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Basic false-positive filters with the following defaults for calls reported by MuTect and VarDict:

  1. (Hard Filter) Tumor Total Depth < 5
  2. (Hard Filter) Tumor Variant Reads < 3
  3. (Hard Filter, VarDict only) Variant call quality < 20 in either tumor or normal
  4. (Soft Filter, f0.01) Tumor Variant Allele Fraction (VAF) < 1%
  5. (Soft Filter, tnr5) For non-hotspot loci, ratio of Tumor:Normal VAFs < 5
  6. (Soft Filter, nm2, VarDict only) Non-hotspot non-SNV with a mean number of mismatches > 2 in tumor
  7. (Soft Filter, mq55, VarDict only) Non-hotspot non-SNV with a mean mapping quality < 55 in tumor

Build Status

Quick Start

# Download and unpack the latest release from GitHub
export GITHUB_URL=`curl -sL | grep -m1 tarball_url | cut -d\" -f4`
curl -L -o mskcc-basicfiltering.tar.gz $GITHUB_URL; tar -zxf mskcc-basicfiltering.tar.gz; cd mskcc-basicfiltering-*

# Set an environment variable that the cmo package needs
export CMO_RESOURCE_CONFIG=`pwd`/data/cmo_resources.json

# Install dependencies including the mskcc/cmo package needed here
pip install -r requirements.txt

# Read the documentation for required/optional arguments and their default values
python --help
python --help
python --help