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Audio-visual Deep Kalman Filter (AV-DKF)

This repository contains the codes for the audio-visual speech enhancement (AVSE) framework based on Deep Kalman Filter (DKF) [1], as well as the fast & efficient speech enhancement method proposed in [2].

We have used the DVAE repository to write these codes.

Table of contents

Getting started

To get started with the codes, you need to clone this repository, and install required libraries:

# Clone repository
git clone
cd av-dkf

# Create & activate a virtual environment with conda, see
conda create --name avse python=3.8
conda activate avse

# Install PyTorch
pip install torch==1.12.1+cu102 torchvision==0.13.1+cu102 torchaudio==0.12.1 --extra-index-url

# Install OpenCV
pip install opencv-python

You may also need to install some additional packages. There are some pre-trained models that you can use. To know different directories and main functions in this repository, please consult the following.

You can monitor model training using Comet ML. To set up an account and get your Comet ML API key, follow the instructions provided here. Once you get your API key, insert it in the config files loated in configs.

Note: You should download a pretrained lipreading model for visual feature extraction, and put it in lipreading/data.


Assuming that you have already cloned this repository and are in the av-dkf directory:

  1. All the VAE models (audio-only, video-only, audio-visual) that process data frames independently, i.e. without taking into account a temporal dynamic model, are provided in dvae/model/ Dynamical VAE models, mainly for the audio-only case (for now, audio-visual is available for only the DKF model), are provided as separate functions in dvae/model. The associated training loss functions are defined inside each VAE class.

  2. Dataset models are provided in dvae/utils/, where SpeechDatasetFrames is to load data frames independently, i.e. for simple, non-dynamic VAE models, while SpeechDatasetSequences and SpeechSequencesFull are to be used for Dynamical VAE models.

  3. Network configurations, STFT parameter settings, training parameters, etc. are summarized in some dedicated config file that can be found in configs. For instance, cfg_A_VAE.ini contains configurations for the A-VAE model (audio-only, non-dynamical VAE).

  4. Training and evaluation (speech analysis-resynthesis) functions are provided in dvae/ Make sure that you set the right dataset loader inside this function (see item 2).

  5. The main training script is

Pretrained models

You can find some pretrained VAE models in the pretrained_models directory. The provided models are A-VAE & AV-VAE for non-dynamical models, and A-DKF & AV-DKF for dynamical (DKF) models, which have been trained on the NTCD-TIMIT dataset.


As said earlier, you can evaluate the performance of your trained model via either speech analysis-resynthesis or speech enhancement. In the former case, the input speech is first encoded by the trained VAE encoder to get the corresponding latent codes, and then an estimate of the input speech is reconstructed in the output of the decoder using the latent codes as the input. The quality of the reconstructed speech is then compared with the input speech data. The corresponding function is the generate method within dvae/ You can find the script useful to perform this task.

The speech enhancement scripts are provided in dvae/SE. The script runs speech enhancement for a single test sample from the NTCD-TIMIT dataset.

The working enhancement algorithms are peem & gpeem for non-dynamical VAE models, and dpeem & gdpeem for the dynamical VAE models. All these methods are based on finding the mode of the posterior distribution in the expectation step using the Adam optimizer. Here, "g" stands for the gradient-based gain update method proposed in our paper [1].

The speech enhancement algorithm proposed in [2], which is called Langevin Dynamics Expectation Maximization (LDEM), can be found inside dvae/SE/SE_algorithms. You can also try it in the demo notebook (see below).

Speech enhancement demo

The Jupyter notebook SE_demo.ipynb provides a simple demo of applying different VAE models with different enhancement algorithms to the sample data provided in data.

Streamlit application

You can set up a visual interface to run different speech enhancement models on TCD-TIMIT test data. For that, you should first make sure that streamlit is already installed in your virtual environment. Then, within the main directory of av-dkf, you simply run streamlit run app/, and then open http://localhost:8501/ in your web browser, e.g., Chrome. You should also modify the data paths inside the scripts provided in app/pages

You can then interact with the app and choose the target speech signal, enhancement algorithm, and other desired parameters.

Useful resources

You can find some good resources on the DVAE models here.

This repository provides the codes to implement a variational expectation-maximization (VEM) approach to audio-only speech enhancement based on the DVAE models.


  • Mostafa Sadeghi (mostafa[dot]sadeghi[at]inria[dot]fr).
  • Ali Golmakani (golmakani77[at]yahoo[dot]com)


[1] A. Golmakani, M. Sadeghi, and R. Serizel, Audio-visual Speech Enhancement with a Deep Kalman Filter Generative Model, in IEEE International Conference on Acoustics Speech and Signal Processing (ICASSP), Rhodes island, June 2023.

[2] M. Sadeghi and R. Serizel, Fast and Efficient Speech Enhancement with Variational Autoencoders, in IEEE International Conference on Acoustics Speech and Signal Processing (ICASSP), Rhodes island, June 2023.


Audio-visual Deep Kalman Filter (AV-DKF) for Speech Enhancement







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