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HTML Interview Questions

Easy Questions

No. Question
1 What is HTML?
2 How do you create hyperlinks in HTML?
3 What are HTML tags?
4 How do you insert an image in an HTML page?
5 How do you create a list in HTML?
6 How do you create a table in HTML?
7 How do you use comments in HTML?
8 How do you make text bold in HTML?
9 How do you make text italic in HTML?
10 How do you create a hyperlink that opens in a new tab?
11 What is the purpose of the alt attribute for images?
12 How do you create a dropdown list in HTML?
13 What are inline elements and block-level elements in HTML?
14 How do you include audio and video files in an HTML document?
15 How do you create a navigation bar in HTML?
16 What is an HTML fragment?
17 How do you make an HTML element draggable?
18 What are some new form elements introduced in HTML5?
19 How do you make a web page HTML5 compliant?
20 How do you validate HTML5 code?
21 How do you handle multimedia files in HTML5?
22 What are Web Workers in HTML5, and how do you use them?
23 How do you create a responsive web design with HTML5?
24 What are semantic tags in HTML5? Give examples.
25 How do you handle graphical elements in HTML5?
26 Explain the difference between cookies, sessionStorage, and localStorage in HTML5.
27 How do you optimize a website's performance with HTML?
28 What is the purpose of the bdi and bdo tags in HTML?
29 How do you create a citation or a definition in HTML?
30 How do you use the col and colgroup elements in HTML tables?
31 How do you define a description list in HTML?
32 What is the difference between em and strong tags?
33 How do you use the embed tag in HTML5?
34 How do you use the label tag in HTML forms?
35 What is the purpose of the meter tag in HTML5?
36 What is the role of the noscript tag in HTML?
37 How do you use HTML5's picture element for responsive images?
38 If you wanted to pass parameters, how would you pass them in a GET and a POST request?
39 How we can create a form in HTML?
40 What is HR tag in HTML?

Medium Questions

No. Question
1 Can you explain the basic structure of an HTML document?
2 What's the difference between an element and a tag in HTML?
3 Describe the difference between
and .
4 What is the purpose of the doctype in an HTML document?
5 What are HTML attributes?
6 Explain the difference between id and class attributes.
7 What is the purpose of the head and body sections in HTML?
8 What is an HTML form and how do you create one?
9 Explain the concept of semantic HTML.
10 What is an iframe and how is it used?
11 What is the purpose of meta tags in HTML?
12 Explain inline, internal, and external CSS in HTML.
13 What are HTML entities?
14 How do you embed JavaScript in an HTML document?
15 What are the different types of lists in HTML?
16 Explain the difference between GET and POST methods in form submission.
17 What is an HTML canvas element?
18 What is the purpose of the title tag in HTML?
19 What is the difference between link and @import for including CSS?
20 How do you structure a webpage using HTML5 semantic elements?
21 What is the purpose of the article element in HTML5?
22 How do you use the section element in HTML5?
23 What are data attributes in HTML5?
24 What is the aside element used for in HTML5?
25 Explain the purpose of the header and footer elements in HTML5.
26 How do you use the figure and figcaption elements in HTML5?
27 What is the nav element and how is it used?
28 How do you use HTML5 for web storage?
29 What is the output element in HTML5 forms?
30 What is the role of doctype in HTML5?
31 What is the purpose of the canvas element in HTML5?
32 How can you use custom data attributes in HTML5?
33 What are the differences between HTML and XHTML?
34 What is the purpose of the main element in HTML5?
35 Explain the use of the progress element in HTML5.
36 Explain the use of the template tag in HTML5.
37 Explain the use of the code tag in HTML.
38 Explain the dialog element in HTML5.
39 Explain the ins and del tags in HTML.
40 Explain the legend tag in HTML.
41 Explain the use of the object tag in HTML5.
42 What is the optgroup and option tags' usage in dropdown lists?
43 What are section tags used for in HTML5?
44 Can you tell me how we can handle events in HTML?
45 Where can we use a script tag and when can we use a script in the body?

Hard Questions

No. Question
1 Explain the difference between block and inline-block display values.
2 What is the purpose of the mark element in HTML5?
3 What are some common accessibility considerations in HTML?
4 How do you implement drag-and-drop functionality using HTML5?
5 What is the role of the audio and video tags in HTML5?
6 How do you use the details and summary elements in HTML5?
7 What is the purpose of the datalist element in HTML5?
8 How do you use the fieldset and legend tags in forms?
9 What is the purpose of the figcaption element in HTML5?
10 How do you use the figure tag in HTML5?
11 Explain the purpose of the footer tag in HTML5.
12 What is the head tag and what does it contain?
13 How do you use the header tag in HTML5?
14 What is the hgroup tag in HTML5?
15 How do you use the i tag in HTML, and what is its significance?
16 What is the purpose of the kbd tag in HTML?
17 What is the purpose of the data element in HTML5?
18 What is NBSP?


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