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Running locally? #3

jthemphill opened this issue Dec 3, 2023 · 2 comments

Running locally? #3

jthemphill opened this issue Dec 3, 2023 · 2 comments


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jthemphill commented Dec 3, 2023

Hi! I'm trying to rejigger a solver for personal use (not related to any ongoing puzzlehunts nope nuh-uh)

I think the solvers here are intended to work with claspy?

Does that mean they're meant to be run with python2.7? It looks like claspy isn't compatible with python3

The solvers here look very clean btw!

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Okay, forked and converted to Python3:

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jenna-h commented Jul 10, 2024

Hey, sorry for not getting back to you... But this is the file we're using!

(And yes we use Python3)

# Copyright 2013 Dany Qumsiyeh (
#    This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
#    it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
#    the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
#    (at your option) any later version.
#    This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
#    but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
#    GNU General Public License for more details.
#    You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
#    along with this program.  If not, see <>.
# Claspy
# A python constraint solver based on the answer set solver 'clasp'.
# Compiles constraints to an ASP problem in lparse's internal format.
## Main interface ##
# BoolVar() : Create a boolean variable.
# IntVar() : Create a non-negative integer variable.
# IntVar(1,9) : Integer variable in range 1-9, inclusive.
# IntVar([1,2,3]) : Integer variable with one of the given values.
# MultiVar('a','b') : Generalized variable with one of the given values.
# Atom() : An atom is only true if it is proven, with Atom.prove_if(<b>).
# cond(<pred>, <cons>, <alt>) : Create an "if" statement.
# require(<expr>) : Constrain a variable or expression to be true.
# solve() : Runs clasp and returns True if satisfiable.
# After running solve, print the variables or call var.value() to get
# the result.
## Additional functions ##
# reset() : Resets the system.  Do not use any old variables after reset.
# set_bits(8) : Set the number of bits for integer variables.
#               Must be called before any variables are created.
# set_max_val(100) : Set the max number of bits as necessary for the given value.
#                    Must be called before any variables are created.
# require_all_diff(lst) : Constrain all vars in a list to be different.
# sum_vars(lst) : Convenience function to sum a list of variables.
# at_least(n, bools) : Whether at least n of the booleans are true.
# at_most(n, bools) : Whether at most n of the booleans are true.
# sum_bools(n, bools) : Whether exactly n of the booleans are true.
# required(<expr>, <str>) : Print the debug string if the expression
#   is false.  You can change a 'require' statement to 'required' for debugging.
# var_in(v, lst) : Whether var v is equal to some element in lst.
## Variable methods ##
# v.value() : The solution value.
# : Return detailed information about a variable.
## Gotchas ##
# Do not use and/or/not with variables. Only use &, |, ~.
# Subtracting from an IntVar requires that the result is positive,
# so you usually want to add to the other side of the equation instead.

import subprocess
import os
from time import time
from functools import reduce

CLASP_COMMAND = 'clasp --sat-prepro --eq=1 --trans-ext=dynamic'

###############################  Infrastructure  ###############################

verbose = False
def set_verbose(b=True):
    """Set verbose to show rules as they are created."""
    global verbose
    verbose = b

last_update = time()
def need_update():
    """Returns True once every two seconds."""
    global last_update
    if time() - last_update > 2:
        last_update = time()
        return True
    return False

def hash_object(x):
    """Given a variable or object x, returns an object suitable for
    hashing.  Equivalent variables should return equivalent objects."""
    if hasattr(x, 'hash_object'):
        return x.hash_object()
        return x

memo_caches = []  # a reference to all memoization dictionaries, to allow reset
class memoized(object):
    """Decorator that caches a function's return value.  Based on:"""
    def __init__(self, func):
        global memo_caches
        self.func = func
        self.cache = {}
    def __call__(self, *args):
            key = tuple(map(hash_object, args))
            return self.cache[key]
        except KeyError:
            value = self.func(*args)
            self.cache[key] = value
            return value
        except TypeError:  # uncacheable
            return self.func(*args)
    def __repr__(self):
        """Return the function's docstring."""
        return self.func.__doc__
    def __get__(self, obj, objtype):
        """Support instance methods."""
        def result(*args):
            return self(obj, *args)
        return result

class memoized_symmetric(memoized):
    """Decorator that memoizes a function where the order of the
    arguments doesn't matter."""
    def __call__(self, *args):
            key = tuple(sorted(map(hash_object, args)))
            return self.cache[key]
        except KeyError:
            value = self.func(*args)
            self.cache[key] = value
            return value
        except TypeError:
            return self.func(*args)

###################################  Solver  ###################################

# True and False BoolVars for convenience.

def reset():
    """Reset the solver.  Any variables defined before a reset will
    have bogus values and should not be used."""
    global last_bool, TRUE_BOOL, FALSE_BOOL, solution
    global memo_caches, debug_constraints, clasp_rules
    global single_vars, NUM_BITS, BITS

