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initial commits with new projects (derivation
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mpecchi committed May 4, 2024
1 parent 01f7446 commit 55cff2f
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Showing 3 changed files with 395 additions and 0 deletions.
345 changes: 345 additions & 0 deletions src/gcms_data_analysis/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,345 @@
from __future__ import annotations
from typing import Literal
import pathlib as plib
import pandas as pd

class Project:
Represents a project (identified by the folder where the data is stored)
for TGA data analysis.

def __init__(
folder_path: plib.Path | str,
name: str | None = None,
apply_semi_calibration: bool = True,
tanimoto_similarity_threshold: float = 0.4,
delta_mol_weight_threshold: int = 100,
file_load_skiprows: int = 8,
file_load_delimiter: Literal["\t", ",", ";"] = "\t",
file_load_format: Literal[".txt", ".csv"] = ".txt",
column_to_sort_values_in_samples: Literal[
"retention_time", "area", "height"
] = "retention_time",
plot_font: Literal["Dejavu Sans", "Times New Roman"] = "Dejavu Sans",
plot_grid: bool = False,
auto_save_reports: bool = True,
columns_to_rename_and_keep_in_files: dict[str, str] | None = None,
compounds_to_rename_in_files: dict[str, str] | None = None,
param_to_axis_label: dict[str, str] | None = None,
string_in_deriv_names: list[str] | None = None,
self.folder_path = plib.Path(folder_path)
self.out_path = plib.Path(self.folder_path, "output")
if name is None: =[-1]
else: = name
self.apply_semi_calibration = apply_semi_calibration
self.tanimoto_similarity_threshold = tanimoto_similarity_threshold
self.delta_mol_weight_threshold = delta_mol_weight_threshold
self.file_load_skiprows = file_load_skiprows
self.file_load_delimiter = file_load_delimiter
self.file_load_format = file_load_format
self.column_to_sort_values_in_samples = column_to_sort_values_in_samples
self.plot_font = plot_font
self.plot_grid = plot_grid
self.auto_save_reports = auto_save_reports

if columns_to_rename_and_keep_in_files is None:
self.columns_to_rename_and_keep_in_files = {
"Ret.Time": "retention_time",
"Height": "height",
"Area": "area",
"Name": "comp_name",
self.columns_to_rename_and_keep_in_files = (
if compounds_to_rename_in_files is None:
self.compounds_to_rename_in_files = {}
self.compounds_to_rename_in_files = compounds_to_rename_in_files
if param_to_axis_label is None:
self.param_to_axis_label = {
"height": "Peak Height [-]",
"area": "Peak Area [-]",
"area_if_undiluted": "Peak Area [-]",
"conc_vial_mg_L": "conc. [mg/L] (ppm)",
"conc_vial_if_undiluted_mg_L": "conc. [mg/L] (ppm)",
"fraction_of_sample_fr": "mass fraction [g/g$_{sample}$]",
"fraction_of_feedstock_fr": "mass fraction [g/g$_{feedstock}$]",
self.param_to_axis_label = param_to_axis_label
if string_in_deriv_names is None:
self.string_in_deriv_names = [
self.string_in_deriv_names = string_in_deriv_names
# this does not depend on initialization, static default
self.files_info_defauls_columns = [

self.files_info: pd.DataFrame | None = None
self.class_code_frac: pd.DataFrame | None = None
self.dict_classes_to_codes: dict[str, str] | None = None
self.dict_classes_to_mass_fractions: dict[str, float] | None = None

self.list_of_all_compounds: list[str] | None = None
self.compounds_properties: pd.DataFrame | None = None

self.deriv_list_of_all_compounds: list[str] | None = None
self.deriv_files_present: bool = False
self.deriv_is_calibrations: dict[str:bool] = {}
self.deriv_compounds_properties: pd.DataFrame | None = None
self.deriv_is_files: dict[str, bool] | None = None

self.samples_info: pd.DataFrame | None = None
self.samples_info_std: pd.DataFrame | None = None
self.samples: dict[str, pd.DataFrame] | None = None
self.samples_std: dict[str, pd.DataFrame] | None = None

self.list_of_files_param_reports = []
self.list_of_files_param_aggrreps = []
self.list_of_samples_param_reports = []
self.list_of_samples_param_aggrreps = []
self.files: dict[str, pd.DataFrame] = {}
self.calibrations: dict[str : pd.DataFrame] = {}
self.files_reports = {}
self.files_aggrreps = {}
self.samples_reports = {}
self.samples_reports_std = {}
self.samples_aggrreps = {}
self.samples_aggrreps_std = {}

self.columns_to_keep_in_files: list[str] = list(
self.acceptable_params: list[str] = list(self.param_to_axis_label.keys())

