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Anthropic AI Hackathon 2023

Project for 2023 Anthropic AI Hackathon from lablab:


Demo is live!

Note that the Streamlit instance probably has to be woken up

Though the supplied Antrhopic API Key can only handle one request at a time. Consider supplying your own


Current version should be able to be run out of the box (get's precomputed parts via GitHub's releases). Should be simple enough to follow these directions:

  1. Clone Repo: git clone
  2. (Optional) Create an environment (like conda: `conda create --name wim python=3.11)
  • Note I used python 3.11 other recent versions might work but can't guarantee...
  1. Install requirements: pip install -r requirements.txt
  2. Run app: streamlit run
  3. Enjoy! (localhost:8501)

Loading Config Example

For a simple example data config file, see config.json from v0.1.1. Simply download file to workspace to use in deployed Streamlit app.

Creating Your Own transcripts from Audio

Associated repo to create transcripts for this tool from a set of videos on YouTube playlist: Repo will be updated periodically indpendent from this project.

I suggest using the small model first since larger models can take a significant amount of time.