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.. index:: middleware

Middleware API

API map

New-style, documented services

Old-style, undocumented services

See source code in .../socorro/services/ for more details.

  • /adu/byday
  • /adu/byday/details
  • /bugs/by/signatures
  • /crash
  • /current/versions
  • /email
  • /emailcampaigns/campaign
  • /emailcampaigns/campaigns/page
  • /emailcampaigns/create
  • /emailcampaigns/subscription
  • /emailcampaigns/volume
  • /reports/hang
  • /schedule/priority/job
  • /topcrash/sig/trend/history
  • /topcrash/sig/trend/rank

Crashes Comments

Return a list of comments on crash reports, filtered by signatures and other fields.

API specifications

HTTP method GET
URL schema /crashes/comments/(parameters)
Full URL /crashes/comments/signature/(signature)/products/(products)/from/(from_date)/to/(to_date)/versions/(versions)/os/(os_name)/branches/(branches)/reasons/(crash_reason)/build_ids/(build_ids)/build_from/(build_from)/build_to/(build_to)/report_process/(report_process)/report_type/(report_type)/plugin_in/(plugin_in)/plugin_search_mode/(plugin_search_mode)/plugin_terms/(plugin_terms)/
Example http://socorro-api/bpapi/crashes/comments/signature/SocketSend/products/Firefox/versions/Firefox:4.0.1/from/2011-05-01/to/2011-05-05/os/Windows/

Mandatory parameters

Name Type of value Default value Description
signature String None Signature of crash reports to get.

Optional parameters

Name Type of value Default value Description
products String or list of strings 'Firefox' The product we are interested in. (e.g. Firefox, Fennec, Thunderbird… )
from Date Now - 7 days Search for crashes that happened after this date. Can use the following formats: 'yyyy-MM-dd', 'yyyy-MM-dd HH:ii:ss' or 'yyyy-MM-dd HH:ii:ss.S'.
to Date Now Search for crashes that happened before this date. Can use the following formats: 'yyyy-MM-dd', 'yyyy-MM-dd HH:ii:ss' or 'yyyy-MM-dd HH:ii:ss.S'.
versions String or list of strings None Restring to a specific version of the product. Several versions can be specified, separated by a + symbol.
os String or list of strings None Restrict to an Operating System. (e.g. Windows, Mac, Linux… ) Several versions can be specified, separated by a + symbol.
branches String or list of strings None Restrict to a branch of the product. Several branches can be specified, separated by a + symbol.
reasons String or list of strings None Restricts search to crashes caused by this reason.
build_ids Integer or list of integers None Restricts search to crashes that happened on a product with this build ID.
build_from Integer or list of integers None Restricts search to crashes with a build id greater than this.
build_to Integer or list of integers None Restricts search to crashes with a build id lower than this.
report_process String 'any' Can be 'any', 'browser' or 'plugin'.
report_type String 'any' Can be 'any', 'crash' or 'hang'.
plugin_in String or list of strings 'name' Search for a plugin in this field. 'report_process' has to be set to 'plugin'.
plugin_search_mode String 'default' How to search for this plugin. report_process has to be set to plugin. Can be either 'default', 'is_exactly', 'contains' or 'starts_with'.
plugin_terms String or list of strings None Terms to search for. Several terms can be specified, separated by a + symbol. report_process has to be set to plugin.

Return value

In normal cases, return something like this:

    "hits": [
            "date_processed": "2011-03-16 06:54:56.385843",
            "uuid": "06a0c9b5-0381-42ce-855a-ccaaa2120116",
            "user_comments": "My firefox is crashing in an awesome way",
            "email": ""
            "date_processed": "2011-03-16 06:54:56.385843",
            "uuid": "06a0c9b5-0381-42ce-855a-ccaaa2120116",
            "user_comments": "I <3 Firefox crashes!",
            "email": ""
    "total": 2

If no signature is passed as a parameter, return null.

Crashes Paireduuid

Return paired uuid given a uuid and an optional hangid.

API specifications

HTTP method GET
URL schema /crashes/paireduuid/(optional_parameters)
Full URL /crashes/paireduuid/uuid/(uuid)/hangid/(hangid)/
Example http://socorro-api/bpapi/crashes/paireduuid/uuid/e8820616-1462-49b6-9784-e99a32120201/

Mandatory parameters

Name Type of value Description
uuid String Unique identifier of the crash report.

Optional parameters

Name Type of value Default value Description
hangid String None Hang ID of the crash report.

