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This is a thesis project done at SICS. The overall goal of the project is to implement and evaluate a set of algorithms for citation analysis.


The following python modules are used in this project:

  • NetworkX
  • graph-tool
  • pandas (only used for Logistic regression and correlation coefficients)
  • Statsmodels (only used for Logistic regression)


  • algorithms - Tools and algorithms used. Note: Additional library algorithms are used in the metrics directory.
  • datasets - Contains rawdata, data, and parse files that create GraphML files from the rawdata. The data files are not available through GitHub due to space limitations.
  • metrics - Parsing, calculation, and evaluation of metrics.
  • arxivdownload - an arXiv crawler and parser, slow, not tested much
  • boost - Some very basic tests using the C++ boost library

The algorithms directory is dependent on the python graph package NetworkX. The metrics directory uses the python graph package graph-tool for all graph processing and pandas and Statsmodels for statistical analysis.


Below is a list of algorithms used, along with source/package information:

  • The Backbone algorithm as described in 'Tracing the Evolution of Physics on the Backbone of Citation Networks' by S. Gualdi, C. H. Yeung, Y.-C. Zhang - Found in algorithms/, implemented with NetworkX.
  • Co-citation graph generation - Found in algorithms/ (graph-tool) and in algorithms/ (#build_co_citation_graph (NetworkX)).
  • Indegree and betweenness centralities - Done using graph-tool (indegree is a property for all graph-tool graphs)
  • PageRank and HITS - Done using graph-tool in metrics/ and using NetworkX in the test file algorithms/
  • Burstiness - Done separately using the Sci2 software. Saved as csv files.


The approximate workflow is as follows:

  1. Collect raw citation data
  2. Build GraphML files using the parse scripts available in each dataset's directory. (Currently available for AAN and APS).
  3. Build co-citation graphs using algorithms/ and backbone graphs using algorithms/
  4. Generate ranked lists for each metric in the metrics directory.
  5. Evaluate the ranked lists using metrics/


The algorithms directory have been tested on both FreeBSD 9.3 and Windows 8. The metrics directory have been tested on Arch Linux 4.0.2-1. The main problem is to get graph-tool up and running, which requires boost. All OS's mentioned are x86-64 versions.

The test files related to fellows are not very modular, with parsing, checking and plotting done in one file.


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