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Multiple Fuels

Marcus Reed edited this page Apr 4, 2019 · 1 revision

The multiple fuels calculator is pretty useful for those that are conducting bigger burns that require you to figure more than one fuel type.

A "Block" is a section or size of your burn that contains a single fuel type (majority). Fill in the block size (in acres no decimals), select the type and load for that block then click the Blue Plus button to add that block to the queue. MULTI-004
Once you have added all your blocks, the program will have added all the size and the tons already. MULTI-006
Next, don't forget to put in your Category day and your target distance. MULTI-007

Once you have calculated your burn, you will notice a link to a CSV file in the lower left hand corner of the form: MULTI-010
This file is created so that you have a record of the multiple fuels for this burn.

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