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Check the Match

Check the Match is a React application using the Material UI library and API-Football to display football match statistics without showing the final score, giving the user enough data to make an informed decision on whether to watch the match.


  • Be able to search for a league.

  • View fixtures not showing the final score.

  • Open a dialog to see further statistics.

  • Change the year of the season to see previous fixtures.

Technologies Used


The API in use for the football data is API-Football.


Environment Variables

For the application to run it will require two environment variables.

For the API I used API-Football through RAPID API. You will need REACT_APP_API_HOST (x-rapidapi-host) and REACT_APP_API_KEY (x-rapidapi-key) in your .env file which will be provided from RAPID API.

Run Locally

To run locally open your console and run git clone then cd into the folder path.

To run the developement server, type npm start in your console and press enter. It will open a new browser window, or tab if you haven't got one open, where you will see the developemnt server on localhost port 3000.

Run a production build

To run the production build of the application run the below code.

npm run build
npm install -g serve
serve -s build