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Sample Spark job to produce multiple HDFS output paths and view them on a map


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Spark Multiple Outputs

Spark job to demonstrate a way to emit multiple outputs to HDFS from an input source field criteria. The most common criteria is temporal based, where given a date input field, the HDFS output path is based on the field content. For example, an input row with a date field with content YYYY-MM-dd HH:mm:ss will be placed into a file with a path based on YYYY/MM/dd/HH.

Once the data is partitioned, it can be mapped into an Impala table, in such that it can be queried with schema-on-read mapping to be visualized on map.

Building The Project

This project depends on:

Build the project using Maven:

mvn -P quickstart package

Run The Project

We will use the New York City taxi trips data as a CSV input.

Download a sample 1 million records, and place it into HDFS:

hdfs dfs -mkdir trips
hdfs dfs -put trips-1M.csv trips

Create the output base folder:

sudo -u hdfs hdfs dfs -mkdir /trips
sudo -u hdfs hdfs dfs -chmod a+rw /trips

The following is a sample run:

 --name MultipleOutput\
 --master yarn-client\
 --executor-cores 2\
 --num-executors 1\
 --executor-memory 2G\
 trips hdfs:///trips /tmp/alter-table.hql

The above creates 2 artifacts:

1 - A set of folders based on the pattern hdfs:///trips/YYYY/MM/dd/HH/uuid, where uuid is a unique file name. The rows in the uuid files are binned based on the pickup date and time. In addition the pickup lat/lon field values are converted to WebMercator meter values, and finally, each output row is augmented with hex cell values at 25,50,100 and 200 meters. The latter are used to spatially bin the data in addition to the temporal binning based path for visualization.

2 - A file with HQL statements that will be used later on.

Querying The Data

The partitioned data is mapped to an Impala table to be queried (Check out the Data Unit section in this tutorial for more details on the defintion of partition). The following is the content of the mapping file create-table-trips.hql:

drop table if exists trips;
create external table if not exists trips (
pickupdatetime string,
dropoffdatetime string,
pickupx double,
pickupy double,
dropoffx double,
dropoffy double,
passengercount int,
triptime int,
tripdist double,
rc25 string,
rc50 string,
rc100 string,
rc200 string
) partitioned by (year int, month int, day int, hour int)
row format delimited
fields terminated by ','
lines terminated by '\n'
stored as textfile;

The content of the above generated HQL file alters the table by defining partition pseudo fields and path locations. For example:

alter table trips add if not exists partition (year=2013,month=01,day=01,hour=01) location 'hdfs:///trips/2013/01/01/01';

Merge the two files and create the table:

cat create-table-trips.hql /tmp/alter-table.hql > /tmp/tmp.hql
impala-shell --quiet -f /tmp/tmp.hql

Viewing The Data

A Python based toolbox with the Impyla module will be used to visualize the content of the table.

Adjust the PATH system environment variable with the following values:


Before installing the Impyla module, make sure to install the Microsoft Visual C++ Compiler for Python 2.7.

pip2.7 install impyla

Add the ImpalaToolbox.pyt to My Toolboxes:

QueryTrips Tool

This tools enables the user to enter a where clause constraining an Impala query when retrieving data rows. The rows are converted to features and appended to a feature class that is added to display for visualization.

TripDensity Tool

Rather than retrieving a plethora of features onto the client side, we will let the server perform a SQL aggregation in the following form:

T.C*100+50 as X,
T.R*100+50 as Y,
count(*) AS POPULATION from (
    cast(floor(pickupx/100) as int) as C,
    cast(floor(pickupy/100) as int) as R
    from trips where {w}) T
    group by T.R,T.C

The 100 value in the above statement is a cell size, and {w} is the input where clause. The rows in the result set consist of cell center location and the count of trip pickups in that cell.

HexDensity Tool

Rather than rendering the aggregation of trip pickups by a single location, a hexagonal polygon represents the area by this tool. The hexagon representation in the table (rc{cell_size}) is used to group by and aggregate.

select rc100,count(rc100)
from trips
where {w}
group by rc100




Sample Spark job to produce multiple HDFS output paths and view them on a map







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