try a custom solution using ScrollMagic and GSAP or Animate On Scroll by Michal Sajnóg
Plugin Name: jQuery Animation Scroll Plugin
Plugin Description: animate-scroll is a mobile friendly viewport triggered animation plugin for jQuery using greensock.
Copyright (C) 2014 Jason Paul Lusk (
Author: Jason Lusk
Author URI:
jQuery.js v1.10.1+ from
TweenMax.js 1.10.2+, TimelineMax.js v1.10.2+, EasePack.js v1.9.3+ from
bower i mpalpha/animate-scroll
Available Options | Default value | Description |
transformPerspective | 1000 | Parent transform perspective |
lazyLoad | false | Lazy load images (experimental) |
animateAll | false | Animate elements outside of viewport? |
reverse | true | Allow elements reverse animation state? |
transformOrigin | '50% 50%' | Transform origin X/Y position |
x | 0 | Horizontal offset in px |
y | 0 | Vertical offset in px |
scaleX | 1 | Scale X position |
scaleY | 1 | Scale Y position |
rotation | 0 | Rotation in degrees |
rotationX | 0 | Rotation X position |
rotationY | 0 | Rotation X position |
alpha | 0.9 | Opacity from 0.0-1 |
delay | 0 | Animation delay |
z | 0.1 | Z position |
force3D | true | Force 3D hardware |
easingType | 'Back.easeInOut' | Animation easing type |
duration | 0.3 | Animation diration in seconds |
<p data-animate-scroll='{
"scaleX": "1.5",
"scaleY": "1.5",
"x": "-10",
"y": "-10",
"rotation": "-3",
"alpha": "1",
"easingType": "Cubic.easeOut",
"duration": "1"
Type | Example |
play | $('.my-animated-element').trigger('play'); |
reverse | $('.my-animated-element').trigger('reverse'); |
check | $('.my-animated-element').trigger('check'); |