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File metadata and controls

171 lines (123 loc) · 6.34 KB
.. index:: monitor


Monitor is a multithreaded application with several mandates. It's main job is to find new JSON/dump pairs and queue them for further processing. It looks for new JSON/dump pairs in the file system location designated by the constant storageRoot from the :ref:`commonconfig-chapter` file. Once it finds a pair, it queues them as a "job" in the database 'jobs' table and assigns it to a specific processor. Once queued, the monitor goes on to find other new jobs to queue.

Monitor also locates and queues priority jobs. If a user requests a report via the :ref:`reporter-chapter` and that crash report has not yet been processed, the :ref:`reporter-chapter` puts the requested crash's UUID into the database's 'priorityjobs' table. Monitor looks in three places for the requested job:

  • the processors - if monitor finds the job already assigned to a processor, it raises the priority of that job so the processor will do it quickly
  • the storageRoot file system - if the job is found here, it queues it for priority processing immediately rather than waiting for standard mechanism to eventually find it
  • the deferredStorageRoot file system - if the requested crash was filtered out by server side throttling, monitor will find it and queue it immediately from that location.

Monitor is also responsible for keeping the StandardJobStorage file system neat and tidy. It monitors the 'jobs' queue in the database. Once it sees that a previously queued job has been completed, it moves the JSON/dump pairs to long term storage or it deletes them (based on a configuration setting). Jobs that fail their further processing stage are also either saved in a "failed" storage area or deleted.

Monitor is a command line application meant to be run continuously as a daemon. It can log its actions to stderr and/or to automatically rotating log files. See the configuration options below beginning with stderr* and logFile* for more information.

The monitor app is found as .../scripts/ In order to run monitor, the socorro package must be visible somewhere on the python path.


Monitor, like all the Socorro applications, uses the common configuration for several of its constants. For setup of common configuration, see :ref:`commonconfig-chapter`.

monitor also has an executable configuration file of its own. A sample file is found at .../scripts/config/ Copy this file to .../scripts/config/ and edit it for site specific settings.

In each case where a site specific value is desired, replace the value for the .default member.


Monitor has to scan the StandardJobStorage looking for jobs. This value represents the delay between scans.:

standardLoopDelay = cm.Option()
standardLoopDelay.doc = 'the time between scans for jobs (HHH:MM:SS)'
standardLoopDelay.default = '00:05:00'
standardLoopDelay.fromStringConverter = cm.timeDeltaConverter


Monitor archives or deletes JSON/dump pairs from the StandardJobStorageThis? value represents the delay between runs of the archive/delete routines.:

cleanupJobsLoopDelay = cm.Option()
cleanupJobsLoopDelay.doc = 'the time between runs of the job clean up routines (HHH:MM:SS)'
cleanupJobsLoopDelay.default = '00:05:00'
cleanupJobsLoopDelay.fromStringConverter = cm.timeDeltaConverter


The frequency to look for priority jobs.:

priorityLoopDelay = cm.Option()
priorityLoopDelay.doc = 'the time between checks for priority jobs (HHH:MM:SS)'
priorityLoopDelay.default = '00:01:00'
priorityLoopDelay.fromStringConverter = cm.timeDeltaConverter


saveSuccessfulMinidumpsTo = cm.Option()
saveSuccessfulMinidumpsTo.doc = 'the location for saving successfully processed dumps (leave blank to delete them instead)'
saveSuccessfulMinidumpsTo.default = '/tmp/socorro-sucessful'


saveFailedMinidumpsTo = cm.Option()
saveFailedMinidumpsTo.doc = 'the location for saving dumps that failed processing (leave blank to delete them instead)'
saveSuccessfulMinidumpsTo.default = '/tmp/socorro-failed'


Monitor can log its actions to a set of automatically rotating log files. This is the name and location of the logs.:

logFilePathname = cm.Option()
logFilePathname.doc = 'full pathname for the log file'
logFilePathname.default = './monitor.log'


This is the maximum size in bytes allowed for a log file. Once this number is achieved, the logs rotate and a new log is started.:

logFileMaximumSize = cm.Option()
logFileMaximumSize.doc = 'maximum size in bytes of the log file'
logFileMaximumSize.default = 1000000


The maximum number of log files to keep.:

logFileMaximumBackupHistory = cm.Option()
logFileMaximumBackupHistory.doc = 'maximum number of log files to keep'
logFileMaximumBackupHistory.default = 50


A Python format string that controls the format of individual lines in the logs:

logFileLineFormatString = cm.Option()
logFileLineFormatString.doc = 'python logging system format for log file entries'
logFileLineFormatString.default = '%(asctime)s %(levelname)s - %(message)s'


Logging is done in severity levels - the lower the number, the more verbose the logs.:

logFileErrorLoggingLevel = cm.Option()
logFileErrorLoggingLevel.doc = 'logging level for the log file (10 - DEBUG, 20 - INFO, 30 - WARNING, 40 - ERROR, 50 - CRITICAL)'
logFileErrorLoggingLevel.default = 10


In parallel with creating log files, Monitor can log to stderr. This is a Python format string that controls the format of individual lines sent to stderr.:

stderrLineFormatString = cm.Option()
stderrLineFormatString.doc = 'python logging system format for logging to stderr'
stderrLineFormatString.default = '%(asctime)s %(levelname)s - %(message)s'


Logging to stderr is done in severity levels independently from the log file severity levels - the lower the number, the more verbose the output to stderr.:

stderrErrorLoggingLevel = cm.Option()
stderrErrorLoggingLevel.doc = 'logging level for the logging to stderr (10 - DEBUG, 20 - INFO, 30 - WARNING, 40 - ERROR, 50 - CRITICAL)'
stderrErrorLoggingLevel.default = 40