro:

  1. collect, process, and allow for real-time searches and results for individual crash reports

This requires both RabbitMQ and PostgreSQL, as well as the Collector, Processor and Middleware and Web UI.

Individual crash reports are pulled from long-term storage using the /report/index/ page, for example:

The search feature is at: There is a new version which uses Elastic Search and will eventually replace the above:

  1. a set of batch jobs which compiles aggregate reports and graphs, such as "Top Crashes by Signature"

This requires PostgreSQL, Middleware and Web UI. It is triggered once per day by the "daily_matviews" cron job, covering data processed in the previous UTC day.

Every other page on is of this type, for example the Topcrashers report:

Installation Requirements

Breakpad client and symbols

Socorro aggregates and reports on Breakpad crashes. Read more about getting started with Breakpad.

You will need to produce symbols for your application and make these files available to Socorro.

  • Mac OS X or Linux (Ubuntu/RHEL)
  • PostgreSQL 9.3
  • RabbitMQ 3.1
  • Python 2.6
  • C++ compiler (GCC 4.6 or greater)
  • Subversion
  • Git
  • PostrgreSQL and Python dev libraries (for psycopg2)

Virtual Machine using Vagrant You can quickly spin up a CentOS VM using Vagrant, see vagrant-chapter for details.

Mac OS X

Install dependencies :: brew update brew tap homebrew/versions brew install python26 git gpp postgresql subversion rabbitmq sudo easy_install virtualenv virtualenvwrapper pip sudo pip-2.7 install docutils brew install mercurial

Set your PATH :: export PATH=/usr/local/bin:$PATH

Initialize and run PostgreSQL :: initdb -D /usr/local/pgsql/data -E utf8 export PGDATA=/usr/local/pgsql/data pg_ctl start

Create a symbolic link to pgsql_socket :: mkdir /var/pgsql_socket/ ln -s /private/tmp/.s.PGSQL.5432 /var/pgsql_socket/

Modify postgresql config :: sudo editor /usr/local/pgsql/data/postgresql.conf

Ensure that timezone is set to UTC :: timezone = 'UTC'

Restart PostgreSQL to activate config changes, if the above was changed :: pg_ctl restart

Ubuntu 12.04 (Precise)

Add PostgreSQL Apt repository Create the file /etc/apt/sources.list.d/pgdg.list: :: deb precise-pgdg main

Add the public key for the PostgreSQL Apt Repository: :: wget --quiet -O - | sudo apt-key add -

Install dependencies :: sudo apt-get install python-software-properties # needed for python2.6 sudo add-apt-repository ppa:fkrull/deadsnakes sudo apt-get update sudo apt-get install build-essential subversion libpq-dev python-virtualenv python-dev postgresql-9.3 postgresql-plperl-9.3 postgresql-contrib-9.3 postgresql-server-dev-9.3 rsync python2.6 python2.6-dev libxslt1-dev git-core mercurial rabbitmq-server

Modify postgresql config :: sudo editor /etc/postgresql/9.3/main/postgresql.conf

Ensure that timezone is set to UTC :: timezone = 'UTC'

Restart PostgreSQL to activate config changes, if the above was changed :: sudo /usr/sbin/service postgresql restart


Install EPEL repository :: rpm -ivh

Install PGDG repository :: rpm -ivh

Install Elastic Search repository :: rpm -ivh ''

Install Devtools 1.1 repository, needed for stackwalker :: wget -O /etc/yum.repos.d/devtools-1.1.repo

Install dependencies

As the root user: :: yum install postgresql93-server postgresql93-plperl postgresql93-contrib postgresql93-devel subversion make rsync subversion gcc-c++ python-devel python-pip mercurial git libxml2-devel libxslt-devel java-1.7.0-openjdk python-virtualenv npm devtoolset-1.1-gcc-c++ rabbitmq-server

Initialize and enable RabbitMQ on startup

As the root user: :: service rabbitmq-server initdb service rabbitmq-server start chkconfig rabbitmq-server on

Initialize and enable PostgreSQL on startup

As the root user: :: service postgresql-9.3 initdb service postgresql-9.3 start chkconfig postgresql-9.3 on

Modify postgresql config

As the root user: :: vi /var/lib/pgsql/9.3/data/postgresql.conf

Ensure that timezone is set to UTC :: timezone = 'UTC'

Restart PostgreSQL to activate config changes, if the above was changed

As the root user: :: service postgresql-9.3 restart

Download and install Socorro

Clone from github :: git clone

By default, you will be tracking the latest development release. If you would like to use a stable release, determine latest release tag from our release: :: git checkout $LATEST_RELEASE_TAG

Setting up environment To run and hack on Socorro apps, you will need:

  1. all dependencies installed from requirements/{prod,dev}.txt
  2. to have your PYTHONPATH set to the location of the socorro checkout

Socorro can install the dependencies into a virtualenv for you, then just activate it and set your PYTHONPATH :: export PATH=$PATH:/usr/pgsql-9.3/bin/ make bootstrap . socorro-virtualenv/bin/activate export PYTHONPATH=.

