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Releases: mrSkortch/MissionScriptingTools

4.2 Release

19 Apr 09:29
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Added new logger functionality thanks to Lukrop
Fixed update DB tables not updating

V4.1 Release

11 Jan 10:58
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-mist.getAvgPoint(). Function is similar to mist.getAvgPos except it uses raw vec2/3 coordinates instead of units
-mist.utils.roundTbl() Has the same input values as mist.utils.round except it accepts a table and it rounds all numbers in the first level of the table to the passed precision.
-mist.utils.unitToWP( ) Convers a units current position to a WP table. Will also use the unit's current velocity for the speed variable.
-mist.utils.vecToWP() Converts vec2/3 to a WP table {x,y alt}

-mist.utils.makeVec3 now supports being given a table in WP format. Specifically it now coverts a table {x, y, alt) to vec3
-fixed issue with dynAdd functions naming a group with the country ID insead of country name
-mist.utils.getDir 2nd variable is now optional
-Fixed issue with country names in the editor not matching enum country name values. For example "Best Korea" could not match with "BEST_KOREA". Thanks lukrop for this fix
-Added check to DB update functions to only update if data from the group has changed from what is currently in the DB. This fixes an issue I had where some data was lost if you spawned a group normally after mission start and then used a respawn, clone, or teleport function on said group.
-Fixed locality issue with mist.getNorthCorrection

V4 for DCS 1.5 hotfix 1

15 Oct 06:07
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-fixed bug with dynAdd and dynAddStatic not recognizing new countries in dcs 1.5
-fixed bug with groupRandomDistSelf improperly declaring the y variable
-fixed flagFunc.units_in_moving_zones not checking for a unitNameTable for the zone_units
-fixed bug in flagFunc.units_LOS when given a unitNameTable for both entries.

V4 Release for DCS 1.5

02 Oct 08:38
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V4 release for DCS 1.5

-added a check when adding unitTypes for messages to figure out the correct in-game unit name for a given unit. For example the Mi-8 helicopter is always displayed as 'Mi-8MTV2', however its actual in game name is 'Mi-8MT', this feature allows for you to list 'Mi-8MTV2', 'Mi-8MTV', or 'Mi-8' to get messages sent to the Mi-8. Shortcut also works for the relevant aircraft 'Mig-21', 'Mig-15', 'FW-190', and 'Bf-109'.
-added mist.getAvgPos now accepts static objects in addition to units.
-made DB creation check the mission editor version for no paticular reason
-added mist.getLastDBUpdateTime which returns the most recent time the DB update function has run.
-changed mist.makeUnitTable processed entry to return the time it was processed instead of a
boolean value.
-Changed teleport/respawn/clone functions to spawn aircraft at random altitudes instead of constants if the point given is vec2/not specified.
-Fixed FlagFuncs will now recognize units added in dynamically. Note this only applies if you send it unitTableNames identifier and not the table that the function creates.
-Added variable to all flagfuncs. unitTableDef is the original definition used for units.
-Fixed all getUserFlag checks to compare with numerical value instead of boolean
-Fixed check in mist.getUnitsLOS to verify units are active in a mission
-Fixed check in mist.goRoute to verify both the group and controller are valid before assigning
the route

Release 3.7 U2

13 May 08:13
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-added mist.time.milToGame
-added mist.time.getDate
-added mist.time.getDHMS
-added mist.time.convertToSec
-added mist.getDateString
-added mist.getClockString
-added mist.getMilString
-added support for cargo objects for all dynAdd related scripts (clone, teleport, respawn)
-added cargo spawned outside of mist should be correctly added to mist DBs.
-added multSound entry for mist.message.add

-fixed mist.getCurrentGroupData to return static data and hidden value correctly
-fixed mist.getGroupData to return static data and hidden value correctly
-fixed mist.dynAdd not accepting either startTime or start_time values

-refactored mist message display code.
Functionality should be the same, but the backend should be more efficient. As stated earlier I also added the multSound entry which allows for multiple sound files to be played during the course of a single message at different times.

Entries added to DBs

PDF documentation has been updated. Wiki documentation will be updated shortly.

Update 1: Fixed an issue caused by a DCS bug preventing flagFunc.group_alive and group_dead from functioning correctly.

Update 2: Fixed an issue with message system.
Added a check to the message system to check if combined arms slots are in a mission. If slots are not in a mission messages to coalition (CA Messages) will not be sent.

Mist 3.6 p2

13 Mar 23:27
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I have re-added the mist file with a version number. It should be what you see when you download the files.

Bunch of Fixes

  • Teleport To Point related functions now check the altitude of a given point if specified for teleporting aircraft
  • fixed bug with mist.flagFunc.group_alive_less_than and mist.flagFunc.group_alive_more_than
  • fixed bug with optional variables for coordinate messages not actually being optional
  • added mist.getRandomPointInZone. Function uses mist.getRandomPointInCircle.
  • fixed bug with altitude switching to radio if baro was specified
  • added the speed to DBs if a unit is dynamically spawned in
  • added extra checks in case Group/Unit.getByName returns dead objects
  • Mission file searching functions now search by Id instead of group or unit names.

-The name input variable hasnt changed, value gets converted to Id automatically if found.
Functions now also accept a numerical groupId or unitId

DB files were not updated as the contents didnt change.

Fix 1:
Fixed bug with getPayload
dynAdd and dynAddStatic now properly return tables instead of groupNames.

Fix 2: Actually fixed getPayload function

Mist 3.5 Release Hotfix 3

02 Sep 08:41
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Mist 3.5 sees the addition of a number of new functions and some heavy optimization of the database updating functions.

3.5 Changelog

re-factored database updating functions.
added mist.flagFunc.group_alive
added mist.flagFunc.group_dead
added mist.flagFunc.group_alive_more_than
added mist.flagFunc.group_alive_less_than
added mist.getUnitSkill
added mist.stringMatch
added mist.groupTableCheck
added mist.randomizeNumTable
added mist.spawnRandomizedGroup
added mist.randomizeGroupOrder
added mist.getUnitsInPolygon
added mist.terrainHeightDiff
added getGroupPayload
DB additions: callsign, psi, modulation, frequency, uncontrolled, radioSet, hardpoint_racks, onboard_num, and point

modified flagfuncs now support string values for flag and stop flags
optimized mist.getGroupData

Hotfix 1: commented out error reporting error in mist.pointInPolygon.

Hotfix 2: fixed bug with mist.teleportToPoint (respawn and clone group not effected)

Hotfix 3: fixed a bug with databases getting an incorrect countryId value

Mist github release 3.4.26

02 Aug 04:31
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-fixed bug with mist.message.add with regard to updating existing messages
-teleportToPoint now accepts vars.gpName or vars.groupName for the groups name
-fixed bug with mist.flagFunc.units_in_polygon() toggle option
v023 changelog Mist 3.4.23
-added country table entry for mist.getGroupData()
-mist.getHeading now accepts optional second variable. Set to true to get cartesian-based heading instead of lat/lon-based heading.
-fixed mist.getLeadPos if passed group table contains a dead leader
-fixed minor bug with msgDisplay (thanks svenvandevelde)
-fixed bug with dynamically added groups (thanks Ajax)