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Folders and files

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Repository files navigation


It's main purpose was to add the ability to manage folder permissions in Emby server through filesystem.


Actually the permissions are managed through Emby's tags: Embian marks a folder with a tag which is used for blocking content (in the "parental control" tab in user's configuration).

Embian does not "hook" into Emby. Instead it just uses Emby's public API to crawl through the whole repository and change folder's properties. You have to manually start Embian when you want to sync tags in Emby's folders' metadata with special "tag" files in filesystem.

Actually Embian can do a bit more: it is a generic crawling routine with pluggable visitors. Currently there are two:

  • apply/remove "priv*" tags
  • fix sortnames (see below)


java -jar embian-.....jar [login options] [command] [command's parameters]

The login options are url, username and password. You can skip some of these, provided you have a file called ".embian" in your home directory that contains these properties. See "man/.embian" in the project source.

The commands are: crawl and browse.

crawl command

Crawls the Emby repository and runs item visitors given as parameters. Every visitor optionally produces an update operation and tells the crawler if to crawl one level deeper into the hierarchy. When all folders are visited the produced operations are executed. The operation may be to add or remove tags or to change or reset the sort name.

sortName fixer

For my photo repo I needed to fix the sortSame assignment to have correct order of folder names which in my case are iso dates or month of years e.g. 2018-07-14 -> 2018-08 -> 2018-08-06. Without fixing sortNames the order would be 2018-08 -> 2018-07-14 -> 2018-08-06. This is because Emby applies some to-number conversion and the default sortNames are 0000201808, 0020180714 and 0020180806.

browse command

A simple non-interactive browser. Loads and prints children of element of id given as parameter. If no id is given then all repositories are listed.


Embian does not use official Emby client but a simple jersey-based client.

The Main class reads login options and the command and then creates an authenticated Emby connection and passes it to a command's class e.g. CrawlAndCommand or Browse.

The CrawlAndCommand first instantiates item visitors chosen by the user and runs EmbyCrawler with them. The EmbyCrawler produces list of item operations that are executed by CrawlAndCommand.

Unfortunately Embian gives no extensibility besides downloading sources and modifying.


  • Trigger Emby reindex via API (Emby reindex will be triggered after ending of the backup procedure that copies from my main storage to the backup storage which also is Emby repo)
  • Trigger Embian after Emby finishes reindexing (check if reindexing is done via API)


Command-line tool for Emby server "batches"






