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89 lines (74 loc) · 3.64 KB

File metadata and controls

89 lines (74 loc) · 3.64 KB


This is a small API test automation solution which caters to the following set of tests:

  • Smoke tests
  • Regression

Technology Stack used in making this repository

  • BDD - behave
  • Language - Python 3.9

  • IDE - PyCharm

  • Version Control - Git

  • For CI/CD - Jenkins

Folder structure

|      .gitignore 
|      requirements.txt
|_____ allure-report/
|_____ AllureReports/
|_____ features/
|        |___steps
|            |
|        |
|        |___ ... (tests/feature files)
|_____ jenkins-screenshots/
|         |___ ... (screenshots in jpg/png format)
|_____ utils/
         |___ properties.ini

Instruction for the reader to try hands on execution

Step 01 :

  • Please make sure you clone the repository in your local machine through correct git repo URL.
  • The URL for this git repo can be found here.
  • Please copy the https/ssh type, whatever suits you the best.

Step 02 :

  • Once the repo URL copied and the repo is cloned, please open you terminal. (in the current directory)
  • Once the terminal is opened, run the following command : pip install -r requirements.txt
  • The requirements.txt is a file which tells python to install all the dependancies which are listed in that file.
    • NOTE : The versions are frozen. If you want to bump any dependancy to later version or change it for whatsoever reason, please raise a pull request and upon review, I will merge it.

Step 03 :

  • One the above command runs successfully without any error, run the following command to run all the tests/feature files :
    behave -f allure_behave.formatter:AllureFormatter -o AllureReports
    • This will generate json files based on the number of scenarios you run. So for example - in the above command, we haven't specified the file name to run, hence all the scenarios/files will be executed.
    • If in case you want to run a particular file :
      behave features/<filename>.feature -f allure_behave.formatter:AllureFormatter -o AllureReports  
  • After above command, run the following command to generate the report :
    allure generate ./AllureReports --clean

Optional Step (A) :

  • There may be instances where the tester may want to run specific suites, i.e., regression or smoke.
    • In such cases, the behave utility provides us with a tagging mechanism to categorise any feature file with some tags like @regression or @smoke.
    • If we want to run only regression related cases, then please run the following command :
          behave -f allure_behave.formatter:AllureFormatter -o AllureReports --tags=regression

Optional Step (B) :

  • There may also be instances where the tester may want to see the logs/console prints for debugging at times.
    • In such cases, the behave utility provides us with an extra attribute in the command to do just this.
    • Please run the following command :
          behave --no capture -f allure_behave.formatter:AllureFormatter -o AllureReports --tags=regression

Final Step :

  • Please open allure-report folder and look for index.html file.
  • Open that file in your desired web browser. That file is the allure report of our execution.