Return value

Return an object like the following:

    "hits": [
            "uuid": "e8820616-1462-49b6-9784-e99a32120201"
    "total": 1

Note that if a hangid is passed to the service, it will always return maximum one result. Remove that hangid to get all paired uuid.

Crashes Signatures

Return top crashers by signatures.

API specifications

HTTP method GET
URL schema /crashes/signatures/(optional_parameters)
Full URL /crashes/signatures/product/(product)/version/(version)/to_from/(to_date)/ duration/(number_of_days)/crash_type/(crash_type)/limit/(number_of_results)/ os/(operating_system)/
Example http://socorro-api/bpapi/crashes/signatures/product/Firefox/version/9.0a1/

Mandatory parameters

Name Type of value Description
product String Product for which to get top crashes by signatures.
version String Version of the product for which to get top crashes.

Optional parameters

Name Type of value Default value Description
crash_type String all Type of crashes to get, can be "browser", "plugin", "content" or "all".
end_date Date Now Date before which to get top crashes.
duration Int One week Number of hours during which to get crashes.
os String None Limit crashes to only one OS.
limit Int 100 Number of results to retrieve.

Return value

Return an object like the following:

    "totalPercentage": 0.9999999999999994,
    "end_date": "2011-12-08 00:00:00",
    "start_date": "2011-12-07 17:00:00",
    "crashes": [
            "count": 3,
            "mac_count": 3,
            "changeInRank": 11,
            "currentRank": 0,
            "previousRank": 11,
            "percentOfTotal": 0.142857142857143,
            "win_count": 0,
            "changeInPercentOfTotal": 0.117857142857143,
            "linux_count": 0,
            "hang_count": 0,
            "signature": "objc_msgSend | __CFXNotificationPost",
            "previousPercentOfTotal": 0.025,
            "plugin_count": 0
    "totalNumberOfCrashes": 1


Return a list of extensions associated with a crash's UUID.

API specifications

HTTP method GET
URL schema /extensions/(optional_parameters)
Full URL /extensions/uuid/(uuid)/date/(crash_date)/
Example http://socorro-api/bpapi/extensions/uuid/xxxx-xxxx-xxxx/date/2012-02-29T01:23:45+00:00/

Mandatory parameters

Name Type of value Default value Description
uuid String None Unique Identifier of the specific crash to get extensions from.
date Datetime None Exact datetime of the crash.

Optional parameters


Return value

Return a list of extensions:

    "total": 1,
    "hits": [
            "report_id": 1234,
            "date_processed": "2012-02-29T01:23:45+00:00",
            "extension_key": 5678,
            "extension_id": "",
            "extension_version": "1.2"

Products Builds

Return information about nightly builds of one or several products.

API specifications

HTTP method GET
URL schema /products/builds/(optional_parameters)
Full URL /products/builds/product/(product)/version/(version)/date_from/(date_from)/
Example http://socorro-api/bpapi/products/builds/product/Firefox/version/9.0a1/

Mandatory parameters

Name Type of value Default value Description
product String None Product for which to get nightly builds.

Optional parameters

Name Type of value Default value Description
version String None Version of the product for which to get nightly builds.
from_date Date Now - 7 days Date from which to get nightly builds.

Return value

Return an array of objects:

        "product": "string",
        "version": "string",
        "platform": "string",
        "buildid": "integer",
        "build_type": "string",
        "beta_number": "string",
        "repository": "string",
        "date": "string"

Products Versions

Return information about product(s) and version(s) passed to the service.

API specifications

HTTP method GET
URL schema /products/(.*)
Full URL /products/versions/(versions)/
Example http://socorro-api/bpapi/products/versions/Firefox:9.0a1/

Mandatory parameters

Name Type of value Default value Description
versions String or list of strings None Several product:version strings can be specified, separated by a + symbol.

Return value

Return an object with an array of results labeled as hits and a total:

    "hits": [
            "is_featured": boolean,
            "throttle": float,
            "end_date": "string",
            "start_date": "integer",
            "build_type": "string",
            "product": "string",
            "version": "string"
    "total": 1


Search for crashes according to a large number of parameters and return a list of crashes or a list of distinct signatures.

