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Label-conditional Synthetic Satellite Imagery

Welcome to the Label-conditional Synthetic Satellite Imagery project repository (our paper, ICLR presentation), where you will find all the necessary codes, scripts, and documents for generating synthetic satellite images and conducting downstream experiments.

Figure 1. The pipeline of generating and evaluating synthetic satellite imagery.



Use the following commands to clone this repository:

git clone

Data Source

We train our label-conditional image generation model and generate synthetic images on Chesapeake Land Cover Dataset. We use the 4-channel high-resolution aerial imagery, the high-resolution land cover labels from the Chesapeake Conservancy, and restrict our study area to Maryland.

Use the following commands to download the train, validation and test tiles from the data source.

bash [data folder] [split] [os]

where [split] can be chosen from train, val or test, and [os] can be chosen from linux or mac.

For example:

bash data_chesapeakeiclr train linux
bash data_chesapeakeiclr val linux
bash data_chesapeakeiclr test linux

Then use the following command to replace spatial_index.geojson in the data folder.

cp spatial_index.geojson data_chesapeakeiclr/spatial_index.geojson


We perform all our experiments on Standard NC12 virtual machines with ubuntu-2004 os published on Microsoft Azure. We adapt the environment requirements from torchgeo and SPADE.

Use the following commands to install and activate the environment.

conda env create -f environment.yml
conda activate satellite_iclr
pip install -r requirements.txt

Generate Synthetic Satellite Imagery

We use a pretrained SPADE model to generate the synthetic satellite images, which will be used in the downstream experiments.


  1. Go to generate_synthetic folder

  2. Download model weights from this folder and place it in generatate_synthetic/checkpoints/

  3. To generate synthetic images for the training set to use in downstream experiments, run python --data_folder [train_data_folder] --data_type train --spade_model [spade_model] --no_output [no_output] --gpu_id [gpu_id] where train_data_folder is the path to Maryland training data, spade_model refers to name of model (lambda_0, lambda_2, ...), no_output is number of synthetic image generated, and gpu_id is the gpu to run the model on.

For example:

python --data_folder ../data_chesapeakeiclr/md_1m_2013_extended-debuffered-train_tiles --data_type train --spade_model lambda_0 --no_output 1 --gpu_id 0
  1. To generate synthetic images and evaluate FID scores over the test set, run python --data_folder [test_data_folder] --data_type test --spade_model [spade_model] --save_patch 1 --compute_fid 1 --gpu_id [gpu_id].

For example:

python --data_folder ../data_chesapeakeiclr/md_1m_2013_extended-debuffered-test_tiles --data_type test --spade_model lambda_0 --save_patch 1 --compute_fid 1 --gpu_id 0

Downstream Segmentation

To test the usability of the synthetic satellite images generated by our upstream label-conditional image generation model, we are interested in comparing the performance of using this synthetic imagery to train downstream machine learning models to that of using real imagery. In this work, we focus on the segmentation task. By training a multi-label segmentation task on datasets with different proportions of different diversity synthetic images mixed with real images, we show that our synthetic satellite imagery could work as a substitute or augmentation for real datasets to build comparable downstream machine learning models.


  1. Go to downstream_segmentation folder

  2. To train a model with a specified diversity value and mix rate:

python --name [model name] --mix_rate [mix rate] --lambda_diverse [diversity]

where name is an identifier of the model checkpoint; mix_rate either ranges from 0.0 to 1.0, or equals 2.0 or 3.0; diversity is an integer from 0 to 10.

  1. To evaluate a trained downstream model:
python --model_path [path to a model checkpoint from step 2]


This repo contains codes, scripts, documents, etc, that are deliverables and helpers for the synthetic satellite imagery project from Microsoft AI-for-good lab.







No packages published

Contributors 4