def load_files_info(self, update_saved_files_info: bool = True) -> pd.DataFrame:
""" """
files_info_path = plib.Path(self.folder_path, "files_info.xlsx")
if files_info_path.exists():
files_info = pd.read_excel(
files_info_path, engine="openpyxl", index_col="filename"
self.files_info = self._add_default_to_files_info(files_info)
print("Info: files_info loaded")
print("Info: files_info not found")
self.files_info = self.create_files_info()
if update_saved_files_info:
self.files_info.to_excel(plib.Path(self.folder_path, "files_info.xlsx"))
return self.files_info

def create_files_info(self, update_saved_files_info: bool = False) -> pd.DataFrame:
""" """
filename: list[str] = [[-1].split(".")[0] for a in list(self.folder_path.glob("**/*.txt"))
samplename = [f.split("_")[0] for f in filename]
replicatenumber = [int(f.split("_")[1]) for f in filename]
files_info_unsorted = pd.DataFrame(
"samplename": samplename,
"replicatenumber": replicatenumber,
files_info = files_info_unsorted.sort_index() = "filename"
self.files_info = self._add_default_to_files_info(files_info)
if update_saved_files_info:
self.files_info.to_excel(plib.Path(self.folder_path, "files_info.xlsx"))
return self.files_info

def _add_default_to_files_info(
self, files_info_no_defaults: pd.DataFrame
) -> pd.DataFrame:
""" """
if "derivatized" not in list(files_info_no_defaults):
files_info_no_defaults["derivatized"] = False
if "calibration_file" not in list(files_info_no_defaults):
files_info_no_defaults["calibration_file"] = False
for col in self.files_info_defauls_columns:
if col not in list(files_info_no_defaults):
files_info_no_defaults[col] = 1
return files_info_no_defaults

def create_samples_info(self):
"""Creates a summary 'samples_info' DataFrame from 'files_info',
aggregating data for each sample, and updates the 'samples_info'
attribute with this summarized data."""
if self.files_info is None:
_ = self.load_files_info()
self.samples_info = (
# self.samples_info.reset_index(inplace=True)
self.samples_info.set_index("samplename", drop=True, inplace=True)
print("Info: create_samples_info: samples_info created")
return self.samples_info

def load_all_files(self):
"""Loads all files listed in 'files_info' into a dictionary, where keys are
filenames. Each file is processed to clean and standardize data. It updates the
'files' attribute with data frames of file contents and 'is_files_deriv' with
derivative information. Marks 'files_loaded' as True after loading."""
print("Info: load_all_files: loop started")
if self.files_info is None:
for filename in self.files_info.index:
file = self.load_single_file(filename)
self.files[filename] = file
print("Info: load_all_files: files loaded")
return self.files

def load_single_file(self, filename) -> pd.DataFrame:
"""Loads a single GCMS file by its name, cleans, and processes the data according
to project settings (e.g., delimiter, columns to keep). It sums areas for duplicated
compound names and handles dilution factors. Updates the file's data with iupac names
and reorders columns. Logs the process and returns the cleaned DataFrame."""
file = pd.read_csv(
plib.Path(self.folder_path, filename + self.file_load_format),
columns_to_drop = [
cl for cl in file.columns if cl not in self.columns_to_keep_in_files
file.drop(columns_to_drop, axis=1, inplace=True)
self.columns_to_rename_and_keep_in_files, inplace=True, axis="columns"

file["comp_name"] = file["comp_name"].fillna("unidentified")
sum_areas_in_file = file.groupby("comp_name")["area"].sum()
# the first ret time is kept for each duplicated Name
file.drop_duplicates(subset="comp_name", keep="first", inplace=True)
file.set_index("comp_name", inplace=True) # set the cas as the index
file["area"] = sum_areas_in_file # used summed areas as areas

file["area_if_undiluted"] = (
file["area"] * self.files_info.loc[filename, "dilution_factor"]
file["iupac_name"] = "n.a."
new_cols_order = ["iupac_name"] + [
col for col in file.columns if col != "iupac_name"
file = file[new_cols_order] = filename
file.index = x: x.lower())
file.rename(self.compounds_to_rename_in_files, inplace=True)
print("\tInfo: load_single_file ", filename)
return file

def load_class_code_frac(self) -> pd.DataFrame:
""" """
class_code_frac_path = plib.Path(
self.folder_path, "classifications_codes_fractions.xlsx"
if class_code_frac_path.exists():
self.class_code_frac = pd.read_excel(class_code_frac_path)
raise FileNotFoundError(
'"classifications_codes_fractions.xlsx" not found in folder_path'
all_classes = self.class_code_frac.classes.tolist()
codes = # list of code for each class
mfs = self.class_code_frac.mfs.tolist() # list of mass fraction of each class
self.dict_classes_to_codes = dict(zip(all_classes, codes)) # dictionaries
self.dict_classes_to_mass_fractions = dict(
zip(all_classes, mfs)
) # dictionaries
return self.class_code_frac

