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Rule Based Semantic Term Rewriting With Expresso

(ns expresso-tutorial.term-rewriting
  (:use [numeric.expresso.core]
        [numeric.expresso.rules :only [rule apply-rule guard 

Expresso has at its core a rule based translator, on which much of its functionality is based.

This section gives an in depth rewiev of the rule based translator and the syntax of rules used in expresso.

The power of expressos rule based translator comes from it’s semantic matching facility, which matches if expressions are identical in the mathematical sense and not only if they are syntactically equal.

Defining Rules

A rule can be constructed with the rule macro. The rule macro accepts a pattern expression, a transformation expression or relation and an optional guard relation. The following example demonstrates some basic rules.

The guard and transition parts can be arbitrary core.logic relations, so it is possible to use the power of logic programming inside of expresso rules. For this section, however we will not use core.logic, so we will use the :==> and (guard …) keys to convert inline functions to the right core.logic relations

(in-ns 'expresso-tutorial.term-rewriting)

;;inside a rule, all symbols starting with ? represent free variables which are
;;then matched with the expression the rule is applied to
(def remove-zero (rule (ex (+ 0 ?x)) :=> ?x))
;;a function as transition can be used after the :==> and the :if marks a
;;guard relation
(def increment (rule ?x :==> (inc ?x) :if (guard (number? ?x))))

To apply a rule to an expression, use the apply-rule function

(in-ns 'expresso-tutorial.term-rewriting)

(apply-rule remove-zero (ex (+ 0 2))) ;=> 2

(apply-rule increment 5) ;=> 6

;;if a rule application fails, it returns nil
(apply-rule increment 'x) ;=> nil
;;here the guard relation in the increment rule prevented the rule application

;;Why is this not failing?
(apply-rule remove-zero (ex (+ 2 0))) ;=> 2

Semantic matching

Like you saw in the last example, the remove-zero rule was succesfully applied to the input (ex (+ 2 0)). So the expression (ex (+ 2 0)) was succesfully matched against the patter (ex (+ 0 ?x)) of the input.

The matching was succesful, because expresso does semantic matching, not only syntactical. Expresso knows that the + operation is commutative, so the input matches regardless of the order of the arguments to +.

Sequence matchers

The remove-zero rule still has a weakness like the next example shows

(in-ns 'expresso-tutorial.term-rewriting)

(apply-rule remove-zero (ex (+ 1 0 3))) ;=> nil

This fails, because the expression has three arguments while the pattern only has two arguments. Expresso uses sequence matchers who match zero or more arguments of the expression. a seq-matcher is created from a symbol starting with ?&. ?&* is a seq-matcher which matches zero or more and ?&+ matches one or more.

(in-ns 'expresso-tutorial.term-rewriting)

(def remove-zero (rule (ex (+ 0 ?&*)) :=> (ex (+ ?&*))))

;;now the remove-zero rule can handle also long inputs

(apply-rule remove-zero (ex (+ 1 0 3))) ;=> (+ 1 3)

;;however on two and one argument inputs it produces the following

(apply-rule remove-zero (ex (+ 1 0))) ;=> (+ 1)

(apply-rule remove-zero (ex (+ 0))) ;=> (+)

;;so two normalization rules are useful for + with zero or one argument

(def remove-unary-plus (rule (ex (+ ?x)) :=> ?x))
(def remove-nullary-plus (rule (ex (+)) :=> 0))

inside commutative operators only one sequential matcher makes sense, because it consumes all the remaining inputs regardless of their positions in the original expression.

If the operation is not commutative, then multiple sequential matchers are supported and the order of the arguments is preserved in them. The next example demonstrates that.

(in-ns 'expresso-tutorial.term-rewriting)

;;For this example, let ° demonstrate the n-ary cons operation which creates
;;a list from their arguments. We want to use the rule based translator to sort
;;the list. This can be performed with the following rule:

(def sort-step
  (rule (ex (° ?&*1 ?x ?&*2 ?y ?&*3)) :=> (ex (° ?&*1 ?y ?&*2 ?x ?&*3))
        :if (guard (> ?y ?x))))

(apply-rule sort-step (ex (° 1 2 3))) ;=> (° 2 1 3)

;;succesful application of the sort step fully sorts the given list.
;;For the reader: What sorting mechanism does this reflect?
(take 5 (iterate (partial apply-rule sort-step) (ex (° 1 2 3))))
;;=> ((° 1 2 3) (° 2 1 3) (° 2 3 1) (° 3 2 1) nil)

Transforming an Expression to its Normal Form according to a set of rules

As you saw in the last example, the sorted list can be seen as a normal form according to the sort-rule, because it can’t be applied any more to the sort rule. The same applies, pun intendet, to the plus term with no zeros in it and the removed nullary and unary plus operations. They can be said to be in a normal form according to the set of rules containing remove-zero, remove-unary-plus and remove-nullary-plus.

The function transform-expression fully transforms an expression according to the rule vector, until no rule can be applied anymore and the expression is in normal form.

(in-ns 'expresso-tutorial.term-rewriting)

(map (partial transform-expression
              [remove-zero remove-unary-plus remove-nullary-plus])
     [(ex (+ 0 1)) (ex (+ 0)) (ex (+ 1 0 2 3)) (ex (+ 0 1 0 2 0 3 0 4))])
 ;=> (1 0 (+ 1 2 3) (+ 1 2 3 4))

(transform-expression [sort-step] (ex (° 9 2 3 4 2 3 9 2 3 4 1 8 2 9 4 2 1 10)))
;;=> (° 10 9 9 9 8 4 4 4 3 3 3 2 2 2 2 2 1 1)

Extractors in Rules

Expresso’s rules have another nice feature, called extractors. They have their own matching semantics. See the following snippet:

(in-ns 'expresso-tutorial.term-rewriting)

;;expresso encodes the core.matrix + in its + operator. This means, not only
;;0 is an identity to + but also any identity matrix. The extractor
;;(mzero? ?x) matches the part of the expression if it is a 0, a 0.0 or a zero
;;matrix in the sense of core.matrix. The same applies to 1 and midentity?
(def remove-zero (rule (ex (+ (mzero? ?x) ?&*)) :=> (ex (+ ?&*))))

(apply-rule remove-zero (ex (+ 1 0 3))) ;=> (+ 1 3)
(apply-rule remove-zero (ex (+ [[1 2][3 4]] [[0 0][0 0]] [[5 6][7 8]])))
;;=> (+ [[1 2] [3 4]] [[5 6] [7 8]])

Many examples of rules in the source code

To see good examples of the expresso rules, I recommend to actually read the code of numeric.expresso.simplify. It contains most of the rules expresso uses and is well documented.