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[dev]: new operatives module for changing the size, shape or values o…
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mscaudill committed Aug 9, 2023
1 parent 13e7d4f commit 949c02d
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366 changes: 366 additions & 0 deletions src/openseize/tools/
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"""A collection of tools to manipulate the size, shape or values produced by
a producer including:
A function to pre and post pad a producer along a single axis.
A function that expands a producers shape by axis insertion.
A function that multiplies produced values by a 1-D numpy array along
a single axis.
A function that slices a producer along any axis.
Note: To support concurrency all functions in this module are available at the
module level. Functions not intended to be called externally are marked as
protected with a single underscore.

from typing import Optional, Tuple, Union
from functools import partial
from itertools import zip_longest

import numpy as np
import numpy.typing as npt
from openseize import producer
from openseize.core import arraytools
from openseize.core.producer import Producer

def pad(pro: Producer,
amt: Union[int, Tuple[int, int]],
axis: int,
value: Optional[float] = 0,
) -> Producer:
"""Pads the edges of a producer along single axis with a constant value.
A producer of ndarrays whose edges along axis are to be padded.
The number of pads to apply before the 0th element & after the
last element along axis. If int, amt number of values will be
prepended & appended to axis.
The axis of produced values along which to pad.
value: float
The constant value to pad the producer with. Defaults to zero.
>>> x = np.arange(1000).reshape(4, 250)
>>> pro = producer(x, chunksize=100, axis=-1)
>>> padded_pro = pad(pro, [3, 10], axis=-1)
>>> padded_pro.shape
(4, 263)
>>> np.allclose(np.pad(x, [(0,0), (3, 10)]), padded_pro.to_array())
A new producer padded with value along axis.
This padding is less sophisticated than numpy as openseize only allows
constant pre and post padding. Future versions will likely improve this.

amts = (amt, amt) if isinstance(amt, int) else tuple(amt)

# dispatch to generating function based on whether pad is along pro.axis
if axis == pro.axis:
genfunc = _production_axis_padder
genfunc = _other_axis_padder

# build a partial generating function and compute the return pros shape
func = partial(genfunc, pro, amts, axis, value)
new_shape = list(pro.shape)
new_shape[axis] = pro.shape[axis] + sum(amts)

return producer(func, pro.chunksize, pro.axis, shape=new_shape)

def _production_axis_padder(pro, amt, axis, value):
"""A generating function that pads a producer along its axis with value.
Padding a producer along its production axis only changes the first and last
produced arrays. For argument definitions see pad.

left_shape, right_shape = list(pro.shape), list(pro.shape)
left_shape[axis] = amt[0]
right_shape[axis] = amt[1]

# create the arrays to pad left and right along axis
left, right = [value * np.ones(s) for s in (left_shape, right_shape)]

yield left

for arr in pro:
yield arr

yield right

def _other_axis_padder(pro, amt, axis, value):
"""A generating func. that pads a producer along any non-production axis.
Padding a producer along a non-production axis changes the shape of all
produced arrays.

for arr in pro:
yield arraytools.pad_along_axis(arr, amt, axis, constant_values=value)

def expand_dims(pro: Producer, axis: Union[int, Tuple] = 0) -> Producer:
"""Expands a producer's shape by inserting a new axis at axis position.
A producer of ndarrays.
The position in the expanded axes where the axis or axes are placed.
>>> data = np.random.random((102344,))
>>> pro = producer(data, chunksize=100, axis=-1)
>>> print(pro.shape)
>>> print(pro.axis)
>>> expanded = expand_dims(pro, axis=(0, -1))
>>> print(expanded.shape)
(1, 102344, 1)
>>> # take note the producing axis changes too!
>>> print(expanded.axis)
A new producer with expanded dimensions.
In contrast with numpy's expand_dims, this function must expand the
produced array dims and track where the producing axis ends up. Callers
should be aware that inserting new axes into a producer may change the
production axis.

# normalize the axis to insert and the producer's axis
axes = (axis,) if isinstance(axis, int) else axis
pro_axis = arraytools.normalize_axis(pro.axis, len(pro.shape))

# calculate out ndims, initialize new shape and normalize inserts
new_ndim = len(pro.shape) + len(axes)
new_shape = np.ones(new_ndim, dtype=int)
inserts = [arraytools.normalize_axis(ax, new_ndim) for ax in axes]

# find indices of new_shape where we will insert producer's shape
complements = sorted(set(range(new_ndim)).difference(inserts))

# set the new axis and insert producer's shape into new shape
new_axis = complements[pro_axis]

for idx, comp in enumerate(complements):

new_shape[comp] = pro.shape[idx]

func = partial(_expand_gen, pro, axes)
return producer(func, pro.chunksize, new_axis, tuple(new_shape))

def _expand_gen(pro, axes):
"""A generating function that expands the dims of each produced array
in a producer.
A producer of ndarrays.
A tuple of axes to insert.
Arrays with expanded dims.