    NUM_BITS = 16
    BITS = list(range(NUM_BITS))

    clasp_rules = []
    single_vars = set()
    last_bool = 1  # reserved in clasp

    TRUE_BOOL = BoolVar()
    solution = set([TRUE_BOOL.index])

    for cache in memo_caches:
    debug_constraints = []

last_bool = None  # used to set the indexes of BoolVars
def new_literal():
    """Returns the number of a new literal."""
    global last_bool
    last_bool += 1
    return last_bool

def require(x, ignored=None):
    """Constrains the variable x to be true.  The second argument is
    ignored, for compatibility with required()."""
    x = BoolVar(x)
    add_basic_rule(1, [-x.index])  # basic rule with no head

debug_constraints = None
def required(x, debug_str):
    """A debugging tool.  The debug string is printed if x is False
    after solving.  You can find out which constraint is causing
    unsatisfiability by changing all require() statements to
    required(), and adding constraints for the expected solution."""
    global debug_constraints

clasp_rules = None
def add_rule(vals):
    """The rule is encoded as a series of integers, according to the
    SMODELS internal format.  See lparse.pdf pp.86 (pdf p.90)."""
    global clasp_rules
    if need_update():
        print(len(clasp_rules), 'rules', flush=True)

def lit2str(literals):
    """For debugging, formats the given literals as a string matching
    smodels format, as would be input to gringo."""
    return ', '.join(['v' + str(x)
                         if x > 0 else 'not v' + str(-x) for x in literals])
def head2str(head):
    """Formats the head of a rule as a string."""
    # 1 is the _false atom (lparse.pdf p.87)
    return '' if head == 1 else 'v'+str(head)

def add_basic_rule(head, literals):
    # See rule types in lparse.pdf pp.88 (pdf p.92)
    if verbose:
        if len(literals) == 0: print(head2str(head) + '.')
        else: print(head2str(head), ':-', lit2str(literals) + '.')
    assert head > 0
    literals = optimize_basic_rule(head, literals)
    if literals is None:  # optimization says to skip this rule
        if verbose: print('#opt')
    if verbose:
        if len(literals) == 0: print('#opt', head2str(head) + '.')
        else: print('#opt', head2str(head), ':-', lit2str(literals) + '.')
    # format: 1 head #literals #negative [negative] [positive]
    negative_literals = list(map(abs, [x for x in literals if x < 0]))
    positive_literals = [x for x in literals if x > 0]
    add_rule([1, head, len(literals), len(negative_literals)] +
             negative_literals + positive_literals)

def add_choice_rule(heads, literals):
    if verbose:
        if len(literals) == 0:
            print('{', lit2str(heads), '}.')
            print('{', lit2str(heads), '} :-', lit2str(literals))
    for i in heads:
        assert i > 0
    # format: 3 #heads [heads] #literals #negative [negative] [positive]
    negative_literals = list(map(abs, [x for x in literals if x < 0]))
    positive_literals = [x for x in literals if x > 0]
    add_rule([3, len(heads)] + heads +
             [len(literals), len(negative_literals)] +
             negative_literals + positive_literals)

def add_constraint_rule(head, bound, literals):
    # Note that constraint rules ignore repeated literals
    if verbose:
        print(head2str(head), ':-', bound, '{', lit2str(literals), '}.')
    assert head > 0
    # format: 2 head #literals #negative bound [negative] [positive]
    negative_literals = list(map(abs, [x for x in literals if x < 0]))
    positive_literals = [x for x in literals if x > 0]
    add_rule([2, head, len(literals), len(negative_literals), bound] +
             negative_literals + positive_literals)

def add_weight_rule(head, bound, literals):
    # Unlike constraint rules, weight rules count repeated literals
    if verbose:
        print(head2str(head), ':-', bound, '[', end=' ')
        print(', '.join([x + '=1' for x in lit2str(literals).split(', ')]), '].')
    assert head > 0
    # format: 5 head bound #literals #negative [negative] [positive] [weights]
    negative_literals = list(map(abs, [x for x in literals if x < 0]))
    positive_literals = [x for x in literals if x > 0]
    weights = [1 for i in range(len(literals))]
    add_rule([5, head, bound, len(literals), len(negative_literals)] +
             negative_literals + positive_literals + weights)