def load_calibrations(self):
"""Loads calibration data from Excel files specified in the 'files_info' DataFrame,
handles missing files, and coerces non-numeric values to NaN in calibration data
columns. It ensures each calibration file is loaded once, updates the 'calibrations'
attribute with calibration data, and sets 'calibrations_loaded' and
'calibrations_not_present' flags based on the presence of calibration files."""
if self.files_info is None:

if any(self.files_info["calibration_file"]):
for cal_name in set(self.files_info["calibration_file"].tolist()):
cal_path = plib.Path(self.folder_path, cal_name + ".xlsx")
if cal_path.exists():
cal_file = pd.read_excel(cal_path, index_col=0)
raise FileNotFoundError(f"{cal_name=} not found in folder_path") = "comp_name"
cols_cal_area = [c for c in list(cal_file) if "Area" in c]
cols_cal_ppms = [c for c in list(cal_file) if "PPM" in c]
cal_file[cols_cal_area + cols_cal_ppms] = cal_file[
cols_cal_area + cols_cal_ppms
].apply(pd.to_numeric, errors="coerce")
self.calibrations[cal_name] = cal_file
return self.calibrations

def create_list_of_all_compounds(self):
"""Compiles a list of all unique compounds across all loaded files and calibrations,
only for underivatized compounds. It ensures all files
are loaded before compiling the list, excludes 'unidentified' compounds, and updates
the 'list_of_all_compounds' attribute. Logs completion and returns the list."""
if not self.files:
if not self.calibrations:
all_dfs_with_comps = []
for file in self.files.values():
for calib in self.calibrations.values():
# non-derivatized compounds
all_compounds: pd.DataFrame = pd.concat(all_dfs_with_comps)

set_of_all_compounds = pd.Index(all_compounds.index.unique())
# Using set comprehension to remove unwanted elements
filtered_compounds = {
compound.strip() # Remove leading/trailing spaces
for compound in set_of_all_compounds
if compound not in ["unidentified", None, False, "", " ", "''"]
# Converting the filtered set to a list
self.list_of_all_compounds = list(filtered_compounds)
print(f"Info: created {len(self.list_of_all_compounds) = }")
return self.list_of_all_compounds

def load_compounds_properties(self):
"""Attempts to load the 'compounds_properties.xlsx' file containing physical
and chemical properties of compounds. If not found, it creates a new properties
DataFrame and updates the 'compounds_properties_created' attribute."""
compounds_properties_path = plib.Path(
self.folder_path, "compounds_properties.xlsx"
if compounds_properties_path.exists():
cpdf = pd.read_excel(
# cpdf = _order_columns_in_compounds_properties(cpdf)
# cpdf = cpdf.fillna(0)
self.compounds_properties = cpdf
self.compounds_properties_created = True
print("Info: compounds_properties loaded")
print("Warning: compounds_properties.xlsx not found, creating it")
cpdf = self.create_compounds_properties()
return self.compounds_properties
Binary file modified tests/data_minimal_case/files_info.xlsx
Binary file not shown.
50 changes: 50 additions & 0 deletions tests/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,50 @@
# %%
import pytest
import pathlib as plib
from gcms_data_analysis.gcms import Project
from pandas.testing import assert_frame_equal

folder_path: plib.Path = plib.Path(__file__).parent

folder_path = r"/Users/matteo/Projects/gcms_data_analysis/tests/data_minimal_case"
# %%
proj = Project(
compounds_to_rename_in_files={"phenol": "renamed_phenol"},

# check a couple of defaults
assert proj.column_to_sort_values_in_samples == "retention_time"
assert proj.delta_mol_weight_threshold == 100
assert proj.acceptable_params == [
# %%
fic = proj.create_files_info(update_saved_files_info=False)
fil = proj.load_files_info(update_saved_files_info=False)

fic.calibration_file = fil.calibration_file # this cannot be updated automatically
assert_frame_equal(fil, fic, check_exact=False, atol=1e-5, rtol=1e-5)
# print(fil.columns)
# print(fic.columns)
# print(fil.index)
# print(fic.index)
# print(fil==fic)
# %%
files = proj.load_all_files()
# %%
ccf = proj.load_class_code_frac()

# %%
cal = proj.load_calibrations()
# %%
lac = proj.create_list_of_all_compounds()

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