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mratsim committed Dec 23, 2017
1 parent 3031d6a commit 80c5fdc
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Showing 2 changed files with 327 additions and 11 deletions.
262 changes: 252 additions & 10 deletions
Expand Up @@ -8,7 +8,35 @@ The library is inspired by Numpy and PyTorch. The library provides ergonomics ve

Note: While Nim is compiled and does not offer an interactive REPL yet (like Jupyter), it allows much faster prototyping than C++ due to extremely fast compilation times. Arraymancer compiles in about 5 seconds on my dual-core MacBook.

## 4 reasons why Arraymancer
## Table of Contents
<!-- TOC -->

- [Arraymancer - A n-dimensional tensor (ndarray) library.](#arraymancer---a-n-dimensional-tensor-ndarray-library)
- [Table of Contents](#table-of-contents)
- [3 reasons why Arraymancer](#3-reasons-why-arraymancer)
- [The Python community is struggling to bring Numpy up-to-speed](#the-python-community-is-struggling-to-bring-numpy-up-to-speed)
- [A researcher workflow is a fight against inefficiencies](#a-researcher-workflow-is-a-fight-against-inefficiencies)
- [Bridging the gap between deep learning research and production](#bridging-the-gap-between-deep-learning-research-and-production)
- [So why Arraymancer ?](#so-why-arraymancer-)
- [Future ambitions](#future-ambitions)
- [Installation](#installation)
- [Full documentation](#full-documentation)
- [Features](#features)
- [Arraymancer as a Numpy alternative](#arraymancer-as-a-numpy-alternative)
- [Tensor creation and slicing](#tensor-creation-and-slicing)
- [Reshaping and concatenation](#reshaping-and-concatenation)
- [Broadcasting](#broadcasting)
- [Arraymancer as a Deep Learning library](#arraymancer-as-a-deep-learning-library)
- [Handwritten digit recognition with Arraymancer](#handwritten-digit-recognition-with-arraymancer)
- [Tensors on CPU and on Cuda](#tensors-on-cpu-and-on-cuda)
- [Speed](#speed)
- [Micro benchmark: Int64 matrix multiplication](#micro-benchmark-int64-matrix-multiplication)
- [Logistic regression](#logistic-regression)
- [DNN - 3 hidden layers](#dnn---3-hidden-layers)

<!-- /TOC -->

## 3 reasons why Arraymancer

### The Python community is struggling to bring Numpy up-to-speed

Expand All @@ -28,19 +56,17 @@ Researchers in a heavy scientific computing domain often have the following work

Why not use in a language as productive as Python and as fast as C? Code once, and don't spend months redoing the same thing at a lower level.

### Tools available in labs are not available in production:
- Managing and deploying Python (2.7, 3.5, 3.6) and packages version in a robust manner requires devops-fu (virtualenv, Docker, ...)
- Python data science ecosystem does not run on embedded devices (Nvidia Tegra/drones) or mobile phones, especially preprocessing dependencies.

### Bridging the gap between deep learning research and production
The deep learning frameworks are currently in two camps:
- Research: Theano, Tensorflow, Keras, Torch, PyTorch
- Production: Caffe, Darknet, (Tensorflow)

Furthermore, Python preprocessing steps, unless using OpenCV, often needs a custom implementation (think text/speech preprocessing on phones).

- Tensorflow is supposed to bridge the gap between research and production but its syntax and ergonomics are a pain to work with. It's the same issue as researchers, "Prototype in Keras, and when you need low-level --> Tensorflow".
- Deployed models are static, there is no interface to add a new observation/training sample to any framework, the end goal being to use a model as a webservice.
- Managing and deploying Python (2.7, 3.5, 3.6) and packages version in a robust manner requires devops-fu (virtualenv, Docker, ...)
- Python data science ecosystem does not run on embedded devices (Nvidia Tegra/drones) or mobile phones, especially preprocessing dependencies.
- Tensorflow is supposed to bridge the gap between research and production but its syntax and ergonomics are a pain to work with. Like for researchers, you need to code twice, "Prototype in Keras, and when you need low-level --> Tensorflow".
- Deployed models are static, there is no interface to add a new observation/training sample to any framework, what if you want to use a model as a webservice with online learning?

