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Jenkins plugin for managing a Testdroid device session with Marionette enabled


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Testdroid Marionette Plugin Build Status

This Jenkins plugin provisions a Firefox OS device via Testdroid.

Source code

The source code for this plugin is available here.

How to build

Use mvn clean package to build the plugin for deployment.

How to install

Navigate to the 'Advanced' tab in the Jenkins Plugin Manager, and use the 'Upload Plugin' section to select the testdroid-marionette.hpi file created using the build instructions above. If the plugin was already present then a restart of Jenkins may be required.

Upload plugin

Global Configuration

The plugin must first be configured in the system configuration. Here you can provide the Testdroid API endpoint, your username, and your password:

Global configuration

You can also provide advanced options such as the maximum session duration, how long to wait for a device to be flashed, how many attempts to flash a device before failing the build, and to skip flashing if a device is found with the target build:

Advanced global configuration

Job Configuration

To get a job to provision a device, check the 'Testdroid device session' checkbox under 'Build Environment' in the job configuration page. Here you will specify the URL to the build you want to flash, the amount of memory to allocate on the device, and any device filters:

Job configuration

Build URL

This is required, and should point to the zip file containing the build you want to flash.

Throttle memory

Leave the default of 0 if you don't want to throttle memory, otherwise this is the amount of memory (in MB) that you want to allocate on the device.

Device filters

These allow you to filter devices based on the labels associated with them in the Testdroid console. For example, if you have a device group named 'SIMs' with values indicating the number of active SIM cards in the device, you may configure your filter as shown below:

Device filter configuration

Flash project

An advanced option that allows you to specify and alternative flash project. This should match a project that exists in the Testdroid console.

How it works

When activated, the plugin will authenticate with Testdroid at the start of each build and request a device session. If an available device matches the filters and build it will be selected and a session will be started. If there are devices that match the filter but not the build, then the URL will be used to flash one of the matched devices. After this, the plugin will search again for a match and start a session. If no devices are matched then the plugin will retry according to the global configuration, before eventually failing the build.

Once a session is created, several environment variables will be injected into the build. These allow your build steps to communicate with the device:

  • ANDROID_SERIAL - Device serial identifier for use with ADB.
  • ADB_HOST - Host that the ADB server is running on.
  • ADB_PORT - Port that the ADB server is running on.
  • DEVICE_DATA - Path to device data file.
  • MARIONETTE_HOST - Host that the Marionette server is running on.
  • MARIONETTE_PORT - Port that the Marionette server is running on.
  • MARIONETTE_FORWARD_HOST - Internal host that the Marionette connection is forwarded to.
  • MARIONETTE_FORWARD_PORT - Internal port that the Marionette connection is forwarded to.
  • SESSION_ID - Testdroid session identifier.

Device data

The device data file is a JSON file containing the label groups and values as specified for the selected device in the Testdroid console. The DEVICE_DATA environment variable contains the path to this file.

Android debug bridge (ADB)

ADB is a command line tool that allows you to run commands on an attached device. Each session will provide the ADB_HOST and ADB_PORT environment variables, which you can use for the -H and -P arguments to connect ADB to a remote server. The device's serial is stored in ANDROID_SERIAL, which you can use for the -s argument to target the specific device. More information on ADB can be found here.


Marionette is a automation tool for Firefox, which allows you to remotely control a Firefox instance. Each session provides MARIONETTE_HOST and MARIONETTE_PORT, which can be used to connect to the remote instance and start a Marionette session. More information on Marionette can be found here.


The console logs and Jenkins logs can be useful when investigating issues with the plugin. If Testdroid is experiencing issues when attempting to flash devices then additional log files will be written to the workspace. These will have the name flash-[id].log where [id] is the unique project run identifier. You can also use the Testdroid web console to assist with investigating failures.


Jenkins plugin for managing a Testdroid device session with Marionette enabled








Contributors 4
