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This repo contains the code for the RPI specific on-campus food ordering/delivery web application, RPIEats

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Instructions for Local Website Development

  1. Clone the Git repository to your local machine using git clone

  2. Download and install NodeJS from the following link:

  3. Inside your local repository run npm install to download and install the necessary packages to run the website.

  4. Edit the server endpoint in src/data/endpoint.js to the proper origin. This will adjust the endpoint for sending and receiving data to the server. Refer to Server Development/Deployment for more information.

  5. To run the website locally in development mode, run npm start. Open http://localhost:3000 to view it in the browser. The page will hot reload when editing the source code.

Instructions for Website Deployment

To build the website run npm run build. This will build the app for production in the build folder. It correctly bundles React in production mode and optimizes the build for the best performance. See the section about deployment for more information.

Instructions for Local Server Development

  1. Download and install the IntelliJ Idea IDE from the following link:
  2. Open IntelliJ and navigate to File -> New -> Project From Version Control -> Git
  3. In the Clone Repository dialog box that opens up, enter the link into the URL box.
  4. Install the Gradle project manager/builder from
  5. In the terminal inside of IntelliJ with the project open, run the command gradle build
  6. Run the main class folder

Instructions for Server Deployment

To deploy the Java Spark backend server to a cloud application platform like Heroku, please refer to this Heroku-Spark tutorial for more information.


This repo contains the code for the RPI specific on-campus food ordering/delivery web application, RPIEats






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Contributors 4
