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periodic-words vocab.
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mrjbq7 committed Dec 28, 2011
1 parent 4cedc21 commit bbdfc73
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Showing 3 changed files with 164 additions and 0 deletions.
3 changes: 3 additions & 0 deletions README
Expand Up @@ -115,6 +115,9 @@ n-partition:
simple NTP client

calculates if a word is "periodic", like "GeNiUS".

implementation of

Expand Down
9 changes: 9 additions & 0 deletions periodic-words/periodic-words-tests.factor
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
! Copyright (C) 2011 John Benediktsson
! See for BSD license

USING: periodic-words tools.test ;

IN: periodic-words

[ t ] [ "Genius" periodic? ] unit-test
[ f ] [ "Factor" periodic? ] unit-test
152 changes: 152 additions & 0 deletions periodic-words/periodic-words.factor
@@ -0,0 +1,152 @@
! Copyright (C) 2011 John Benediktsson
! See for BSD license

USING: ascii assocs combinators.short-circuit fry
io.encodings.ascii io.files kernel math memoize sequences ;

IN: periodic-words

MEMO: elements ( -- assoc )
{ "H" "Hydrogen" }
{ "He" "Helium" }
{ "Li" "Lithium" }
{ "Be" "Beryllium" }
{ "B" "Boron" }
{ "C" "Carbon" }
{ "N" "Nitrogen" }
{ "O" "Oxygen" }
{ "F" "Fluorine" }
{ "Ne" "Neon" }
{ "Na" "Sodium" }
{ "Mg" "Magnesium" }
{ "Al" "Aluminium" }
{ "Si" "Silicon" }
{ "P" "Phosphorus" }
{ "S" "Sulfur" }
{ "Cl" "Chlorine" }
{ "Ar" "Argon" }
{ "K" "Potassium" }
{ "Ca" "Calcium" }
{ "Sc" "Scandium" }
{ "Ti" "Titanium" }
{ "V" "Vanadium" }
{ "Cr" "Chromium" }
{ "Mn" "Manganese" }
{ "Fe" "Iron" }
{ "Co" "Cobalt" }
{ "Ni" "Nickel" }
{ "Cu" "Copper" }
{ "Zn" "Zinc" }
{ "Ga" "Gallium" }
{ "Ge" "Germanium" }
{ "As" "Arsenic" }
{ "Se" "Selenium" }
{ "Br" "Bromine" }
{ "Kr" "Krypton" }
{ "Rb" "Rubidium" }
{ "Sr" "Strontium" }
{ "Y" "Yttrium" }
{ "Zr" "Zirconium" }
{ "Nb" "Niobium" }
{ "Mo" "Molybdenum" }
{ "Tc" "Technetium" }
{ "Ru" "Ruthenium" }
{ "Rh" "Rhodium" }
{ "Pd" "Palladium" }
{ "Ag" "Silver" }
{ "Cd" "Cadmium" }
{ "In" "Indium" }
{ "Sn" "Tin" }
{ "Sb" "Antimony" }
{ "Te" "Tellurium" }
{ "I" "Iodine" }
{ "Xe" "Xenon" }
{ "Cs" "Caesium" }
{ "Ba" "Barium" }
{ "La" "Lanthanum" }
{ "Ce" "Cerium" }
{ "Pr" "Praseodymium" }
{ "Nd" "Neodymium" }
{ "Pm" "Promethium" }
{ "Sm" "Samarium" }
{ "Eu" "Europium" }
{ "Gd" "Gadolinium" }
{ "Tb" "Terbium" }
{ "Dy" "Dysprosium" }
{ "Ho" "Holmium" }
{ "Er" "Erbium" }
{ "Tm" "Thulium" }
{ "Yb" "Ytterbium" }
{ "Lu" "Lutetium" }
{ "Hf" "Hafnium" }
{ "Ta" "Tantalum" }
{ "W" "Tungsten" }
{ "Re" "Rhenium" }
{ "Os" "Osmium" }
{ "Ir" "Iridium" }
{ "Pt" "Platinum" }
{ "Au" "Gold" }
{ "Hg" "Mercury" }
{ "Tl" "Thallium" }
{ "Pb" "Lead" }
{ "Bi" "Bismuth" }
{ "Po" "Polonium" }
{ "At" "Astatine" }
{ "Rn" "Radon" }
{ "Fr" "Francium" }
{ "Ra" "Radium" }
{ "Ac" "Actinium" }
{ "Th" "Thorium" }
{ "Pa" "Protactinium" }
{ "U" "Uranium" }
{ "Np" "Neptunium" }
{ "Pu" "Plutonium" }
{ "Am" "Americium" }
{ "Cm" "Curium" }
{ "Bk" "Berkelium" }
{ "Cf" "Californium" }
{ "Es" "Einsteinium" }
{ "Fm" "Fermium" }
{ "Md" "Mendelevium" }
{ "No" "Nobelium" }
{ "Lr" "Lawrencium" }
{ "Rf" "Rutherfordium" }
{ "Db" "Dubnium" }
{ "Sg" "Seaborgium" }
{ "Bh" "Bohrium" }
{ "Hs" "Hassium" }
{ "Mt" "Meitnerium" }
{ "Ds" "Darmstadtium" }
{ "Rg" "Roentgenium" }
{ "Cn" "Copernicium" }
{ "Uut" "Ununtrium" }
{ "Uuq" "Ununquadium" }
{ "Uup" "Ununpentium" }
{ "Uuh" "Ununhexium" }
{ "Uus" "Ununseptium" }
{ "Uuo" "Ununoctium" }
} [ [ >lower ] dip ] assoc-map ;

: element? ( from to word -- ? )
2dup length > [ 3drop f ] [ subseq elements key? ] if ;

: (periodic?) ( word from -- ? )
[ swap length = ]
{ 1 2 3 } [
dupd + [ pick element? ] keep
'[ dup _ (periodic?) ] [ f ] if
] with any? nip
} 2|| ;

: periodic? ( word -- ? )
>lower 0 (periodic?) ;

MEMO: dict-words ( -- words )
"/usr/share/dict/words" ascii file-lines ;

: periodic-words ( -- words )
dict-words [ periodic? ] filter ;

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