### So why Arraymancer ?

Expand All @@ -56,10 +82,10 @@ All those pain points may seem like a huge undertaking however thanks to the Nim
Because apparently to be successful you need a vision, I would like Arraymancer to be:
- The go-to tool for Deep Learning video processing. I.e. `vid = load_video("./cats/youtube_cat_video.mkv")`
- Target javascript, WebAssembly, Apple Metal, ARM devices, AMD Rocm, OpenCL, you name it.
- Target cryptominers FPGAs because they drove the price of GPUs for honest deep-learners too high.
- The base of a Starcraft II AI bot.
- Target cryptominers FPGAs because they drove the price of GPUs for honest deep-learners too high.

## Installation:
## Installation

Nim is available in some Linux repositories and on Homebrew for macOS.

Expand All @@ -79,7 +105,7 @@ Available autograd and neural networks features are detailed in the technical re

Warning: The autograd and neural networks high-level interface should see little changes (additional optional parameters like requires_grad), however the neural net primitives WILL be changed.

### Arraymancer in action
### Arraymancer as a Numpy alternative

Arraymancer tutorial is available [here](

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -170,6 +196,222 @@ echo j .+ k
# |30 31 32|

### Arraymancer as a Deep Learning library

Note: The interface is still in ironed out.

#### Handwritten digit recognition with Arraymancer
From [example 2](

import ../src/arraymancer, random
# This is an early minimum viable example of handwritten digits recognition.
# It uses convolutional neural networks to achieve high accuracy.
# Data files (MNIST) can be downloaded here
# and must be decompressed in "./bin/" (or change the path "bin/..." below)
# Note:
# In the future, model, weights and optimizer definition will be streamlined.
# Make the results reproducible by initializing a random seed
ctx = newContext Tensor[float32] # Autograd/neural network graph
n = 32 # Batch size
# Training data is 60k 28x28 greyscale images from 0-255,
# neural net prefers input rescaled to [0, 1] or [-1, 1]
x_train = read_mnist_images("bin/train-images.idx3-ubyte").astype(float32) / 255'f32
# Change shape from [N, H, W] to [N, C, H, W], with C = 1 (unsqueeze). Convolution expect 4d tensors
# And store in the context to track operations applied and build a NN graph
X_train = ctx.variable x_train.unsqueeze(1)
# Labels are uint8, we must convert them to int
y_train = read_mnist_labels("bin/train-labels.idx1-ubyte").astype(int)
# Idem for testing data (10000 images)
x_test = read_mnist_images("bin/t10k-images.idx3-ubyte").astype(float32) / 255'f32
X_test = ctx.variable x_test.unsqueeze(1)
y_test = read_mnist_labels("bin/t10k-labels.idx1-ubyte").astype(int)
# Config (API is not finished)
# We randomly initialize all weights and bias between [-0.5, 0.5]
# In the future requires_grad will be automatically set for neural network layers
cv1_w = ctx.variable(
randomTensor(20, 1, 5, 5, 1'f32) .- 0.5'f32, # Weight of 1st convolution
requires_grad = true
cv1_b = ctx.variable(
randomTensor(20, 1, 1, 1'f32) .- 0.5'f32, # Bias of 1st convolution
requires_grad = true
cv2_w = ctx.variable(
randomTensor(50, 20, 5, 5, 1'f32) .- 0.5'f32, # Weight of 2nd convolution
requires_grad = true
cv2_b = ctx.variable(
randomTensor(50, 1, 1, 1'f32) .- 0.5'f32, # Bias of 2nd convolution
requires_grad = true
fc3 = ctx.variable(
randomTensor(500, 800, 1'f32) .- 0.5'f32, # Fully connected: 800 in, 500 ou
requires_grad = true
classifier = ctx.variable(
randomTensor(10, 500, 1'f32) .- 0.5'f32, # Fully connected: 500 in, 10 classes out
requires_grad = true
proc model[TT](x: Variable[TT]): Variable[TT] =
