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Import, Partition and Query AIS Data using SparkSQL

This Docker based project is composed of multiple containers to enable the import, partition and query of AIS data. The original CSV AIS data is parsed and based on the broadcast timestamp, the records are placed into multiple HDFS paths in the form of hdfs:///yyyy/mm/dd/ais.csv, where yyyy is the year, mm is the month and dd is the day. HDFS is served from its own docker container. An external Hive table is mapped onto these HDFS paths, in such that the AIS records can queried using HQL. The latter is executed in same HDFS container using Spark SQL and is exposed as a Thrift Hive Server 2. The Hive metastore is housed in a MySQL database and is served from its own container. The ephemeral import process is performed in another container that reads the data from a volume mapped onto the host file system. The records are parsed and partitioned based on their data/time field and writen to HDFS using a multiple output writer. Finally, ArcMap is used to query and render the data through an ArcPy toolbox using the Hive Server 2 thrift protocol.

Architecture overview

I'm using boot2docker on my Mac to launch this project.

Tip: You might want to increase the memory and storage space of the boot2docker VM for a "speedier" experience as follows:

boot2docker init -m 8192 -s 32768

Start MySQL Docker Container

A MySQL database is used to store and serve the Hive metastore.

docker run\
 --name mysql\
 -e MYSQL_DATABASE=metastore_db\
 -e MYSQL_USER=hiveuser\
 -e MYSQL_PASSWORD=hivepassword\
 -d -p 3306:3306\

Here, we started a detached (-d) docker container named mysql that exposes its internal 3306 port as 3306 externally. In addition, values were assigned to predefined environment variables that are used by the MySQL docker bootstrapping and initialization process.

SparkSQL on Docker

The docker folder contains a set of files to build and run SparkSQL on Docker. The build process downloads Spark version 1.2.1 and downloads Connector/J. In addition, it places in the image a set of template files and startup shell scripts.

Build the image

docker build -t mraad/spark .

Run the image

docker run\
 --name spark\
 --link mysql:mysql\
 -i -t -P\
 mraad/spark /bin/bash

This starts an interactive docker container named spark that is linked to the mysql container and exposes all the ports defined in the Dockerfile.

Start HDFS, YARN, HiveServer2


Stop HiveServer2, YARN, HDFS


Import AIS data to HDFS

A sample AIS data can be download from I converted the broadcast data into a CSV formatted file and placed a zipped copy in the data folder.

Build the import job

mvn package

Run the import job

cd data && unzip ais.csv && cd -
docker run --rm\
 --link spark:hdfs\
 -v $(pwd)/data:/data\
 -v $(pwd)/target:/opt/target\
 java -server -Xms1g -Xmx4g -XX:+UseCompressedOops -jar /opt/target/spark-ais-multi-1.0.jar

This starts a docker container with an oracle-java7 image that is linked to the spark container with the hdfs alias and mounts the data folder in the current working directory as /data in the container and mounts the target folder in the current working directory as /opt to execute the import job as the main class in spark-ais-multi-1.0.jar.

The import job reads and parses the records in /data/ais.csv and partitions each record based on its data/time field to be written onto HDFS paths in the form hdfs:///ais/yyyy/mm/dd/ais.csv.

Register the AIS Hive table

The partitioned HDFS files need to be mapped to an external hive table in such that it can be queried using SparkSQL.

In the spark container, execute the follow command:


This script creates a temporary file /tmp/tmp.hql that defines an external table named ais and its fields.

create external table if not exists ais (
mmsi string,
lon double,
lat double,
heading int,
hour int,
zulu string
) partitioned by (year int, month int, day int)
row format delimited
fields terminated by ','
lines terminated by '\n'
stored as textfile;

In addition, it iterates over all the folders in the HDFS /ais folder and appends HQL DDLs such as:

alter table ais add if not exists partition (year=2009,month=01,day=03) location 'hdfs://';

Query the AIS Hive table using SparkSQL

Use the following to start an interactive HQL session with the newly registered ais table:


Here are some queries:

cache table ais;
select * from ais where year=2009 and month=01 and day=20 limit 20;
select hour,count(hour) from ais group by hour;

View AIS data in ArcMap

ArcMap is extended with an ArcPy based toolbox to query the AIS table using the HiveServer2 thrift protocol. To ensure that duplex communication, the pyhs2 python package need to be installed using pip.

First, download from a pre-compiled 32 Bit version of the Simple Authentication and Security Layer (SASL) library for Python27 and proceed with the installation as follows:

pip install sasl-0.1.3-cp27-none-win32.whl
pip install pyhs2 --upgrade

To test the query protocol from end to end, you need to first determine the exposed port number of the HiveServer2 10000 port using:

docker port spark | sort -t / -n

A sample output will be as follows:

10000/tcp ->

So, in my case port 10000 is exposed as port 49179 through my boot2docker host. And I can determine my boot2docker host address using boot2docker ip CLI.

Mansour-mac:docker mraad_admin$ boot2docker ip

Using the above information, we can run a quick Python script to test an end-to-end query:

import pyhs2

with pyhs2.connect(host='',
                   database='default') as conn:
    with conn.cursor() as cur:
        cur.execute("select * from ais where year=2009 and month=01 and day=20 limit 10")
        print cur.getSchema()
        for row in cur.fetch():
            print row

Copy src/main/python/SparkSQLToolbox.pyt into a location that is visible to ArcCatalog and execute it to query AIS data.

ArcMap Output


Miscellaneous Notes

Install MySQL Using Homebrew

sudo brew install mysql
sudo mysql_install_db --verbose --user=`whoami` --basedir="$(brew --prefix mysql)" --datadir=/usr/local/var/mysql --tmpdir=/tmp --explicit_defaults_for_timestamp
sudo chown -R mysql /usr/local/var/mysql/
sudo rm /usr/local/var/mysql/*.err
sudo mysql.server start
sudo mysql_secure_installation
ALTER DATABASE metastore_db character set latin1;


Import, Partition and Query AIS Data using SparkSQL







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