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grpc-go-example Go Reference Continuous Integration Go Report Card

This is an example repository showcasing the usage of gRPC with Go, including server and client implementations.

Environment variables

The following environment variables can be used to configure the application:

Name Description Default Required
GRPC_ENDPOINT grpc server endpoint localhost:50051 false
KEY_ID hmac key id 1 false
SECRET_KEY hmac secret key 123456 false

Set environment variables

export GRPC_ENDPOINT=localhost:50051
export KEY_ID=my-key-id
export SECRET_KEY=my-secret-key

Generate proto code

You can generate the protobuf code using one of the following methods:

Using go generate

go generate ./...

Using protoc

protoc \
     -I=./api/proto \
     --go_out=. \ \
     --go-grpc_out=. \ \


buf generate

Run server

To run the server, execute the following command:

make run-server