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quarto-lapreprint Format

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This is a typst template for quarto users. The original typst template is from LaPreprint1 and has been slightly modified for use in quarto.



quarto use template mps9506/quarto-lapreprint

This will install the format extension and create an example qmd file that you can use as a starting place for your document.


The yaml header in template.qmd provides example starting points.

Logos and branding

The theme of the document can be set to a specific color, which changes the headers and links. The default theme is blue. Change to red (or purple) using:

theme: "`red.darken(50%)`{=typst}"

You can also supply a logo, which is either an image file location or content, allowing you to add additional information about the journal or lab-group to the top-right of the document. You can also set the mainfont which must be the name of a locally installed font.

logo: my-logo.png
theme: "`red.darken(50%)`{=typst}"
mainfont: "Fira Sans"

Title and Subtitle

You can have both a title and a subtitle:

title: Pixels and their Neighbours
subtitle: A Tutorial on Finite Volume

Authors and Affiliations

You can add both author and affiliations lists, each author should have a name, and can optionally add orcid, email, and affiliations. The affiliations are just content that is put in superscript, e.g. "1,2", have corresponding identifiers in the top level affiliations list, which requires both an id and a name. If you wish to include any additional information in the affiliation (e.g. an address, department, etc.), it is content and can have whatever you want in it.

  - name: Rowan Cockett
    orcid: 0000-0002-7859-8394
    affiliations: 1,2,🖂
  - name: Lindsey Heagy
    orcid: 0000-0002-1551-5926
    affiliations: 1
  - name: Douglas Oldenburg
    orcid: 0000-0002-4327-2124
    affiliations: 1
  - id: 1
    name: University of British Columbia
  - id: 2
    name: Curvenote Inc.

For other information that you wish to affiliate with a specific author, you can use the affiliations field with any identifier you like (e.g. or 🖂) and then use the margin content or affiliations fields on the preprint to explain what it means.

Abstract and keywords

You can include one or more abstracts as well as keywords. For a simple abstract the default title used is "Abstract" and you can include it with:

abstract: |
  Whatever content you want to include. You should be able to use *markdown* as well.
keyword: [Finite Volume, Tutorial, Reproducible Research]

Margin content

The content on the first page is customizable. The first content is the kind, for example, "Original Research", "Review Article", "Retrospective" etc. And then the pub-date, which is by default the date you compiled the document if not specified. Note that currently you must use the Typst datetime format2.

kind: "Notebook Tutorial"
pub-date: "`datetime(year: 2023, month: 08, day: 21)`{=typst}"

You can also set pub-date to be a dictionary or list of dictionaries with title and date as the two required keys. The first date will be bolded as well as used in the document metadata and auto short-citation.

kind: "Notebook Tutorial"
  - title: Published
    date: "`datetime(year: 2023, month: 08, day: 21)`{=typst}"
  - title: Accepted
    date: "`datetime(year: 2022, month: 12, day: 10)`{=typst}"
  - title: "Submitted"
    date: "`datetime(year: 2022, month: 12, day: 10)`{=typst}"

Headers and Footers

You can control the headers and footer by providing the following information:

open-access: true # not implemented yet
doi: 10.1190/tle35080703.1
venue: "`[ar#text(fill: red.darken(20%))[X]iv]`{=typst}"
short-title: Finite Volume Tutorial
short-citation: auto #not implemented yet

The first page will show an open-access statement and the doi if available. For DOIs, only include the actual identifier, not the URL portions:

Subsequent pages will show the short-title and short-citation. If the citation is auto (the default) it will be created in APA formatting using the paper authors.

The footers show the venue (e.g. the journal or preprint repository) the date (which is by default today()) as well as the page count.



The rest of the margin content can be set with margin property, which takes a title and content.

  - title: Key Points
    content: |
      * key point 1 is *important*.
      * key point 2 is also important.
      * this is the third idea.
  - title: Corresponding Author
    content: 🖂 [](
  - title: Data Statement
    content: Associated notebooks are available on [GitHub]("") and can be run online with [MyBinder]("").
  - title: Funding
    content: Funding was provided by the Vanier Award to each of Cockett and Heagy.
  - title: Competing Interests
    content: The authors declare no competing interests.

You can use the margin property for things like funding, data availability statements, explicit correspondence requests, key points, conflict of interest statements, etc.


typst handles the bibliography. bibliography points to the .bib file and biblio-style specifies the styling3. Available styles are documented by Typst: In text references and cross references should be written as specified in pandoc/Quarto: (

bibliography: main.bib
biblio-style: apa 


  1. This is a modified redistribution of the original LaPreprint]( Typst template created by Rowan Cockett and distributed under the MIT license.

  2. I'd prefer to use raw strings here, but I'm confused about how Quarto handles dates and how to pass them to Typst which has its own builtin date handling functions. So this is subject to change.

  3. This might change in the future to using (or providing the option of) pandoc's builtin citeproc.


quarto extension for the LaPreprint typst template








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