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This project produces an executable binary for use on the command line in Mac OS 10. The executable is used for both executing cc3 binaries and compiling cc3 source files into binaries.


There is a Makefile included to make building easier. Xcode 7.3+ with Swift 2.2+ is required to build the emulator/compiler. All output of the Makefile targets are in the bin/ directory.

Makefile Usage

  • build - Builds the emulator/compiler. The executable is named cc3
  • challenges - Builds the cc3 binaries for all the coding challenge goals
  • clean - Deletes the bin/ directory


After building, this file is output to bin/cc3. It is used to both execute cc3 binaries and compile cc3 source files into binaries.


Specifying the -e or --execute flag (or no flag) followed by one or more cc3 binary files will execute the files. The files will be executed in the order they are passed.

bin/cc3 Test1 Test2


bin/cc3 -e Test1 Test2


bin/cc3 --execute Test1 Test2
Important Note

While memory is reset between executions, registers are not. This can be useful for chaining executables.


Specifying the -c or --compile flag followed by one or more .cc3 source files will compile the files. The binaries are outputed into the directory in which the compiler is ran. They are named after their source files sans file extension.

bin/cc3 -c Test1.cc3 Test2.cc3


bin/cc3 --compile Test1.cc3 Test2.cc3

You can even compile and execute all at once!

bin/cc3 --compile Test.cc3 --execute Test

CC3 Language Specification

Instruction Method Syntax Info
000 null Inserts a zeroed out word
100 exit Means halt
2dn set d n Set register d to n (between 0 and 9)
3dn add d n Add n to register d
4dn mult d n Multiply register d by n
5ds set_reg d s Set register d to the value of register s
6ds add_reg d s Add the value of register s to register d
7ds mult_reg d s Multiply register d by the value of register s
8da read d a Set register d to the value in RAM whose address is in register a
9sa write d a Set the value in RAM whose address is in register a to that of register s
0ds goto d s Goto the location in register d unless register s contains 0
xyz raw xyz or xyz Use the raw value provided
N/A #abc Comment the code with abc. This can be on its own line or at the end of an executable line


WT iOS Team Coding Challenge #3






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