single_vars = None
def optimize_basic_rule(head, literals):
    """Optimizes a basic rule, returning a new set of literals, or
    None if the rule can be skipped."""
    if len(literals) == 0:  # the head must be true
        if head in single_vars: return None
    elif head == 1 and len(literals) == 1:  # the literal must be false
        if -literals[0] in single_vars: return None
    elif head == 1:  # we can optimize headless rules
        for x in literals:
            # if the literal is false, the clause is unnecessary
            if -x in single_vars:
                return None
            # if the literal is true, the literal is unnecessary
            if x in single_vars:
                new_literals = [y for y in literals if y != x]
                return optimize_basic_rule(head, new_literals)
    return literals

start_time = time()  # time when the library is loaded
solution = None  # set containing indices of true variables
def claspy_solve():
    """Solves for all defined variables.  If satisfiable, returns True
    and stores the solution so that variables can print out their
    global last_bool, solution, debug_constraints, last_update

    print('Solving', last_bool, 'variables,', len(clasp_rules), 'rules', flush=True)
    print(os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__)), flush=True )
    clasp_process = subprocess.Popen(CLASP_COMMAND.split(),
        for rule in clasp_rules:
            clasp_process.stdin.write(' '.join(map(str, rule)) + '\n')
    except IOError:
        # The stream may be closed early if there is obviously no
        # solution.
        print('Stream closed early!')
        return False

    print(0, file=clasp_process.stdin)  # end of rules
    # print the literal names
    for i in range(2, last_bool+1):
        print(i, 'v' + str(i), file=clasp_process.stdin)
    # print the compute statement
    if clasp_process.stdout is None:  # debug mode
    found_solution = False
    clasp_output = []
    for line in clasp_process.stdout:
        if line.startswith('c Answer:'):
            solution = set()
        if line[0] == 'v':  # this is a solution line
            assert not found_solution
            solution = set([int(s[1:]) for s in line.rstrip().split(' ')])
            found_solution = True
            if verbose: print(line.rstrip())
  #  if 'SATISFIABLE' in clasp_output: print('SATISFIABLE')
  #  elif 'UNSATISFIABLE' in clasp_output: print('UNSATISFIABLE')
  #  else: print('\n'.join(clasp_output))  # show info if there was an error
  #  print()
  #  print('Total time: %.2fs' % (time() - start_time))
  #  print()
    if solution and debug_constraints:
        for x, s in debug_constraints:
            if not x.value():
                print("Failed constraint:", s)
    last_update = time()  # reset for future searches
    return found_solution

##################################  Booleans  ##################################

# BoolVar is the root variable type, and represents a boolean that can
# take on either value.  Every boolean has an index, starting at 2,
# which is used when it's encoded to SMODELS internal representation.
# BoolVars can also have a negative index, indicating that its value
# is the inverse of the corresponding boolean.
class BoolVar(object):
    index = None  # integer <= -2 or >= 2.  Treat as immutable.
    def __init__(self, val=None):
        """BoolVar() : Creates a boolean variable.
        BoolVar(x) : Constraints to a particular value, or converts
        from another type."""
        if val is None:
            self.index = new_literal()
            add_choice_rule([self.index], [])  # define the var with a choice rule
        elif val is 'internal':  # don't create a choice rule. (for internal use)
            self.index = new_literal()
        elif val is 'noinit':  # don't allocate an index. (for internal use)
        elif isinstance(val, BoolVar):
            self.index = val.index
        elif type(val) is bool or type(val) is int:
            self.index = TRUE_BOOL.index if val else FALSE_BOOL.index
        elif type(val) is IntVar:
            result = reduce(lambda a, b: a | b, val.bits)  # if any bits are non-zero
            self.index = result.index
        elif type(val) is MultiVar:
            # Use boolean_op to convert val to boolean because there's
            # no unary operator, and 'val != False' is inefficient.
            result = BoolVar(val.boolean_op(lambda a,b: a and b, True))
            self.index = result.index
            raise TypeError("Can't convert to BoolVar: " + str(val) + " " + str(type(val)))
    def hash_object(self):
        return ('BoolVar', self.index)
    def value(self):
        if self.index > 0:
            return self.index in solution
            return -self.index not in solution
    def __repr__(self):
        return str(int(self.value()))
    def info(self):
        return 'BoolVar[' + str(self.index) + ']=' + str(self)
    def __invert__(a):
        global last_bool
        # Invert the bool by creating one with a negative index.
        r = BoolVar('noinit')
        r.index = -a.index
        return r
    def __eq__(a, b):
        b = BoolVar(b)
        if b.index == TRUE_BOOL.index: return a  # opt
        if b.index == FALSE_BOOL.index: return ~a  # opt
        r = BoolVar('internal')
        add_basic_rule(r.index, [a.index, b.index])
        add_basic_rule(r.index, [-a.index, -b.index])
        return r
    def __ne__(a, b): return ~(a == b)
    def __and__(a, b):
        b = BoolVar(b)
        if b.index == TRUE_BOOL.index: return a  # opt
        if b.index == FALSE_BOOL.index: return FALSE_BOOL  # opt
        r = BoolVar('internal')
        add_basic_rule(r.index, [a.index, b.index])
        return r
    __rand__ = __and__
    def __or__(a, b):
        b = BoolVar(b)
        if b.index == TRUE_BOOL.index: return TRUE_BOOL  # opt
        if b.index == FALSE_BOOL.index: return a  # opt
        r = BoolVar('internal')
        add_basic_rule(r.index, [a.index])
        add_basic_rule(r.index, [b.index])
        return r
    __ror__ = __or__
    def __xor__(a, b):
        b = BoolVar(b)
        if b.index == TRUE_BOOL.index: return ~a  # opt
        if b.index == FALSE_BOOL.index: return a  # opt
        r = BoolVar('internal')
        add_basic_rule(r.index, [a.index, -b.index])
        add_basic_rule(r.index, [b.index, -a.index])
        return r
    __rxor__ = __xor__
    def __gt__(a, b):
        b = BoolVar(b)
        if b.index == TRUE_BOOL.index: return FALSE_BOOL  # opt
        if b.index == FALSE_BOOL.index: return a  # opt
        r = BoolVar('internal')
        add_basic_rule(r.index, [a.index, -b.index])
        return r
    def __lt__(a, b): return BoolVar(b) > a
    def __ge__(a, b): return ~(a < b)
    def __le__(a, b): return ~(a > b)
    def __add__(self, other):
        return IntVar(self) + other
    def cond(cons, pred, alt):
        pred = BoolVar(pred)
        alt = BoolVar(alt)
        if cons.index == alt.index: return cons  # opt
        result = BoolVar('internal')
        add_basic_rule(result.index, [pred.index, cons.index])
        add_basic_rule(result.index, [-pred.index, alt.index])
        return result

