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JSON Web Token Component for use with API Star. Provides JWTAuthenticate class for JWT Authentication.


We recommend pipenv for dependency management.

$ pipenv install apistar-jwt

Alternatively, install through pip.

$ pip install apistar-jwt


To encrypt and decrpyt tokens you must set the include the following setting under your apistar settings.

settings = {
  'JWT': {
    # do not check your secret into version control!
    'SECRET': 'QXp4Z83.%2F@JBiaPZ8T9YDwoasn[dn)cZ=fE}KqHMJPNka3QyPNq^KnMqL$oCsU9BC?.f9,oF2.2t4oN?[g%iq89(+'

The JWT Component provided can be used as an injected component in a function or through the API Star Authentication Interface. No matter which method you choose to use, the token must be passed as an Authorization header using the Bearer scheme in requests made to a resource.

$ curl -i -H "Accept: application/json" -H "Content-Type: application/json" -H "Authorization: Bearer eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyIjoxfQ.fCqeAJGHYwZ9y-hJ3CKUWPiENOM0xtGsMeUWmIq4o8Q" http://localhost:8080/some-resource-requiring-jwt


Annotate any routes where you want to use JWT Authentication.

from apistar import annotate
from apistar.interfaces import Auth
from apistar_jwt.authentication import JWTAuthentication

def auth_route(auth: Auth):
    # user is authenticated if it reaches here

    # get user data

    # get token

    # always returns true

    # get username from either

If you need to access the tokens payload you can decrypt the token inside the route.

from apistar import annotate
from apistar.interfaces import Auth
from apistar.types import Settings
from apistar_jwt.authentication import JWTAuthentication
from apistar_jwt.token import JWT

def access_jwt_payload_route(auth: Auth, settings: Settings):
    # get payload from token
    token = JWT(token=auth.token, settings=settings)

Alternatively, we can configure the authentication policy.

from apistar_jwt.authentication import JWTAuthentication

settings = {
    'AUTHENTICATION': [JWTAuthentication()]

As A Component

Register the JWT Component in your App:

from apistar import Component
from apistar_jwt.authentication import get_jwt
from apistar_jwt.token import JWT

components = [
    Component(JWT, init=get_jwt)

app = App(

Add the component to your function definition:

from apistar import http
from apistar_jwt.token import JWT

def echo_jwt_payload(request: http.Request, token: JWT):
    return token.payload

Note that you have to do your own authentication check using this method. The payload will be returned as it was encoded and won't respect the JWT settings for USERNAME and ID as they correlate with the Auth interface which is not utilized when using JWT as an injected component.

from apistar import http
from apistar import exceptions
from apistar_jwt.token import JWT

def auth_required_endpoint(request: http.Request, token: JWT):
    if token.payload is None:
      raise exceptions.Forbidden()
    username = token.payload.get('username', '')
    other_data_you_put_in_payload = token.payload.get('other_data', '')
    return {
      'username': username,
      'other_data': other_data_you_put_in_payload,


There are two settings this package uses to identify the username and user_id keys in the JWT payload, they are by default

settings = {
  'JWT': {
    'USERNAME': 'username',
    'ID': 'id',

If your JWT uses some other kind of key, copy these keys into your settings and set the correct key values.

ID is not required, but available if you would like to include a different id field in your JWT payload.

Other JWT Settings

ALGORITHMS is related to the algorithms used for decoding JWTs. By default we only use 'HS256' but JWT supports passing an array of supported algorithms which it will sequentially try when attempting to decode.

settings = {
  'JWT': {
    'ALGORITHMS': ['HS256', ],

SECRET is a long, randomized, secret key that should never be checked into version control.

settings = {
  'JWT': {
    'SECRET': 'QXp4Z83.%2F@JBiaPZ8T9YDwoasn[dn)cZ=fE}KqHMJPNka3QyPNq^KnMqL$oCsU9BC?.f9,oF2.2t4oN?[g%iq89(+'

ISSUER is the urn for which JWT's should be accepted from. Read more about issuer claim.

settings = {
  'JWT': {
    'ISSUER': 'urn:foo'

AUDIENCE is the urn for this applications audience, it must match a value in the aud key of the payload. Read more about issueer claim.

settings = {
  'JWT': {
    'AUDIENCE': 'urn:bar'

LEEWAY is the number of seconds of margin an expiration time claim in the past will still be valid for.

settings = {
  'JWT': {
    'LEEWAY': 10

Encoding JWTs

As a convenience, we provide a simple encode method to create JWTs, if you need more advanced JWT encodings, please visit the PyJWT docs.

from apistar.types import Settings
from apistar_jwt.token import JWT

def encrypt_payload(request: http.Request, settings: Settings):
    SECRET = settings['JWT'].get('SECRET')
    payload = {'email': ''}

    # algorithm for encoding defaults to HS256
    token = JWT.encode(payload, secret=SECRET)

    # use the algorithm keyword to pass a specific algorithm
    token = JWT.encode(payload, secret=SECRET, algorithm='RS512')

    return {'token': token}

You may pass valid claim names or other valid kwargs to JWT.encode(). These claims help with your JWT's security. The following example demonstrates using all the claims, but they are all optional and the values provided for the claims in the example are arbitrary.

from datetime import datetime, timedelta

from apistar.types import Settings
from apistar_jwt.token import JWT

def encrypt_payload(request: http.Request, settings: Settings):
    SECRET = settings['JWT'].get('SECRET')
    payload = {
        'email': '',
        'iss': 'urn:foo',  # only accept jwt from this issuer
        'aud': ['urn:foo', 'urn:bar', 'urn:baz']  # only these audiences can decrpyt
        'iat': datetime.utcnow()  # issued at to know time JWT was issued
        'exp': datetime.utcnow() + timedelta(seconds=30),  # expiration time
        'nbf': datetime.utcnow(),  # not before time

    # you may also pass optional kwargs like headers to the encode method
    token = JWT.encode(
        headers={'kid': '230498151c214b788dd97f22b85410a5'},

    return {'token': token}


A JSON Web Token Component for API Star







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