Or you can choose to manage the virtualenv yourself, perhaps using virtualenwrapper or similar.

Add a new superuser account to PostgreSQL

Create a superuser account for yourself, and one for running tests: As the root user: :: su - postgres -c "createuser -s $USER"

For running unit tests, you'll want a test user as well (make sure to remove this for production installs): :: psql template1 -c "create user test with password 'aPassword' superuser"

Allow local connections for PostgreSQL

By default, PostgreSQL will not allow your install to log in as different users, which you will need to be able to do.

Client authentication is controlled in the pg_hba.conf file, see

At minimum, you'll want to allow md5 passwords to be used over the local network connections.

As the root user, edit /var/lib/pgsql/9.3/data/pg_hba.conf: :: # IPv4 local connections: host all all md5 # IPv6 local connections: host all all ::1/128 md5

NOTE Make sure to read and understand the pg_hba.conf documentation before running a production server.

Restart PostgreSQL As the root user: :: service postgresql-9.3 restart

Load default roles for PostgreSQL

Before running tests, ensure that all expected roles and passwords are present: :: psql -f sql/roles.sql postgres

Run unit/functional tests

From inside the Socorro checkout :: make test

Install stackwalker This is the binary which processes breakpad crash dumps into stack traces. You must build it with GCC 4.6 or above.

If you are using RHEL/CentOS and installed GCC from the devtoolset repo (per the installation instructions), make sure to "activate" it: :: scl enable devtoolset-1.1 bash

Then compile breakpad and the stackwalker binary: :: make breakpad stackwalker

Populate PostgreSQL Database Load the Socorro schema -------------------

Run to create the breakpad database and load the schema: :: ./socorro/external/postgresql/ --database_name=breakpad --database_superusername=$USER

IMPORTANT NOTE - many reports use the reports_clean_done() stored procedure to check that reports exist for the last UTC hour of the day being processed, as a way to catch problems. If your crash volume does not guarantee one crash per hour, you may want to modify this function in socorro/external/postgresql/raw_sql/procs/reports_clean_done.sql and reload the schema :

./socorro/external/postgresql/ --database_name=breakpad --dropdb --database_superusername=$USER

If you want to hack on Socorro, or just see what a functional system looks like, you also have the option to generate and populate the DB with synthetic test data :: ./socorro/external/postgresql/ --database_name=breakpad --fakedata --dropdb --database_superusername=$USER

Create partitioned reports* tables

Socorro uses PostgreSQL partitions for the reports table, which must be created on a weekly basis.

Normally this is handled automatically by the cronjob scheduler crontabber-chapter but can be run as a one-off: :: python socorro/cron/ --job=weekly-reports-partitions --force

Run socorro in dev mode

Copy default config files :: cp config/alembic.ini-dist config/alembic.ini cp config/collector.ini-dist config/collector.ini cp config/processor.ini-dist config/processor.ini cp config/middleware.ini-dist config/middleware.ini

You may need to edit these config files - for example collector (which is generally a public service) might need listen on the correct IP address. By default they listen on localhost only.

Run Socorro servers - NOTE you should use different terminals for each, perhaps in a screen session :: python socorro/collector/ --admin.conf=./config/collector.ini python socorro/processor/ --admin.conf=./config/processor.ini python socorro/middleware/ --admin.conf=config/middleware.ini

If you want to modify something that is common across config files like PostgreSQL username/hostname/etc, make sure to see config/common_database.ini-dist and the "+include" line in the service-specific config files (such as collector.ini and processor.ini). This is optional but recommended.