API specifications

HTTP method GET
URL schema /search/(data_type)/(optional_parameters)
Full URL /search/(data_type)/for/(terms)/products/(products)/from/(from_date)/to/(to_date)/in/(fields)/versions/(versions)/os/(os_name)/branches/(branches)/search_mode/(search_mode)/reasons/(crash_reasons)/build_ids/(build_ids)/build_from/(build_from)/build_to/(build_to)/report_process/(report_process)/report_type/(report_type)/plugin_in/(plugin_in)/plugin_search_mode/(plugin_search_mode)/plugin_terms/(plugin_terms)/result_number/(number)/result_offset/(offset)/
Example http://socorro-api/bpapi/search/crashes/for/

Mandatory parameters

Name Type of value Default value Description
data_type String 'signatures' Type of data we are looking for. Can be 'crashes' or 'signatures'.

Optional parameters

Name Type of value Default value Description
for String or list of strings None Terms we are searching for. Each term must be URL encoded. Several terms can be specified, separated by a + symbol.
products String or list of strings 'Firefox' The product we are interested in. (e.g. Firefox, Fennec, Thunderbird… )
from Date Now - 7 days Search for crashes that happened after this date. Can use the following formats: 'yyyy-MM-dd', 'yyyy-MM-dd HH:ii:ss' or 'yyyy-MM-dd HH:ii:ss.S'.
to Date Now Search for crashes that happened before this date. Can use the following formats: 'yyyy-MM-dd', 'yyyy-MM-dd HH:ii:ss' or 'yyyy-MM-dd HH:ii:ss.S'.
in String or list of strings All Fields we are searching in. Several fields can be specified, separated by a + symbol. This is NOT implemented for PostgreSQL.
versions String or list of strings None Restring to a specific version of the product. Several versions can be specified, separated by a + symbol.
os String or list of strings None Restrict to an Operating System. (e.g. Windows, Mac, Linux… ) Several versions can be specified, separated by a + symbol.
branches String or list of strings None Restrict to a branch of the product. Several branches can be specified, separated by a + symbol.
search_mode String 'default' Set how to search. Can be either 'default', 'is_exactly', 'contains' or 'starts_with'.
reasons String or list of strings None Restricts search to crashes caused by this reason.
build_ids Integer or list of integers None Restricts search to crashes that happened on a product with this build ID.
build_from Integer or list of integers None Restricts search to crashes with a build id greater than this.
build_to Integer or list of integers None Restricts search to crashes with a build id lower than this.
report_process String 'any' Can be 'any', 'browser' or 'plugin'.
report_type String 'any' Can be 'any', 'crash' or 'hang'.
plugin_in String or list of strings 'name' Search for a plugin in this field. 'report_process' has to be set to 'plugin'.
plugin_search_mode String 'default' How to search for this plugin. report_process has to be set to plugin. Can be either 'default', 'is_exactly', 'contains' or 'starts_with'.
plugin_terms String or list of strings None Terms to search for. Several terms can be specified, separated by a + symbol. report_process has to be set to plugin.
result_number Integer 100 Number of results to return.
result_offset Integer 0 Offset of the first result to return.

Return value

If data_type is crashes, return value looks like:

    "hits": [
            "count": 1,
            "signature": "arena_dalloc_small | arena_dalloc | free | CloseDir",
            "count": 1,
            "signature": "XPCWrappedNativeScope::TraceJS(JSTracer*, XPCJSRuntime*)",
            "is_solaris": 0,
            "is_linux": 0,
            "numplugin": 0,
            "is_windows": 0,
            "is_mac": 0,
            "numhang": 0
    "total": 2

If data_type is signatures, return value looks like:

    "hits": [
            "client_crash_date": "2011-03-16 13:55:10.0",
            "dump": "...",
            "signature": "arena_dalloc_small | arena_dalloc | free | CloseDir",
            "process_type": null,
            "id": 231224257,
            "hangid": null,
            "version": "4.0b13pre",
            "build": "20110314162350",
            "product": "Firefox",
            "os_name": "Mac OS X",
            "date_processed": "2011-03-16 06:54:56.385843",
            "reason": "EXC_BAD_ACCESS / KERN_INVALID_ADDRESS",
            "address": "0x1d3aff03",
            "...": "..."
    "total": 1

If an error occured, the API will return something like this:

Well, for the moment it doesn't return anything but an Internal Error
HTTP header... We will improve that soon! :)

List Report

Return a list of crash reports with a specified signature and filtered by a wide range of options.

