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Extensible Cassandra Client with schema support.

DEPRECATED use casyn instead.

Goal / Why

Provide a CQL based client for Cassandra/Clojure.

I didn't want to reinvent the wheel using Thrift since a number of Thrift based clients for clojure already exist.

Cassandra maintainers wrote that removing Thrift as a requirement is a longer-term goal, so using CQL/jdbc seemed like a reasonable idea.

This is also the occasion to have some fun with a DSL, Cassandra capabilities, and help the Cassandra maintainers finding/fixing bugs at this early stage of CQL.

It is worth noting that CQL is quite young and does not support 100% of cassandra current features. Ex: no support for super columns, but compound columns will be available in the (hopefully near) future and should be better in this regard, instead of a two-deep structure, you will have one of arbitrary depth.


A simple query (and its execution) would look like this

@(select :foo (where (= key "bar")))

And its response

   [{:id "bar"
     ({:name "age", :value 35}
      {:name "birthdate", :value 120976}
      {:name "username", :value "mpenet"})}],
   :meta #<CResultSetMetaData org.apache.cassandra.cql.jdbc.CResultSet$CResultSetMetaData@1bb5d53a>}

Query definition


;; Simple key lookup
(as-cql (select :foo (where (= key "bar"))))

=> ["SELECT * FROM foo WHERE key = ?" ["bar"]]
;; Query for list of keys
(as-cql (select :foo (where (in :keyalias [1 2 (str "ba" "z") :bar]))))))

=> ["SELECT * FROM foo WHERE keyalias in (?, ?, ?, bar)" [1 2 "baz"]]
;; Range of keys
(as-cql (select :foo (where (and (> key 1) (<= key 2)))))

=> ["SELECT * FROM foo WHERE key > ? and key <= ?" [1 2]]
;; Key + column index
  (select :foo
       (= key :foo)
       (> :name 1)
       (= :pwd "password")
       (= :gender "male")))))

=> ["SELECT * FROM foo WHERE key = foo and name > ? and pwd = ? and gender = ?" [1 "password" "male"]]
;; Field selection
(as-cql (select :foo (fields [:bar "baz"])))

=>  ["SELECT bar, ? FROM foo" ["baz"]]
;; Field N range
(as-cql (select :foo (fields :reversed true
                             :first 100)))

;; Column range
(as-cql (select :foo (fields (as-range :a :b))))

=> ["SELECT a...b FROM foo" []]
;; Passing additional options (valid for any query type)
(as-cql (select :foo (using :consistency :QUORUM
                            :timestamp 123123
                            :TTL 123)))
=> ["SELECT * FROM foo USING CONSISTENCY QUORUM and TIMESTAMP ? and TTL ?" [123123 123]]
;; Functions
(as-cql (select :foo (fields [:count-fn])))

=> ["SELECT count() FROM foo" []]


(as-cql (insert :foo
          (values {:key 123
                   :bar "baz"
                   :alpha "beta"})
          (using  :consistency :QUORUM
                  :timestamp 123123
                  :TTL 123)))
=> ["INSERT INTO foo (key, bar, alpha) VALUES (?, ?, ?) USING CONSISTENCY QUORUM and TIMESTAMP ? and TTL ?" [123 "baz" "beta" 123123 123]]


(as-cql (update :foo
                (where (= :keyalias 1))
                (using  :consistency :QUORUM
                        :timestamp 123123
                        :TTL 123)
                 {:col1 "value1"
                  :col2 "value2"})))

=> ["UPDATE foo USING CONSISTENCY QUORUM and TIMESTAMP ? and TTL ? SET col1 = ?, col2 = ? WHERE keyalias = ?" [123123 123 "value1" "value2" 1]]
;; Update/increase with counter + regular columns
(as-cql (update :foo
                (where (= :pkalias 1))
                  {:col1 "value1"
                   :col2 "value2"
                   :col3 (+= 100)})))

=> ["UPDATE foo SET col1 = ?, col2 = ?, col3 = col3 + ? WHERE pkalias = ?" ["value1" "value2" 100 1]]


(as-cql (delete :foo
                (fields [:a :b])
                (where (= :pkalias 1))
                (using  :consistency :QUORUM)))

=> ["DELETE a, b FROM foo USING CONSISTENCY QUORUM WHERE pkalias = ?" [1]]

Parameterization is done depending on the type of the argument, it is considered safe and stays in the query only when it is a keyword, otherwise it gets replaced by ? and it s value would be in the second vector.

