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Vaadin application to test transparent CDI event distribution in Jakarta EE clusters


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jakartaee-clustered-cdi-events testing application

This application is created for testing the jakartaee-clustered-cdi-events EJB module. It demonstrates with a Vaadin application how CDI events can be transparently broadcasted within a WildFly (or any other Jakarta EE 8) cluster.


  • Broadcaster: Manages event listeners and broadcasts messages to all registered consumers according to the Vaadin Broadcaster pattern.
  • Message: A simple message class marked with @Clustered to enable cluster-wide event distribution.
  • MainView: A Vaadin view that allows users to send messages and view received broadcasts from local and other nodes.

Here's the component diagram:

Component diagram

Building and running locally

You need Maven and Java 11 JDK to build and run the application.

First, build and install jakartaee-clustered-cdi-events locally as it is not published in Maven Central yet:

git clone
pushd jakartaee-clustered-cdi-events
mvn clean install

Then build the test application WAR with

mvn clean package -Pproduction

and deploy the resulting WAR to the application server.

See other configuration and running instructions in the jakartaee-clustered-cdi-events project README.


  1. Open the URL http://localhost:8080/ in two different web browsers or use a normal and a private/incognito window in the same browser. This creates two separate user sessions for testing.
  2. Type a message in either browser and click "Broadcast" or "Async broadcast" in either browser. This sends a CDI event with the message.
  3. Both browsers will display the message received via the WebSocket protocol from the CDI event system.

Running two nodes with Docker

The application can be run in a clustered configuration using the provided Docker and Docker Compose configuration files by running the following commands after building the application WAR:

docker-compose build
docker-compose up -d

In case docker-compose build fails due to BuildKit errors, try building without BuildKit:

DOCKER_BUILDKIT=0 docker-compose build

You can view the logs with:

docker-compose logs -f

Open http://localhost:8080/ and http://localhost:8081/ side-by-side in separate web browser windows and send broadcast messages as described above to test communication between the cluster nodes.

Cross-bridging JMS on two WildFly servers

In the Docker Compose example cluster, a JMS cross-bridge is used for JMS clustering between two WildFly server instances. By cross-bridging JMS on these servers, the messages are replicated from a topic on one server to the same topic on the other.

The process involves:

  1. Setting up a user on both server instances that the JMS connection will use.
  2. Configuring a JMS bridge in instance A with the bridge’s source destination connecting to instance B.
  3. Similarly, configuring the bridge in instance B with the bridge’s source destination connecting to instance A.

The source and target destination of the bridge is the CLUSTER_CDI_EVENTS topic used in jakartaee-clustered-cdi-events.

The commands for adding the topic, bridge and other required configuration are in config/wildfly-configuration-commands.cli.


This project is licensed under the Apache License - see the LICENSE file for details.

Here's how to apply the license with addlicense:

go install
~/go/bin/addlicense -c 'Your Name' -s=only -l=apache src/


Vaadin application to test transparent CDI event distribution in Jakarta EE clusters







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