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You will find information to launch a docker with the necessary resources to start a python notebook.

The goal is to have a reproducible working environment.

Once the docker image is running you can open notebook saved locally.

How to build and start the container?

You need to the run the script:


that will simply build the image or add modifications to existing docker image (e.g. to add a missing Python module) by calling the following docker command docker build . -t image_name. Each time this command is ran, if the docker container is already active, it will ask you if you want to re-start it.

How to stop the container?

Run the command:

$docker container ls

which should return the list of active docker containers:

CONTAINER ID        IMAGE               COMMAND                  CREATED             STATUS              PORTS               NAMES
49c44c77ed46        researchlab         "/bin/sh -c /researc…"   16 minutes ago      Up 16 minutes       8888/tcp            random_name

then do

$kill docker random_name

How to open local notebook from notebook server on docker?

For now it can only run notebook saved where the docker image is created.

How to import module saved locally?


How to access data outside the docker container?


How to delete all containers?

$docker rm $(docker ps -a -q)

How to delete all images?

$docker rmi $(docker images -q)


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