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Module: MMM-Pimatic

This MagicMirror module connects to a pimatic home automation server to listen on device attribute changes. Received values are compared to a default value and differing values are displayed as notifications on the MagicMirror screen in a Notification Board. Optional an audio alarm can be triggered. As an example, in case of an received emergency alarm a sirene sound file (mp3) can be played once or in endless loop by omxplayer (see example in config.js-Pimatic).

Notification Board:

Magic-Mirror Module MMM-M1-Pimatic - Notification Board

The same modul can also be used to monitor pimatic temperature values displayed in a separate table (Temperature Board).

Temperature Board:

Magic-Mirror Module MMM-M1-Pimatic - Notification Board



Navigate into your MagicMirror's modules folder:

cd ~/MagicMirror/modules

Clone this repository:

git clone

Navigate to the new MMM-Pimatic folder and install the node dependencies.

npm install

Configure the module in your MagicMirror configuration file config.js . You can find an example configuration for the Pimatic module in file config.js-Pimatic.

Using the module

Pimatic devices of interest for the notification board need to be defined in the MagicMirror config fileconfig.js. The following example include three devices for the Notification Board and four temperature related device attributes to display in the Temperature Board.

    module: 'MMM-Pimatic',
    header: 'Pimatic Notification Board',
    position: 'top_center',
    config: {
        host :'pimatic',
        port : 80,
        user : 'YourPimaticLoginUser',
        passwd : 'YourPimaticLoginUserPassword',
        style: 'notifications',
        devices: [
                name: 'Alarmanlage',
                icon: 'icon-Alarmanlage',
                attributeName: '',
                defaultValue: false,
                notification : 'Eingeschaltet'
                name: 'Termine',
                icon: 'icon-Termine',
                attributeName: 'dTermine.Termine',
                defaultValue: 'keine',
                notification: '@'
                name: 'Wohnzimmer Steckdose 15 (Test)',
                icon: 'icon-Default',
                attributeName: 'wallplug15.state',
                defaultValue: false,
                notification: 'eingeschaltet'
    module: 'MMM-Pimatic',
    header: 'Temperaturen',
    position: 'bottom_center',
    config: {
        host :'pimatic',
        port : 80,
        user : 'YourPimaticUserLoginName',
        passwd : 'YourPimaticUserLoginPassword',
        style: 'temperatures',
        unit: '&deg',
        devices: [
              name: 'Wohnzimmer',
              attributeName: 'Temperaturen.Wohnzimmer',
              name: 'Aussen',
              attributeName: 'ThermiComPuffer.T7',
              name: 'Puffer',
              attributeName: 'ThermiComPuffer.T6',
              name: 'Gaskessel',
              attributeName: 'ThermiComKessel.T9',
              name: 'Kollektor',
              attributeName: 'ThermiComPuffer.T1',

Configuration options

The following properties needs to be configured:

Option Description
host Hostname or IP of your pimatic home automation server.
port Port to connect to your pimatic server, configured in config.json of your pimatic installation
user User login name configured in config.json of your pimatic installation
passwd Passwd of your specified pimatic user login name
style The style to use for displaying values
Possible values: notifications for the Notification Board or temperatures for the Temperature Board
devices List of devices and related device attributes to monitor by the modul.

Each device specification consists of the following keys:

Key Value
name A static text to display as the first line of the message placed in the notification board. You can choose a name independent from the pimatic device definition.
notification Text to show as the second line of the message placed in the Notification Board.
Possible values are a static text, the place holder @ or a text including the place holder. The place holder @ will be replaced by the the received value of the device attribute before the text is displayed in the Notification Board.
icon Icon to show in front of the notification. Icon names are defined in style sheet file MMM-Pimatc.css. Check the style sheet file for use of blinking icons for important notifications. You can design your own icons by editing the icon-pimatic.png file under directory icons with a bit map editor.
attributeName Pimatic device attribute name. The attributeName consist of a pimatic device-id and a related attribute. Go to the pimatic GUI and find the valid device attribute names for your configured devices under Menu - Variables - Device Attributes.
defaultValue Default device attribute value. Every received device attribute value is compared against his defaultValue. In case that the actual received value differ from the default value, the message text defined in notification is shown in the Notification Board. If for example the default value false change to true, the specified notification is displayed. If the device attribute value changes back to his default value the notification will be removed from the Notification Board.

Devices for the Temperature Board requires only the keys name and attributeName.

Special Thanks