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opentsg-io contains the encoding methods for custom image libraries, which are not part of the golang/image library. This module is part of open tpg project, but can be used independently for when you just need an image saved.

Thescurrent image files are:

  • DPX files.
  • Tiff files, which are part of the golang library, but this saves without any alpha channel.
  • EXR files, there are alternatives avaiable.
  • CSV representing the red blue green channels - MAY remove

At the moment no decoders are contained within in the repo, but this much change with the needs of the project.


These functions are made to work with opentsg, so often use *image.NRGBA64 instead of image.Image, because we do not handle the other images. If you would like to contribute to this to improve the options available to people who would like to use this package please do.


  • 8 12 and 16 bits
  • methods of encoding. little endian


  • only one method etc


Depending on what you are making, it can be a good idea to include screenshots or even a video (you'll frequently see GIFs rather than actual videos). Tools like ttygif can help, but check out Asciinema for a more sophisticated method.


go get opentsg-io


import (

func main() {

// make an image

// paint it green

//save it as a dpx



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BSD-3 clause with attribution

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Ouput module for opentsg (and a plan to add some input read functions eventually)






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