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Angular Material Forms

This project was generated with Angular CLI version 9.0.0.

Development server

Run ng serve for a dev server. Navigate to http://localhost:4200/. The app will automatically reload if you change any of the source files.

How to implement form array in angular


  • Create angular project with below command. "ng new angular-material-forms-username-availability"

  • After successfully creation of angular app, change file directory to project-name. "cd angular-material-forms-username-availability"

  • Open project in vs code using "code ."

  • Then run the project using "ng serve".

  • Open project in chrome using localhost:4200

  • Open app component in vs code and remove the content which is created by angular cli while creating the app.

  • Adding angular material using the command ng add @angular/material

  • Select theme , Am selecting Indigo/Pink

  • Set up global Angular Material typography styles? Am selecting as y

  • Set up browser animations for Angular Material? (Y/n) Select 'y'.

  • Created Shared Module in the libs folder.And import , export material modules.

  • Create Signup component in the apps/component folder.

  • Add signup compopent in router and path as signup.

  • Add ReactiveFormsModule, FormsModule in app.module.ts

  • Open signup.component.ts , then add formbuilder as dependency in constuctor.

  • Create form variable above the constructor.

  • Create formInit method to intialize the form and call the method form either contructor or ngOninit.

  • And create form group using form builder and add controls in that same form.

  • Form Controls like firstName, secondName , email, username, password and mobile.

  • Add The below html in signup.component.html.

  <div class="container">
    <form class="form shadow m-3 p-3" [formGroup]="form" (ngSubmit)="submitForm()">
        <h1>Sign Up Form</h1>
  <div class="container">
    <form class="form shadow m-3 p-3" [formGroup]="form" (ngSubmit)="submitForm()">
        <h1>Sign Up Form</h1>
        <div class="row mt-3">
            <mat-form-field class="col-md-6">
                <mat-label>First Name</mat-label>
                <input matInput formControlName="firstName" placeholder="Enter First Name">
<div class="container">
    <form class="form shadow m-3 p-3" [formGroup]="form" (ngSubmit)="submitForm()">
        <h1>Sign Up Form</h1>
        <div class="row mt-3">
            <mat-form-field class="col-md-6">
                <mat-label>First Name</mat-label>
                <input matInput formControlName="firstName" placeholder="Enter First Name">
                <mat-error *ngIf="this.form.controls.firstName.hasError('required')">
                  First Name is <strong>required</strong>
<div class="container">
    <form class="form shadow m-3 p-3" [formGroup]="form" (ngSubmit)="submitForm()">
        <h1>Sign Up Form</h1>
        <div class="row mt-3">
            <mat-form-field class="col-md-6">
                <mat-label>First Name</mat-label>
                <input matInput formControlName="firstName" placeholder="Enter First Name">
                <mat-error *ngIf="this.form.controls.firstName.hasError('required')">
                  First Name is <strong>required</strong>
        <div class="row mt-3">
            <mat-form-field class="col-md-6">
                <mat-label>Last Name</mat-label>
                <input matInput formControlName="lastName" placeholder="Enter Last Name">
                <mat-error *ngIf="this.form.controls.lastName.hasError('required')">
                  Last Name is <strong>required</strong>
        <div class="row mt-3">
            <mat-form-field class="col-md-6">
                <mat-label>User Name</mat-label>
                <input matInput formControlName="username" placeholder="Enter Username">
                <mat-error *ngIf="this.form.controls.username.hasError('required')">
                  Username is <strong>required</strong>
        <div class="row mt-3">
            <mat-form-field class="col-md-6">
                <input matInput formControlName="email" placeholder="Enter Email">
                <mat-error *ngIf="'required')">
                  Email <strong>required</strong>
        <div class="row mt-3">
            <mat-form-field class="col-md-6">
                <input type="password" matInput formControlName="password" placeholder="Enter Password">
                <mat-error *ngIf="this.form.controls.password.hasError('required')">
                  Password is <strong>required</strong>
        <div class="row mt-3">
            <button type="submit" mat-raised-button color="primary" class="m-2" style="width: 100px;" [disabled]="!form.valid">Submit Form</button>
            <button type="button" mat-raised-button color="warn" class="m-2" style="width: 100px;" (click)="form.reset()">Reset</button>




