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Whats included in the x64dbg Plugin SDK (x64) package

fearless edited this page Jul 29, 2016 · 1 revision


Whats included in the x64dbg Plugin SDK (x64) package:

  • JWasm64/HJWasm version of the x64dbg Plugin SDK found in the pluginsdk folder
  • RadASM testplugin project as a working example of how to use the x64dbg Plugin SDK
  • RadASM template for creating your own x64dbg plugins.
  • RadASM code completion files for easy use of the x64dbg Plugin SDK

x64dbg Plugin SDK For x64 Assembler

The files that comprise this version of the x64dbg Plugin SDK For x64 Assembler are:

  • pluginsdk\include\ - Main include file - see below on how to use.
  • pluginsdk\include\ - x64dbg jwasm style include from x64dbg source files
  • pluginsdk\include\ - x64bridge jwasm style include from x64dbg bridgemain.h
  • pluginsdk\include\ - dbghelp_x64 jwasm style include
  • pluginsdk\include\ - TitanEngine jwasm style include from TitanEngine.h
  • pluginsdk\lib\x64dbg.lib - x64dbg library from the x64dbg's x64dbg.dll
  • pluginsdk\lib\x64bridge.lib - x64bridge library from the x64dbg's x64bridge.dll
  • pluginsdk\lib\dbghelp_x64.lib - dbghelp_x64 library from x64dbg's dbghelp.dll
  • pluginsdk\lib\TitanEngine_x64.lib - TitanEngine library from x64dbg's TitanEngine.dll


The files that are included in the extra folder are:

  • install.bat - Copies the pluginsdk files to your JWasm folders (lib, include)
  • JwasmApiCall.api - RadASM code completion file for api calls (for JWasm64/HJWasm)
  • JwasmApiConst.api - RadASM code completion file for constants (for JWasm64/HJWasm)
  • JwasmApiStruct.api - RadASM code completion file for structures (for JWasm64/HJWasm)
  • x64dbgplugin.tpl - RadASM 64bit x64dbg plugin template for easy project creation