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mrSkortch edited this page Jul 3, 2021 · 6 revisions

Welcome to the DCS-SLmod wiki! This page is to document commands and features of slmod.

Chat Commands

General Commands

Admin Commands

-admin id spec id

Moves a player of the specified Id to spectator. Type "-admin id spec" to receive a list of clients and then "-admin id spec X" to move the player.

-admin id kick id

Kicks a player of the specified Id from the server. Type "-admin id kick" to receive a list of clients and then "-admin id kick X" to kick the player.

-admin id ban id

Moves a player of the specified Id to spectator. Type "-admin id ban" to receive a list of clients and then "-admin id ban X" to ban the player.

-admin spec player name

Moves a player to spectator based on their name.

-admin kick player name

Kicks a player from the server based on their name.

-admin ban player name

Bans a player from the server based on their name.

-admin ucidban ucid

Bans a player from the server based on their UCID.

-admin unban player name

Unbans a player based on their name.

-admin add player name

Adds a player to the role of admin.

-admin remove player name

Removes a player to the role of admin.

-admin pause

Pauses/Resumes the server based on the current state. Note that this is dependent on saved pause settings in slmod and in the game.

-admin override pause

Overrides the slmod pause settings of automatically pausing/resume the server based on the current conditions. For instance if the server is set to auto-resume based on players joining the server, you can run this command and players joining will not automatically resume the server.

-admin restart

Restarts the current mission.

-admin load

Command to display a list of missions that can be loaded. You then type "-load X" to load a specific mission.

-admin alert message

Displays a message to all players in chat and trigger message box.

-admin score

Displays the current penalty status of all connected players.

-admin score statID id

Displays a detailed breakdown of a specific players penalties. Uses the "statId" associated with each player as found in the stats file.

-admin forgive id type index

Forgives a player of a specific penalty. 
id : statId
type : th, tk, ch, ck represent teamHit, teamKill, collisionHit, and collisionKill. 
index : The index of the penalty as described in score statId or the penaltyStats.lua file. 

-admin cleanup time

Iterates the stats and penalty stats file and removes entries that are from an older format. For penalty stats it can remove any penalties from the list older than time days.

-admin toggle vote

Toggles on/off whether or not mission voting is allowed.

-admin vote start

Starts a mission vote to occur.

-admin vote stop

Stops the current mission vote.

-admin vote allow

Accepts the results of a mission vote.

Stats Commands

-stats help

Lists available stats commands

-stats show

-stats me

-full stats me

-stats id number

-stats name player name

-full stats id number

-full stats name player name

-stats ac me

-stats penalty

-stats mode

Vote Commands