API specifications

HTTP method GET
URL schema /report/list/(parameters)
Full URL /report/list/signature/(signature)/products/(products)/from/(from_date)/to/(to_date)/versions/(versions)/os/(os_name)/branches/(branches)/reasons/(crash_reason)/build_ids/(build_ids)/build_from/(build_from)/build_to/(build_to)/report_process/(report_process)/report_type/(report_type)/plugin_in/(plugin_in)/plugin_search_mode/(plugin_search_mode)/plugin_terms/(plugin_terms)/
Example http://socorro-api/bpapi/report/list/signature/SocketSend/products/Firefox/versions/Firefox:4.0.1/from/2011-05-01/to/2011-05-05/os/Windows/

Mandatory parameters

Name Type of value Default value Description
signature String None Signature of crash reports to get.

Optional parameters

Name Type of value Default value Description
products String or list of strings 'Firefox' The product we are interested in. (e.g. Firefox, Fennec, Thunderbird… )
from Date Now - 7 days Search for crashes that happened after this date. Can use the following formats: 'yyyy-MM-dd', 'yyyy-MM-dd HH:ii:ss' or 'yyyy-MM-dd HH:ii:ss.S'.
to Date Now Search for crashes that happened before this date. Can use the following formats: 'yyyy-MM-dd', 'yyyy-MM-dd HH:ii:ss' or 'yyyy-MM-dd HH:ii:ss.S'.
versions String or list of strings None Restring to a specific version of the product. Several versions can be specified, separated by a + symbol.
os String or list of strings None Restrict to an Operating System. (e.g. Windows, Mac, Linux… ) Several versions can be specified, separated by a + symbol.
branches String or list of strings None Restrict to a branch of the product. Several branches can be specified, separated by a + symbol.
reasons String or list of strings None Restricts search to crashes caused by this reason.
build_ids Integer or list of integers None Restricts search to crashes that happened on a product with this build ID.
build_from Integer or list of integers None Restricts search to crashes with a build id greater than this.
build_to Integer or list of integers None Restricts search to crashes with a build id lower than this.
report_process String 'any' Can be 'any', 'browser' or 'plugin'.
report_type String 'any' Can be 'any', 'crash' or 'hang'.
plugin_in String or list of strings 'name' Search for a plugin in this field. 'report_process' has to be set to 'plugin'.
plugin_search_mode String 'default' How to search for this plugin. report_process has to be set to plugin. Can be either 'default', 'is_exactly', 'contains' or 'starts_with'.
plugin_terms String or list of strings None Terms to search for. Several terms can be specified, separated by a + symbol. report_process has to be set to plugin.
result_number Integer 100 Number of results to return.
result_offset Integer 0 Offset of the first result to return.

Return value

In normal cases, return something like this:

    "hits": [
            "client_crash_date": "2011-03-16 13:55:10.0",
            "dump": "...",
            "signature": "arena_dalloc_small | arena_dalloc | free | CloseDir",
            "process_type": null,
            "id": 231224257,
            "hangid": null,
            "version": "4.0b13pre",
            "build": "20110314162350",
            "product": "Firefox",
            "os_name": "Mac OS X",
            "date_processed": "2011-03-16 06:54:56.385843",
            "reason": "EXC_BAD_ACCESS / KERN_INVALID_ADDRESS",
            "address": "0x1d3aff03",
            "...": "..."
            "client_crash_date": "2011-03-16 11:35:37.0",
            "...": "..."
    "total": 2

If signature is empty or nonexistent, raise a BadRequest error.

If another error occured, the API will return a 500 Internal Error HTTP header.

Versions Info

Return information about one or several couples product:version.

API specifications

HTTP method GET
URL schema /util/versions_info/(optional_parameters)
Full URL /util/versions_info/versions/(versions)/
Example http://socorro-api/bpapi/util/versions_info/versions/Firefox:9.0a1+Fennec:7.0/

Mandatory parameters


Optional parameters

Name Type of value Default value Description
versions String or list of strings None Product:Versions couples for which information is asked.

Return value

If parameter versions is unvalid, return value is None. Otherwise it looks like this:

    "product_name:version_string": {
        "version_string": "string",
        "product_name": "string",
        "major_version": "string" or None,
        "release_channel": "string" or None,
        "build_id": [list, of, decimals] or None

Forcing an implementation

For debuging reasons, you can add a parameter to force the API to use a specific implementation module. That module must be inside socorro.external and contain the needed service implementation.

Name Type of value Default value Description
force_api_impl String None Force the service to use a specific module.

For example, if you want to force search to be executed with ElasticSearch, you can add to the middleware call force_api_impl/elasticsearch/. If socorro.external.elasticsearch exists and contains a search module, it will get loaded and used.