for arr in pro:
yield np.expand_dims(arr, axes)

def multiply_along_axis(pro: Producer,
arr: npt.NDArray,
axis: int,
) -> Producer:
"""Multiplies produced arrays by a 1-D array along a single axis.
A producer of ndarrays to be multiplied along axis.
A 1-D array whose length must match producers length along a single
The axis along which to multiply. This function supports
multiplication along any single axis including the production axis.
>>> x = np.arange(10000).reshape(2, 4, 1250)
>>> pro = producer(x, chunksize=100, axis=-1)
>>> arr = np.array([0, -1, 1, 0]) #1D array to multiply by
>>> multiplied = multiply_along_axis(pro, arr, axis=1)
>>> y = multiplied.to_array()
>>> np.allclose(x * arr.reshape(1, 4, 1), y)
A new producer of arrays the same shape as the input producer.

arr = np.array(arr)
if arr.ndim > 1:
raise ValueError('Dimensions of multiplier arr must be exactly 1.')

# ensure the arr shape matches the producers shape along axis
if len(arr) != pro.shape[axis]:
msg = 'operands could not be broadcast together with shapes {} {}'
raise ValueError(msg.format(pro.shape, arr.shape))

# reshape the input array to be broadcastable with produced arrays
ndims = len(pro.shape)
shape = np.ones(ndims, dtype=int)
shape[axis] = len(arr)
x = arr.reshape(shape)

# if multiplying along pro axis convert arr 'x' to producer
if axis == pro.axis:
x = producer(x, chunksize=pro.chunksize, axis=pro.axis)

func = partial(_multiply_gen, pro, x)
return producer(func, chunksize=pro.chunksize, axis=pro.axis,

def _multiply_gen(pro, multiplier):
"""A generating helper function that multiplies produced arrays by an
ndarray or producer of ndarrays.
This helper function is a generating function (not a producer) and is not
intended to be called externally. It assumes that multipliers shape is
broadcastable to producers shape.
A producer of ndarrays.
An ndarray or a producer of ndarrays. The number of dims of this
object must match the dims of pro and have shape of 1 along all axes
except 1 axis whose length must equal the length of the producer
along this axis.
The element-wise product of each produced array with multiplier.

# non-production axis multiplication factors
factors = zip_longest(pro, multiplier, fillvalue=multiplier)

# production axis multiplication factors
if isinstance(multiplier, Producer):
factors = zip(pro, multiplier)

for arr, mult in factors:
yield arr * mult

def slice_along_axis(pro: Producer,
start: Optional[int] = None,
stop: Optional[int] = None,
step: Optional[int] = None,
axis: int = -1,
) -> Producer:
"""Returns a producer producing values between start and stop in step
increments along axis.
A producer instance to slice along axis.
The start index of the slice along axis. If None, slice will start
at 0.
The stop index of the slice along axis. If None slice will extend to
last element(s) of producer along axis.
The size of index steps between start and stop of slice.
The axis of the producer to be sliced.
>>> x = np.random.random((4,10000))
>>> pro = producer(x, chunksize=1000, axis=-1)
>>> sliced_pro = slice_along_axis(pro, 100, 200)
>>> np.allclose(x[:,100:200), sliced_pro.to_array())
A producer of ndarrays.

# get start, stop, step indices for the slicing axis
start, stop, step = slice(start, stop, step).indices(pro.shape[axis])

if axis == pro.axis:
# slicing along production axis is just masking
mask = np.zeros(pro.shape[axis])
mask[start:stop:step] = True
return producer(pro, pro.chunksize, pro.axis, mask=mask)

# slicing along non-production axis changes shape of produced arrays
new_shape = list(pro.shape)
new_shape[axis] = (stop - start) // step
func = partial(_slice_along_gen, pro, start, stop, step, axis)
return producer(func, pro.chunksize, pro.axis, shape=new_shape)

def _slice_along_gen(pro, start, stop, step, axis):
"""A generating helper function for slicing a producer along
a non-production axis between start and stop in step increments.
A producer instance to slice.
The start index of the slice. May be None.
The stop index of the slice. May be None.
The step size between start and stop to slice with. May be None.
The non-production axis along which to slice.

for arr in pro:
yield arraytools.slice_along_axis(arr, start, stop, step, axis=axis)

if __name__ == '__main__':

x = np.random.random((4,10000))
pro = producer(x, chunksize=1000, axis=-1)

y = 10 * np.ones(4)
mpro = multiply_along_axis(pro, y, axis=0)
print(np.allclose(mpro.to_array(), x * y.reshape(4,1)))
z = 13.77 * np.ones(10000)
mpro2 = multiply_along_axis(pro, z, axis=-1)
print(np.allclose(mpro2.to_array(), x * z.reshape(1, 10000)))

sliced = slice_along_axis(pro, start=100, stop=300, axis=-1)
print(np.allclose(sliced.to_array(), x[:, 100:300]))

sliced2 = slice_along_axis(pro, start=1, step=2, axis=0)
print(np.allclose(sliced2.to_array(), x[1::2,:]))

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