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The asyncdb library is an asynchronous Netty-based database client for Java. It currently only supports MySQL, but will be extended to Postgres and possibly other databases, if/when there is sufficient interest.

It has no dependencies other than Netty and SLF4J.


For Gradle:

repositories {
    maven { url '' }

dependencies {
    implementation 'com.github.mslenc:asyncdb:1.1.1'

See the site for other build systems.

Getting started / connecting

To start working with asyncdb, you must first create a DbConfig configuration object. Here's a short example:

DbConfig config =
        setDefaultCredentials("user", "password").

After you have the configuration, you can create a DbDataSource from it:

DbDataSource dataSource = config.makeDataSource();

To finally obtain connections, call one of the connect methods on the DbDataSource:

// to use the default credentials and database from config:

// to connect to a different database:

// to use different credentials altogether:
dataSource.connect("someuser", "somepass", "somedb");

The connect() methods return a CompletableFuture (as do all other async methods in the library).

It is possible to limit the total number of connections to the server with


When the total number of connections reaches the limit, further attempts to connect will be placed into a queue, waiting until one of the existing connections is closed.

It is also possible to use the DbDataSource as a connection pool, by simply setting:


This will cause the TCP connections to be re-used, re-initializing and/or re-authorizing them if/when necessary.

Making queries

Once you have a connection, there are a few things you can do with it:

  • make queries with executeQuery()
  • make streaming queries with streamQuery()
  • run updates with executeUpdate()
  • run whatever SQL with execute()
  • create prepared statements with prepareStatement()
  • control transactions with startTransaction(), commit() and rollback()

All the query methods have overloads that allow you to use ? placeholders in the SQL, where the values are then automatically inserted and escaped as appropriate. It is a best practice to always use the placeholders instead of manually constructing queries, to avoid SQL injection attacks.

conn.executeQuery("SELECT * FROM logins WHERE email=?", email)

Prepared statements

As mentioned above, you do not need to use prepared statements just to use ? placeholders in queries, as is the case with JDBC. However, there are a few other reasons why they might be useful:

  • they should run somewhat faster if you execute the same statement many times
  • the protocol used for prepared statements is more efficient than with regular queries, so you may gain some performance if/when dealing with huge result sets

Still, they are not free:

  • they occupy resources on both server and client
  • the code becomes more complicated

Reading results

Query results generally come in the form of a DbResultSet. It is a list of DbRows, together with some meta-info wrapped into a DbColumns, a list of DbColumn objects. In turn, each DbRow contains DbValues, which are wrappers of the underlying values (kind of like the Number class can be used to read a bunch of actual numeric types, except we need to handle more possibilities here). You can also ignore the whole DbValue thing and just read values directly from DbRow:

conn.executeQuery("SELECT id, first_name, last_name FROM users WHERE date_of_birth=?",
     whenComplete((users, error) -> { // TODO: handle error
         for (DbRow user : users) {
             // these are all equivalent:
             String lastName1 = user.getString(2);
             String lastName2 = user.getString("last_name");
             String lastName3 = user.getValue(2).asString();
             String lastName4 = user.getValue("last_name").asString();
             // as are these, but they're not recommended, unless you're 100% sure what the class is
             String lastName5 = (String) user.get(2);
             String lastName6 = (String) user.getValue(2).unwrap();

Streaming results

The query functions usually read the whole result set and store it into a DbResultSet object, but if the query result is really large, it means that a lot of memory is required. If you don't need to have the whole list of rows available at once (e.g. because you're transforming them into domain objects, converting them into JSON or incrementally computing some statistics), you can make the process more efficient by implementing a DbQueryResultObserver and using it with streamQuery().

Multiple queries

There is no need to wait for one query to finish before starting the next one. If a previous query hasn't finished executing yet, the new one will be placed into a queue and executed later. So, it is perfectly fine to run multiple queries "at once", or to write updates like this:

    conn.executeUpdate("UPDATE some_table ..."),
    conn.executeUpdate("UPDATE other_table ..."),
    conn.executeUpdate("INSERT INTO third_table ..."),
).whenComplete((result, error) -> {
    if (error != null)

Note that the close() command is also placed in the same queue, however once you call it, you can't do anything else using the same connection.

A short, but complete example

The example below connects to the local database and lists all the tables visible to the connecting user.

public class ShowTables {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        DbConfig config =
                setHost("", 3356).
                setDefaultCredentials("asyncdb", "asyncdb").

        DbDataSource dataSource = config.makeDataSource();

        dataSource.connect().whenComplete((conn, error) -> {
            if (error != null) {

            conn.executeQuery("SELECT * FROM information_schema.tables").whenComplete((result, queryError) -> {
                if (queryError == null) {
                    System.out.println("Here are the tables present:");
                    for (DbRow row : result) {
                        String schema = row.getString("TABLE_SCHEMA");
                        String table = row.getString("TABLE_NAME");
                        int rows = row.getInt("TABLE_ROWS");
                        int avgLen = row.getInt("AVG_ROW_LENGTH");

                        System.out.println("- " + schema + "." + table + " (" + rows + " rows, average length " + avgLen + ")");
                } else {

                conn.close().thenRun(() -> config.eventLoopGroup().shutdownGracefully());

Type mapping

When sending values to the database, the following Java types are supported:


  • java.lang.String


  • java.lang.Byte
  • java.lang.Short
  • java.lang.Integer
  • java.lang.Long
  • java.lang.Float
  • java.lang.Double
  • java.math.BigDecimal
  • java.math.BigInteger
  • java.lang.Boolean (becomes 1 or 0)
  • com.github.mslenc.asyncdb.util.ULong

Binary values (blobs):

  • byte[]
  • io.netty.buffer.ByteBuf
  • java.nio.ByteBuffer

Temporal values:

  • java.time.Duration
  • java.time.Instant
  • java.time.LocalDate
  • java.time.LocalTime
  • java.time.LocalDateTime
  • java.time.Year


  • com.github.mslenc.asyncdb.DbValue
  • java.util.Optional (containing any of the other types)

When values are read back from the database, they all become DbValues, wrapping some underlying type:

Numeric types

MySQL type Signed Java type Unsigned Java type
TINYINT int int
SMALLINT int int
INT int long
BIGINT long ULong
FLOAT float float
DOUBLE double double
DECIMAL BigDecimal BigDecimal

Textual types

MySQL type Java type
CHAR String
TEXT String
ENUM String
SET String

Binary types

MySQL type Java type
BLOB byte[]

Temporal types

MySQL type Java type
DATE LocalDate
DATETIME LocalDateTime
TIME Duration


MySQL type Java type
JSON String

Note that the DbValue allows you to read the values as other types (e.g. an INT as a long, or a TIME as a LocalTime instead of a Duration), but also note that in general, the conversion is done only if it preserves the value, otherwise an exception is thrown. For example, you can read a DECIMAL 125.00 as a short, but not also 125.31 (because it is not an integer number) or 95123.00 (because it is out of range for short).