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pslink is an experimental project for the creation of product systems from assembly part and component trees and the linking of the resulting processes with LCI data from background databases like the LCA Commons. To achieve this, different functions are implemented in pslink which are described below.


Checkout the project and install it (preferably in a virtual environment):

# get the project
$ git clone
$ cd pslink

# create a virtual environment and activate it
$ python -m venv env
$ .\env\Scripts\activate.bat

# install the requirements
$ pip install -r requirements.txt

# install the project
$ pip install -e .

# ... then start the Python interpreter
$ python

pslink has a single entry point that reads data files from a folder and writes back its output to this folder:

import pslink"./data")

The content and layout of this data foder is described below. pslink uses the standard logger from the logging package which you can configure like this:

import logging as log

# set the log level to info to see more details

The data folder

The data folder has the following layout:

|-- components/
|   |-- [component ID 1].txt
|   |-- [component ID 2].txt
|   +-- ...
|-- out/
|   |--
|   +-- linked_graph.semapl
|-- background_products.txt
|-- densities.txt
|-- product_net.semapl
|-- [component tree 1].xlsx
|-- [component tree 2].xslx
+-- ...


This folder contains simple text files that contain component attributes like dimensions or material compositions as key-value pairs. The files are stored with the respective component IDs as names. In such a file, each line contains a key-value pair separated by semicolon (leading and trailing whitespaces are ignored):

[attribute name] ; [attribute value]


This folder contains the generated output:

  • is the generated JSON-LD package that contains the foreground processes linked to the products and processes of the background database that can be imported into this database (in openLCA).
  • linked_graph.semapl: the semantic product graph with mapped products of the background database containing syntax factors (see below for details), e.g.:
# "synthetic rubber, at plant" is mapped with a syntax factor of 0.333333
# to "acrylonitrile butadiene rubber"
"synthetic rubber, at plant" , "acrylonitrile butadiene rubber"^0.333333


The file background_products.txt contains the information of the products in the background database against which the foreground system should be linked. It is a plain text file with the following tab-separated columns:


This file can be easily generated for any database by executing the following script in the openLCA SQL editor and pasting the result into the file:

  p.ref_id as process_uuid,   as process_name,
  f.ref_id as flow_uuid,   as flow_name,   as unit
  from tbl_processes p
  inner join tbl_exchanges e on = e.f_owner
  inner join tbl_flows f on e.f_flow =
  inner join tbl_units u on e.f_unit =
  where f.flow_type = 'PRODUCT_FLOW'
    and e.is_input  = 0
    and      = 'kg'


This file contains the material densities of the foreground system which are used to estimate the mass of the components.


pslink assumes that all Excel files in the data folder contain sheets with component trees with th following columns:

0: Level
1: Part number (ID)
2: _
3: Quantity
4: Part name
5: Parent ID

How it works


In order to combine the parts and components of the foreground system with background data in a meaningful way, their dimensions and material composition have to be quantified in some way. For standard parts and components there are online databases, such as PartTarget, from which such information can be retrieved. The corresponding masses can then be estimated by the resulting volumes and material densities.

However, for different parts and components very different attributes that describe their dimensions can occur. In order to solve this, volume formulas can be dynamically registered in pslink, which determine the volume for a given set of dimension attributes, e.g.:

import pslink.quant as quant

        "Outside Diameter": "d_outer",
        "Center Hole Diameter": "d_inner",
        "Cross-Sectional Height": "h"
    "(pi / 4) * h * (d_outer^2 - d_inner^2)"

For a set of properties of an assembly part (saved as key-value pairs), the function volume_cm3(properties) in the pslink.quant then searches for a matching formula and calculates a volume. Length attributes, that pslink understands, can be texts like 42.42 inches nominal or even ranges like 21.21 inches minimum and 42.42 inches maximum (where the mean value is then taken for calculating an estimated volume). With a set of corresponding densities, the weights of the materials in an assembly part can be estimated.

A semantic network of product relations

The core component of pslink is a semantic network of products in which the following types of relations between these products are stored:

  • is exactly the same
  • is more generic (is broader)
  • is more specific (is narrower)
  • is derived from

In order to quickly create such a semantic product network, a simple, text based, and from WordNet inspired data format with the following properties was developed:

  • Each line contains the relationships of a product (the subject), which comes first, to one or several other products (the objects), which follow the subject in the same line.

  • Product names are enclosed in quotation marks. The relationship of the subject to an object is indicated by a symbol at the end of the object's product name, where

    • = means is same
    • ^ means is broader (the inverse relation is narrower is automatically added)
    • < means is derived from
  • Commas can be set as visual separators but are ignored like whitespaces. Lines that start with a # are ignored as comments.

The following example describes that "stainless steel" is a "steel" and the same as "corrosion resistant steel", and that a "steel product" is a "metal product" which is derived from (made from) "steel".

# a simple example
"stainless steel" ,  "corrosion resistant steel"=  ,  "steel"^
"steel product"   ,  "metal product"^              ,  "steel"<

The function read_file in the semap module parses such a file and creates the corresponding graph data structure:

import pslink.semap as semap

graph = semap.read_file("path/to/file.smapl")

Connect LCI background data to the network

The product names in the semantic network can be very generic (e.g. from a product classification or from sources such as of Wikipedia). These generic product names can then be linked to concrete product information from an LCI background database with the link_products method of the pslink graph structure. This method takes a function as input which calculates a syntactic matching score between the generic product names in the graph and the product names in the LCI database. The products from the LCI database with the maximum score (if exist) are then linked to the respective (generic) product name in the graph.

The syntax of product names in an LCI database often follows certain rules, such as:

<product name> = <primary product>, {"," | ";", <qualifier>}.

This is considered with functions like compare_with_lci_name in the pslink.symap module that will give the matching primary product name a higher score than the matching of qualifiers (like at plant) when comparing them with a (generic) product name in the graph. The assigned products and their syntax scores can be explored when writing the graph back to a file with the write_file function in the pslink.semap module, e.g.:

# fluorocarbon-based synthetic rubber
"synthetic rubber, at plant" , "fluorocarbon-based synthetic rubber"^0.666667

# high carbon steel
"steel, electric, chromium steel 18/8, at plant" , "high carbon steel"^0.562500
"steel, converter, chromium steel 18/8, at plant" , "high carbon steel"^0.562500

Product search

The image below shows how the search for products in a background database for a given foreground product works. First, (generic) product nodes are searched via syntax and text analysis. Starting from each such node with a matching factor (syntax factor; 0.9 in the example) > 0 the graph is traversed along the product relations. Each relation type has a specific factor assigned:

  • = is same: 1.0
  • ^ is broader | is narrower: 0.75
  • < is derived from : 0.5

The background products which are bound to the nodes, again with a syntax factor, are collected during this traversal and ranked by a score that is calculated by multiplying the syntax and relation factors along a traversal path. The background products with the maximum score are then returned from the search.

Note: Currently only background products with the same, maximum, syntax score are bound to a node. This is fine, but when an additional meta-data score is applied all background products with a syntax score > 0 should be bound to a node.

Meta-data scoring

This is currently not implemented but the product search could be easily extended to also include meta-data like geography or time into the ranking: Just store these meta-data fields into additional columns in the background_products.txt file and rank these fields against an extended search query.


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