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Heart Risk Key Indicators Machine Learning model deployment

The following repository describes how to setup and deploy a machine learning model into production using Flask, Gunicorn, Docker and AWS. The steps are as follow:

  1. Set up environment withpipenv

  2. Flask script

  3. Gunicorn

  4. Docker file

  5. Self-Signed Certificates and HTTPS

  6. Docker hub

  7. Cloud deployment:

    1. EC2 Instance

    2. Elastic Beanstalk

    3. AWS Lambda

1. Set up environment with pipenv

First install pipenv by typing in terminal

pip install pipenv

After instalation completes, go to your project's directory and type

pipenv install numpy==1.21.2 scikit-learn==1.0.2 flask flask-cors gunicorn

This will install all dependencies needed to deploy your project.

2. Flask script

Our script is located in and when run it creates a Flask web server that receives a POST request with the users data and serves a JSON prediction with the probability and danger zone of a heart risk.

As an example, a POST request can be seen in If that request was made, the resulting JSON response would look like

  "danger": false,
  "probability": 0.3899974849087367

Which indicates that the user has a probability of a heart risk of almost 39% and is below the danger zone.

As an important note, if you look at requiered libraries in the script, you will notice that flask_cors is being used. This is because current web browsers uses CORS and to solve this issue we need to wrap our application with it.

3. Gunicorn

Gunicorn 'Green Unicorn' is a Python WSGI HTTP Server for UNIX, it is used for production and I will use it here to deploy my application. Since it was already installed with pipenv we are ready to use it. Simply type

gunicorn --bind deploy_flask:app

4. Docker

Docker allows portability of our application and deployment on any machine by creating containers. I will create a docker container for this application. The first step is to have a Docker file with includes all OS dependencies to virtualize our environment.

Our Docker file was created to deploy two types of containers: an HTTP and a HTTPS web server, you can edit it the Docker file of this project by comment/uncomment the lines that set this parameter.

To build your container using an HTTP server just type

docker build -t heart-risk-prediction-model:http .

Note that I named the container as heart-risk-prediction-modeland tagged it as httpto differentiate the type of server I deployed.

Now we can run the container with

docker run -it --rm -p 9696:9696 heart-risk-prediction-model:http

The port mapping used here is host_port:docker_port. To test it you can run again.

5. Self-Signed Certificates and HTTPS

In case of the HTTPS server, you will need to create a cert.pem and key.pem files. For testing purposes you can create a self-signed certificate by installing openssl and then running

openssl req -x509 -newkey rsa:4096 -nodes -out cert.pem -keyout key.pem -days 365

Now you can build your Dockercontainer by typing inside of the project directory

docker build -t heart-risk-prediction-model:https .

Note that I named the container as heart-risk-prediction-modeland tagged it as httpssince I used my key.pem and cert.pem files.

To test the service you can use Postman since it makes easier to use the HTTPS certificate validation.

6. Uploading to Docker Hub

For your container to be available, I will use Docker Hub. First you need to tag your container as follows:

docker tag heart-risk-prediction-model:http  mriosrivas/heart-risk-prediction-model:http

Then you can push it by typing

docker push mriosrivas/heart-risk-prediction-model:http

In this case my user account is mriosrivas you can change it to your own.

7. Cloud Deployment

For cloud deployment I will use Amazon Web Services, namely two different types methods:

  • Using an EC2 instance with Ubuntu 20.04

  • Using AWS Elastic Beanstalk

7.1 Deploy using EC2 instance

For this you can create a free tier EC2 instance with Ubuntu 20.04. After that you need to install Docker on the server and with it pull the docker container running

docker pull mriosrivas/heart-risk-prediction-model:http

To run the container simply type

docker run --rm -p 80:9696 mriosrivas/heart-risk-prediction-model:http 

In this case I mapped the host to port 80 and the docker container to port 9696.

Now instead of using the localhost server you can use the DNS in your application.

7.2 Deploy using AWS Elastic Beanstalk

To deploy using AWS Elastic Beanstalk you need to modify your virtual environment to include the AWS Elastic Beanstalk CLI. First install the awsebcli interfase with

pipenv install awsebcli --dev

Note we append the --dev for developing purposes.

Go inside the the pipenv with

pipenv shell

Now create a local application called heart-risk-prediction with docker as plattform and us-east-1 as region.

eb init -p docker -r us-east-1 heart-risk-prediction

Run locally

eb local run --port 9696

Finally create your cloud environment calledheart-risk-prediction-env

eb create heart-risk-prediction-env

If everything works well you should see somehting similar to this in the terminal

Application available at

Now you can use this DNS in your application.


There seems to be a conflict when using both git and eb cli. In order to avoid this issue you can delete the .git folder and solve this issue.

7.3 Deploy using AWS Lambda

For complete implementation you can refer here

GitHub - mriosrivas/heart-risk-prediction-deployment-lambda: Deployment of machine learning model using AWS Lambda


Deployment of a Machine Learning model






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