Run webapp-django in dev mode

All of these commands are run inside the ./webapp-django dir: :: cd webapp-django

Edit crashstats/settings/ to point at your local middleware server: :: MWARE_BASE_URL = 'http://localhost:8883'

Ensure that the "less" preprocessor is on your PATH: :: export PATH=node_modules/.bin/:$PATH

Start the Django server in dev mode: :: ./ runserver

This will run the server on localhost port 8000, if you need to run it on an external IP instead you can specify it: :: ./ runserver

System Test

Generate a test crash:

  1. Install add-on for Firefox
  2. Point your Firefox install at http://crash-reports:8882/submit


If you already have a crash available and wish to submit it, you can use the standalone submitter tool (assuming the JSON and dump files for your crash are in the "./crashes" directory) :: python socorro/collector/ -u http://crash-reports:8882/submit -s ./crashes/

You should get a "CrashID" returned.

Attempt to pull up the newly inserted crash: http://crash-stats:8000/report/index/YOUR_CRASH_ID_GOES_HERE

Production install (RHEL/CentOS)

The only supported production configuration for Socorro right now is RHEL (CentOS or other clones should work as well) but it should be fairly straightforward to get going on any OS or Linux distribution, assuming you know how to add users, install services and get WSGI running in your web server (we recommend Apache with mod_wsgi at this time).

Install production dependencies

As the root user: :: yum install httpd mod_wsgi memcached daemonize mod_ssl

Automatically run Apache and Memcached on startup

As the root user: :: chkconfig httpd on chkconfig memcached on

Set up directories and permissions

As the root user: :: mkdir /etc/socorro mkdir /var/log/socorro mkdir -p /data/socorro useradd socorro chown socorro:socorro /var/log/socorro mkdir /home/socorro/primaryCrashStore /home/socorro/fallback /home/socorro/persistent chown apache /home/socorro/primaryCrashStore /home/socorro/fallback chmod 2775 /home/socorro/primaryCrashStore /home/socorro/fallback

Ensure that the user doing installs owns the install dir: :: su -c "chown $USER /data/socorro"

Install socorro From inside the Socorro checkout (as the user that owns /data/socorro): :: make install

By default, this installs files to /data/socorro. You can change this by specifying the PREFIX: :: make install PREFIX=/usr/local/socorro

However if you do change this default, then make sure this is reflected in all files in /etc/socorro and also the WSGI files (described below).

Install configuration to system directory From inside the Socorro checkout, as the root user :: cp config/*.ini-dist /etc/socorro

Make sure the copy each .ini-dist file to.ini and configure it.

It is highly recommended that you customize the files to change default passwords, and include the common*.ini files rather than specifying the default password in each config file.

Install Socorro cron job manager Socorro's cron jobs are managed by crontabber-chapter.

crontabber-chapter runs every 5 minutes from the system crontab.

Socorro ships an RC file, intended for use by cron jobs. This contains common configuration like the path to the Socorro install, and some convenience functions.

From inside the Socorro checkout, as the root user :: cp scripts/crons/socorrorc /etc/socorro/

edit /etc/cron.d/socorro :: /5 * * * socorro /data/socorro/application/scripts/crons/

Start daemons

The processor daemon must be running. You can find startup scripts for RHEL/CentOS in:

Copy this into /etc/init.d and enable on boot:

From inside the Socorro checkout, as the root user :: cp scripts/init.d/socorro-processor /etc/init.d/ chkconfig --add socorro-processor chkconfig socorro-processor on service socorro-processor start

Web Services

Socorro requires three web services. If you are using Apache, the recommended configuration is to run these on separate subdomains as Apache Virtual Hosts:

  • crash-stats - the web UI for viewing crash reports (Django)
  • socorro-api - the "middleware" used by the web UI
  • crash-reports - the "collector" receives reports from crashing clients

    via HTTP POST

Ensure that crash-stats is pointing to the local socorro-api server, and also that dev/debug/etc. options are disabled. edit /data/socorro/webapp-django/crashstats/settings/ :: MWARE_BASE_URL = 'http://localhost/bpapi' MWARE_HTTP_HOST = 'socorro-api' DATABASES = { # adjust the postgres example for your install } DEBUG = TEMPLATE_DEBUG = False DEV = False COMPRESS_OFFLINE = True SECRET_KEY = '' # set this to something unique

Allow Django to create the database tables it needs for managing sessions: :: /data/socorro/webapp-django/ syncdb --noinput

Copy the example Apache config into place from the Socorro checkout as the root user: :: cp config/apache.conf-dist /etc/httpd/conf.d/socorro.conf

Make sure to customize /etc/httpd/conf.d/socorro.conf and restart Apache when finished, as the root user: :: service httpd restart

Troubleshooting Socorro leaves logs in /var/log/socorro which is a good place to check for crontabber and backend services like processor.

Socorro supports syslog and raven for application-level logging of all services (including web services).

If web services are not starting up, /var/log/httpd is a good place to look.