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This repository contains my test project featuring technologies like ASP.NET Core (Web API), Orleans and GraphQL.


  1. Decide which grain storage provider you want to use. By default, "in-memory" storage model is used. However, if you need to create a persistent storage where your data may be stored between runs, you should change storage provider to ADO.NET (see example below):
.UseOrleans((ctx, builder) =>
    .UseAdoNetPersistenceConfiguration(new AppSiloBuilderContext
		AppInfo = appInfo,
		HostBuilderContext = ctx,
		SiloOptions = new AppSiloOptions
			SiloPort = GetAvailablePort(11111, 12000),
			GatewayPort = 30001
	}, new AdoNetPersistenceProviderOptions
		Invariant = "System.Data.SqlClient",
		ConnectionString = "*", // put correct connection string here
		UseJson = true
  1. In case ADO.NET storage provider was selected, you will need to execute StorageInitialization.sql script (can be found in "tools" folder).
  2. As a final step, you may want to run script in order to add some sample records in the system.


At the moment, two options are available:

  1. Standard debugging (running Orleans silo as a part of the web service)
  2. WSL2 (providing that you have OS Windows 10+ and Hyper-V installed)

How to use

There are two interfaces available for use:

  1. http://localhost:6600/swagger - API front page based on SwaggerUI.
  2. http://localhost:6600/ui/playground - interactive in-browser IDE GraphiQL allowing to test GraphQL queries.


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