# The formula of the output size of convolutions and maxpools is:
# H_out = (H_in + (2*padding.height) - kernel.height) / stride.height + 1
# W_out = (W_in + (2*padding.width) - kernel.width) / stride.width + 1
let cv1 = x.conv2d(cv1_w, cv1_b).relu() # Conv1: [N, 1, 28, 28] --> [N, 20, 24, 24] (kernel: 5, padding: 0, strides: 1)
let mp1 = cv1.maxpool2D((2,2), (0,0), (2,2)) # Maxpool1: [N, 20, 24, 24] --> [N, 20, 12, 12] (kernel: 2, padding: 0, strides: 2)
let cv2 = mp1.conv2d(cv2_w, cv2_b).relu() # Conv2: [N, 20, 12, 12] --> [N, 50, 8, 8] (kernel: 5, padding: 0, strides: 1)
let mp2 = cv2.maxpool2D((2,2), (0,0), (2,2)) # Maxpool1: [N, 50, 8, 8] --> [N, 50, 4, 4] (kernel: 2, padding: 0, strides: 2)
let f = mp2.flatten # [N, 50, 4, 4] -> [N, 800]
let hidden = f.linear(fc3).relu # [N, 800] -> [N, 500]
result = hidden.linear(classifier) # [N, 500] -> [N, 10]
# Stochastic Gradient Descent (API will change)
let optim = newSGD[float32](
cv1_w, cv1_b, cv2_w, cv2_b, fc3, classifier, 0.01f # 0.01 is the learning rate
# Learning loop
for epoch in 0 ..< 5:
for batch_id in 0 ..< X_train.value.shape[0] div n: # some at the end may be missing, oh well ...
# minibatch offset in the Tensor
let offset = batch_id * n
let x = X_train[offset ..< offset + n, _]
let target = y_train[offset ..< offset + n]
# Running through the network and computing loss
let clf = x.model
let loss = clf.sparse_softmax_cross_entropy(target)
if batch_id mod 200 == 0:
# Print status every 200 batches
echo "Epoch is: " & $epoch
echo "Batch id: " & $batch_id
echo "Loss is: " & $[0]
# Compute the gradient (i.e. contribution of each parameter to the loss)
# Correct the weights now that we have the gradient information
# Validation (checking the accuracy/generalization of our model on unseen data)
echo "\nEpoch #" & $epoch & " done. Testing accuracy"
# To avoid using too much memory we will compute accuracy in 10 batches of 1000 images
# instead of loading 10 000 images at once
var score = 0.0
var loss = 0.0
for i in 0 ..< 10:
let y_pred = X_test[i ..< i+1000, _].model.value.softmax.argmax(axis = 1).indices.squeeze
score += accuracy_score(y_test[i ..< i+1000, _], y_pred)
loss += X_test[i ..< i+1000, _].model.sparse_softmax_cross_entropy(y_test[i ..< i+1000, _])[0]
score /= 10
loss /= 10
echo "Accuracy: " & $(score * 100) & "%"
echo "Loss: " & $loss
echo "\n"
############# Output ############
# Epoch is: 0
# Batch id: 0
# Loss is: 132.9124755859375
# Epoch is: 0
# Batch id: 200
# Loss is: 2.301989078521729
# Epoch is: 0
# Batch id: 400
# Loss is: 1.155071973800659
# Epoch is: 0
# Batch id: 600
# Loss is: 1.043337464332581
# Epoch is: 0
# Batch id: 800
# Loss is: 0.58299720287323
# Epoch is: 0
# Batch id: 1000
# Loss is: 0.5417937040328979
# Epoch is: 0
# Batch id: 1200
# Loss is: 0.6955615282058716
# Epoch is: 0
# Batch id: 1400
# Loss is: 0.4742314517498016
# Epoch is: 0
# Batch id: 1600
# Loss is: 0.3307125866413116
# Epoch is: 0
# Batch id: 1800
# Loss is: 0.6455222368240356
# Epoch #0 done. Testing accuracy
# Accuracy: 83.24999999999999%
# Loss: 0.5828457295894622
# Epoch is: 1
# Batch id: 0
# Loss is: 0.5344035029411316
# Epoch is: 1
# Batch id: 200
# Loss is: 0.4455387890338898
# Epoch is: 1
# Batch id: 400
# Loss is: 0.1642555445432663
# Epoch is: 1
# Batch id: 600
# Loss is: 0.5191419124603271
# Epoch is: 1
# Batch id: 800
# Loss is: 0.2091695368289948
# Epoch is: 1
# Batch id: 1000
# Loss is: 0.2661008834838867
# Epoch is: 1
# Batch id: 1200
# Loss is: 0.405451238155365
# Epoch is: 1
# Batch id: 1400
# Loss is: 0.1397259384393692
# Epoch is: 1
# Batch id: 1600
# Loss is: 0.526863694190979
# Epoch is: 1
# Batch id: 1800
# Loss is: 0.5916416645050049
# Epoch #1 done. Testing accuracy
# Accuracy: 88.49000000000001%
# Loss: 0.3582650691270828