More details about query formats here


(def base-query (-> (select :foo)
                    (where (= key 1))
                    (using :consistency :quorum)))

(as-cql base-query)
=> [SELECT * FROM foo WHERE key = ? USING CONSISTENCY quorum [1]]

(-> base-query
   (where (= key 2))
=> [SELECT * FROM foo WHERE key = ? USING CONSISTENCY quorum [2]]


It uses Cassandra Jdbc driver under the hood. It only requires to know a couple of function to set the datasource, response handling and executes when the query is de-referenced using "deref" or @.

(use 'thera.core)

;; deref executes the query

@(select :foo (where (= key 1)))

The data source can be defined "inline", using a binding (with-data-source), or globally using set-datasource!, same is true for the result-decoder type (defaults to server-schema, can be added to the query definition, bound, or set globally with set-decoder-type!)

(set-data-source! {:host "localhost"
                   :port 9160
                   :keyspace "thera"})

(set-decoder-type! :server-schema)

@(select :sample1 (where (= key 1)))
@(select :sample1 (where (= key 1))
                  (data-source {:host "localhost"
                                :port 9160
                                :keyspace "thera"}))
(def ds (client/make-datasource {:host "localhost"
                                 :port 9160
                                 :keyspace "thera"}))
(with-data-source ds
  @(select :sample1 (where (= key 1))))

You can still use the low level client API if needed.

(use 'thera.client)
(use 'thera.core)

(def cql-q (select :foo (where (= key (java.util.UUID/fromString "1438fc5c-4ff6-11e0-b97f-0026c650d722")))))

(-> (make-datasource {:keyspace "foo"})
    (prepare-statement (cql-q 0))
    (bind-parameters (cql-q 1))
    (decode-result :server-schema))

=>  {:rows
     [{:id #<UUID 1438fc5c-4ff6-11e0-b97f-0026c650d722>,
       ({:name "age", :value 35}
        {:name "birthdate", :value 120976}
        {:name "id", :value #<UUID 1438fc5c-4ff6-11e0-b97f-0026c650d722>}
        {:name "username", :value "mpenet"})}],
     :meta #<CResultSetMetaData org.apache.cassandra.cql.jdbc.CResultSet$CResultSetMetaData@1bb5d53a>}

There are 3 decoder availables at the moment:

  • :bytes -> returns the raw values/name

  • :server-schema -> gets types for keys/values from schema meta-data on the server

  • :client-schema -> local schema, see below, ex: (decode-result :schema user-schema)

Extending the decoders

You can add your own decoder:

(defmethod decode-result :mydecoder
  [^CResultSet rs _ & args]
       (map-rows rs
                   (my-row-key-fn %)
                   (map-columns % as-something-col-fn)))
       (rs-meta rs))
       :another-field ['foo]))


It is used for decoding only at the moment, mainly when you dont have a server-schema defined already (then server-schema mode is better suited).

In the near future there will be only 1 schema type and syncronisation with server schema from the client definitions, including other options.

(defschema User

  ;; type for row-key name and value
  :row-key {:types [:utf-8 :integer]
            ;; key alias if any
            :alias :foo}

  ;; default types for all columns
  :columns {:types [:utf-8 :string]
            ;; column with value type different from default
            :exceptions {"date" :integer}})

This will return a schema instance that you can pass to decode.

Supported types:

:utf-8 :ascii :boolean :integer :int32 :decimal :long :float :double :bytes :counter :date :uuid :lexical-uuid :time-uuid

Defaults to :bytes

Extending the schema types

(use 'thera.codec)

(defmethod decode :csv [_ value]
  (you-csv-decoder-fn (String. value "UTF-8")))


lein plugin install lein-localrepo "0.3"
lein localrepo coords cassandra-jdbc/cassandra-jdbc-1.0.5-SNAPSHOT.jar | xargs lein localrepo install
lein deps


  • ALTER command

  • Schema syncronisation

  • Proper documentation/tests.


Inspired by korma, clojureQL and clojure-hbase-schemas


Copyright (C) 2011 Max Penet

Distributed under the Eclipse Public License, the same as Clojure.


Deprecated: give a try to mpenet/casyn (thrift) or mpenet/alia (CQL3) instead- Clojure Cassandra CQL client






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