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React typed forms

Yes, another form library for React. Why?

To take advantage of Typescript's advanced type system (v4.1) to give you more safety and a nice dev experience within your IDE.

Other reasons to use this library:

  • Zero re-rendering of parent components
  • Easy validation including async validators
  • Standard form related state (valid, disabled, dirty, touched, error string)
  • Arrays and nested forms
  • Zero dependencies besides React
  • MUI TextField binding


npm install @react-typed-forms/core

Simple example

import { Finput, buildGroup, control } from "@react-typed-forms/core";
import { useState } from "react";
import React from "react";

interface SimpleForm {
  firstName: string;
  lastName: string;

const FormDef = buildGroup<SimpleForm>()({
  firstName: "",
  lastName: control("", (v) => (!v ? "Required field" : undefined)),

export default function SimpleExample() {
  const [formState] = useState(FormDef);
  const { fields } = formState;
  const [formData, setFormData] = useState<SimpleForm>();
  return (
      onSubmit={(e) => {
      <label>First Name</label>
      <Finput id="firstName" type="text" state={fields.firstName} />
      <label>Last Name *</label>
      <Finput id="lastName" type="text" state={fields.lastName} />
        <button id="submit">Validate and toObject()</button>
      {formData && (
        <pre className="my-2">{JSON.stringify(formData, undefined, 2)}</pre>

Define your form

In order to render your form you first need to define it's structure, default values and validators.

The function buildGroup<T>() can be used to create a definition that matches the structure of your form data type. This comes in handy when you are creating forms based on types which are generated from a swagger or OpenAPI definition.

interface SimpleForm {
  firstName: string;
  lastName: string;

const FormDef = buildGroup<SimpleForm>()({
  firstName: "",
  lastName: control("", (v) => (!v ? "Required field" : undefined)),

control<V>(defaultValue) is used to define a control which holds a single immutable value of type V. When used within buildGroup the type will be inferred.

Instead of starting with a datatype and checking the form structure, you can also go with a form first approach:

const FormDef = groupControl({
  firstName: "",
  lastName: control("", (v) => (!v ? "Required field" : undefined)),

type SimpleForm = ValueTypeForControl<ControlType<typeof FormDef>>;

Render your form

With the form defined you need to initialise it within your component by using the useState() hook:

  const [formState] = useState(FormDef);

This will return an instance of GroupControl which has a fields property which contains FormControl instances.

The core library contains an <input> renderer for FormControl called Finput which uses html5's custom validation feature to show errors.

  return (
      <Finput type="text" state={formState.fields.firstName} />
      <Finput type="text" state={formState.fields.lastName} />

There is also a small library (@react-typed-forms/mui) which has some renderers for the MUI TextField component.


Creating renderers for a FormControl is very easy, it's a simple matter of using a hook function to register change listeners.

The easiest way is to just use useControlStateVersion() to trigger a re-render whenever any change that needs to be re-rendered occurs.

The most low level change listener hook is useControlChangeEffect() which just runs an effect function for the given change types.

Let's take a possible implementation Finput implementation which uses both:

// Only allow strings and numbers
export type FinputProps = React.InputHTMLAttributes<HTMLInputElement> & {
  state: FormControl<string | number>;

export function Finput({ state, ...others }: FinputProps) {
  // Re-render on value or disabled state change
  useControlStateVersion(state, ControlChange.Value | ControlChange.Disabled);

  // Update the HTML5 custom validity whenever the error message is changed/cleared
    (s) =>
      (state.element as HTMLInputElement)?.setCustomValidity(state.error ?? ""),
  return (
      ref={(r) => {
        state.element = r;
        if (r) r.setCustomValidity(state.error ?? "");
      onChange={(e) => state.setValue(e.currentTarget.value)}
      onBlur={() => state.setTouched(true)}

Other listener hooks


If you need complex validation which requires calling a web service, call useAsyncValidator() with your validation callback which returns a Promise with the error message (or null/undefined for valid). You also pass in a debounce time in milliseconds, so that you don't validate on each keypress.


If you need to re-render part of a component based on the value of a FormComponent, use the userControlValue() hook:

function UseControlValueComponent() {
  const [titleField] = useState(control(""));
  const title = useControlValue(titleField);
  return (
      Title: <Finput state={titleField} type="text" />
      <br />
      <h1>The title is {title}</h1>


A common scenario for forms is that you'd like to have a Save button which is disabled when the form is invalid.

import {useControlChangeEffect} from "@react-typed-forms/core";

const [formValid, setFormValid] = useState(formState.valid);
useControlChangeEffect(formState, () => setFormValid(formState.valid), ControlChange.Valid);

//...render form...
<button disabled={!formValid} onClick={() => save()}>Save</button>

useControlState() handles the state updates for you so you could replace the above code with:

const formValid = useControlState(formState, (c) => c.valid, ControlChange.Valid);

NOTE: useControlValue is just useControlState using the value.


The only downside to useControlState() is that you will be re-rendering the whole component, which usually won't matter if it's not too complicated but we can do better.

useControlStateComponent() creates a component which takes a function that passes in the computed state value and only renders that when it changes.

const FormValid = useControlStateComponent(formState, (c) => c.valid, ControlChange.Valid);
// ...render form...
    {(formValid) => (
        <button disabled={!formValid} onClick={() => save()}>


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  • TypeScript 66.3%
  • JavaScript 28.5%
  • C# 4.8%
  • Shell 0.4%