### Tensors on CPU and on Cuda
Tensors and CudaTensors do not have the same features implemented yet.
Also Cuda Tensors can only be float32 or float64 while Cpu Tensor can be integers, string, boolean or any custom object.
Expand Down
76 changes: 75 additions & 1 deletion examples/ex02_handwritten_digits_recognition.nim
Expand Up @@ -128,4 +128,78 @@ for epoch in 0 ..< 5:
loss /= 10
echo "Accuracy: " & $(score * 100) & "%"
echo "Loss: " & $loss
echo "\n"
echo "\n"

############# Output ############

# Epoch is: 0
# Batch id: 0
# Loss is: 132.9124755859375
# Epoch is: 0
# Batch id: 200
# Loss is: 2.301989078521729
# Epoch is: 0
# Batch id: 400
# Loss is: 1.155071973800659
# Epoch is: 0
# Batch id: 600
# Loss is: 1.043337464332581
# Epoch is: 0
# Batch id: 800
# Loss is: 0.58299720287323
# Epoch is: 0
# Batch id: 1000
# Loss is: 0.5417937040328979
# Epoch is: 0
# Batch id: 1200
# Loss is: 0.6955615282058716
# Epoch is: 0
# Batch id: 1400
# Loss is: 0.4742314517498016
# Epoch is: 0
# Batch id: 1600
# Loss is: 0.3307125866413116
# Epoch is: 0
# Batch id: 1800
# Loss is: 0.6455222368240356

# Epoch #0 done. Testing accuracy
# Accuracy: 83.24999999999999%
# Loss: 0.5828457295894622

# Epoch is: 1
# Batch id: 0
# Loss is: 0.5344035029411316
# Epoch is: 1
# Batch id: 200
# Loss is: 0.4455387890338898
# Epoch is: 1
# Batch id: 400
# Loss is: 0.1642555445432663
# Epoch is: 1
# Batch id: 600
# Loss is: 0.5191419124603271
# Epoch is: 1
# Batch id: 800
# Loss is: 0.2091695368289948
# Epoch is: 1
# Batch id: 1000
# Loss is: 0.2661008834838867
# Epoch is: 1
# Batch id: 1200
# Loss is: 0.405451238155365
# Epoch is: 1
# Batch id: 1400
# Loss is: 0.1397259384393692
# Epoch is: 1
# Batch id: 1600
# Loss is: 0.526863694190979
# Epoch is: 1
# Batch id: 1800
# Loss is: 0.5916416645050049

# Epoch #1 done. Testing accuracy
# Accuracy: 88.49000000000001%
# Loss: 0.3582650691270828

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