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Discord Fantasy Music Bot

This music bot designed for playing along with tabletop RPG (such as DnD or Pathfinder) or other board games. I make it especially for using by GM(DM) to quick switching between differnt playlists or tracks. But you can use it as regular music bot.

Bot invite link: Shyrlonay - Fantasy Music Bot

If you interested to use it but have questions or suggestions for better experience leave an issue at this repository or follow to Discord Support Server.


  • Tracks and playlists binding
  • Playback control and quick switching between ambient playlists, no more message commands typing during session

Tux, the Linux mascot


Invite bot to a guild. When bot get command to play it automatically join to your voice channel. Default prefix: -, add it right before each command, e.g. -help, -s.


  • help [v?] show list of commands, add v for more info
  • p [link] play track(playlist) from link or add to queue
  • fp [link] clear queue and play shuffled playlist or track immediately
  • [0..24] play saved tracks immediately, equal to fp [saved link]
  • cpad display control pad
  • n skip current track
  • s stop playing and clear queue
  • v [0..200?] display or set volume
  • now display current playing track
  • d disconnect from a voice channel
  • binds show saved links
  • bind [0..24] [link] [name?] bind link to number, rest of input will be name but it optional
  • drop [0..24] delete binded link
  • summon attract bot to your voice channel while playing or idle
  • prefix [value] set prefix for commands, enter none to remove it

Max queue size is 50 items.
During idle it will leave voice channel after 5 minutes automatically.
Mention bot to use command without prefix: @Shyrlonay [command].

Supported sources

  • Playlists from YouTube
  • Video from YouTube

Make sure playlists are unlisted or public. There is slightest chance that playing may stuck if it bump into deleted video or video with limitations.


  • queue show queue
  • shuffle shuffle queue


.env file keys
TOKEN= ...                # bot api token at developer portal
YOUTUBE_API_KEY= ...      # youtube api key
DATABASE_URL= ...         # database url or add other configs like host, username, password

Run dev server:

node run dev


Thanks to Freepik from for bot avatar!