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Article Inclusion & Exclusion

ruthmccabe edited this page Apr 4, 2024 · 10 revisions

If you're unsure as to whether to extract data from an article because of the nature of the article itself, please refer to the inclusion and exclusion criteria below.


  • Language: English
  • Form/Study Type: peer-reviewed, original research (but please tag all systematic reviews and meta-analyses in Covidence!)
  • Participants/Population: human (genomic studies with animal samples are allowed provided that the majority of samples are human)
  • Contents: any one of the following
  1. Mention of any human outbreak that has concluded -- size, year, location, duration, spatial scale (local, regional, national, international)​
  2. Mathematical or statistical model of transmission​
  3. Measures/estimates of human: R, R0, Rt, r, Re, growth rate, generation time, serial interval, incubation/latent period, other human delays, CFR, attack rate, mutation rate, substitution rate, evolutionary rate, overdispersion, risk factors (risk and the measure), seroprevalence​ ...

Note: studies that mention concluded human outbreaks (and associated descriptors) are included even if there is no transmission model or parameters of interest


  • Language: non-English
  • Form/Study Type: posters, conference proceedings, correspondence, literature reviews, meta-analyses (but please tag all systematic reviews and meta-analyses in Covidence!), abstract-only
  • Participants/Population: in-vitro studies, solely animal studies (except possibly for MERS and similar pathogens)
  • Case studies with less than 10 cases


  • Should (clinical) case reports and/or case series be included (these might be worth considering for diseases with limited data)?
  • Should animal studies be included?
  • What are accidental outbreaks​?
  • What animal parameters (if any) should be extracted? e.g., R, R0, Rt, r, Re, growth rate, mutation rate ...
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