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Yahoogroups-archiver is a tool to archive the messages of a Yahoo Group to a Firebird database.

Be aware, this tool started out as an experiment that I abandoned over a year ago. With the imminent closure of the archive of Yahoo Groups, I have decided to publish it in the hope that maybe it is useful for someone else as well.

This tool is offered free of charge under the MIT license. It is offered without any warranty or support. Use at your own risk.


Upgrade Note

If you used Yahoogroups-archiver before the 2nd of August 2023, you'll need to migrate your database manually to make it compatible with the switch to Flyway for migrations.

Attempting to run any of the tools will produce the error

Exception in thread "main" org.flywaydb.core.api.FlywayException: Found non-empty schema(s) "default" but no schema history table.

To fix this, execute the following (e.g. using ISQL) on your database:

CREATE TABLE "flyway_schema_history" (
  "installed_rank" INTEGER CONSTRAINT "flyway_schema_history_pk" PRIMARY KEY,
  "version" VARCHAR(50),
  "description" VARCHAR(200) NOT NULL,
  "type" VARCHAR(20) NOT NULL,
  "script" VARCHAR(1000) NOT NULL,
  "checksum" INTEGER,
  "installed_by" VARCHAR(100) NOT NULL,
  "execution_time" INTEGER NOT NULL,
CREATE INDEX "flyway_schema_history_s_idx" ON "flyway_schema_history" ("success");

INSERT INTO "flyway_schema_history" ("installed_rank","version","description","type","script","checksum","installed_by","installed_on","execution_time","success") VALUES
  (1,'1','initial tables','SQL','V1__initial_tables.sql',1520187526,'SYSDBA','2023-08-02 16:42:47.788',80,1);



Edit src/main/resources/ with the connection details of your Firebird database server. The tool will automatically create the database configured in db.databaseName if it does not yet exist.


With the removal of the API on December 14th, 2019, the archiving no longer works

NOTE: I have only ever run this from within an IDE (IntelliJ IDEA), so these instructions assume sufficient Java knowledge to get things compiled and running in IntelliJ IDEA or the tool of your choice.

The build by default expects the database to already exist and contain the expected structure. To compile without that database, comment out or remove the entire archivedb section in the jooq section of the build.gradle.

The archiver can archive multiple groups, but you need to archive them individually. You can update to archive newer messages in existing archives.

Archiving a group

To archive a group, run

nl.lawinegevaar.yahoogroups.archiver.ScraperMain --group <name-of-group>

Be aware that archiving is pretty slow, so for large archives it can take a long time to complete. If archiving starts to fail after a while, it may mean that Yahoo has temporarily blocked you. In that case, wait a few hours and restart. The archiver will pick up where it left off.

If your group is a closed group (in that case, the archiver will throw an exception), you need to inspect the headers of your browser requests to and copy the Cookie value and run the tool with:

nl.lawinegevaar.yahoogroups.archiver.ScraperMain --group <name-of-group> --cookie-string "<cookies-value>"

Update archives

To add new messages to existing archived groups, use:

nl.lawinegevaar.yahoogroups.archiver.ScraperMain --update

For closed groups, you'll need to add the --cookie-string option as well.

For each group, the update will use the last message id archived, and archive all newer message ids.

When using --update combined with --retry-gaps, the updater will retry the gaps in message ids to see if those messages now do exist. In general retrying the gaps will not find new messages, although my guess is that it might catch messages that were on hold for moderation in previous runs.

The update option will not revisit previous message, for example to update the references between messages.

Building HTML archive

The file src/main/resources/ can be used to configure parts of the HTML generation.

To build a HTML archive of all messages, run

nl.lawinegevaar.yahoogroups.archiver.ArchiveBuilderMain --output <output-directory>

The output directory must be empty.


Experimental tool to archive Yahoo Groups








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