def at_least(n, bools):
    """Returns a BoolVar indicating whether at least n of the given
    bools are True.  n must be an integer, not a variable."""
    assert type(n) is int
    bools = list(map(BoolVar, bools))
    result = BoolVar('internal')
    add_weight_rule(result.index, n, [x.index for x in bools])
    return result

def at_most(n, bools):
    """Returns a BoolVar indicating whether at most n of the given
    bools are True.  n must be an integer, not a variable."""
    return ~at_least(n + 1, bools)

def sum_bools(n, bools):
    """Returns a BoolVar indicating whether exactly n of the given
    bools are True.  n must be an integer, not a variable."""
    return at_least(n, bools) & at_most(n, bools)

####################################  Atoms  ###################################

# An atom is only true if it is proven.
class Atom(BoolVar):
    def __init__(self):
        BoolVar.__init__(self, 'internal')
    def prove_if(self, x):
        x = BoolVar(x)
        add_basic_rule(self.index, [x.index])

##################################  Integers  ##################################

BITS = None

def set_bits(n):
    """Sets the number of bits used for IntVars."""
    global NUM_BITS, BITS
    if last_bool > 2:  # true/false already defined
        raise RuntimeError("Can't change number of bits after defining variables")
    print('Setting integers to', n, 'bits')
    NUM_BITS = n
    BITS = list(range(NUM_BITS))

def set_max_val(n):
    """Sets the number of bits corresponding to maximum value n."""
    i = 0
    while n >> i != 0:
        i += 1

def constrain_sum(a, b, result):
    """Constrain a + b == result.  Note that overflows are forbidden,
    even if the result is never used."""
    # This is a ripple-carry adder.
    c = False  # carry bit
    # Optimization: stop at the the necessary number of bits.
    max_bit = max([i+1 for i in BITS if a.bits[i].index != FALSE_BOOL.index] +
                  [i+1 for i in BITS if b.bits[i].index != FALSE_BOOL.index] +
                  [i for i in BITS if result.bits[i].index != FALSE_BOOL.index])
    for i in BITS:
        d = (a.bits[i] ^ b.bits[i])
        require(result.bits[i] == (d ^ c))
        if i == max_bit:  # opt: we know the rest of the bits are false.
            return result
        c = (a.bits[i] & b.bits[i]) | (d & c)
    require(~c)  # forbid overflows
    return result

# IntVar is an integer variable, represented as a list of boolean variable bits.
class IntVar(object):
    bits = []  # An array of BoolVar bits, LSB first.  Treat as immutable.
    def __init__(self, val=None, max_val=None):
        """Creates an integer variable.
        IntVar() : Can be any integer in the range of the number of bits.
        IntVar(3) : A fixed integer.
        IntVar(1,9) : An integer in range 1 to 9, inclusive.
        IntVar(<IntVar>) : Copy another IntVar.
        IntVar(<BoolVar>) : Cast from BoolVar.
        IntVar([1,2,3]) : An integer resticted to one of these values."""
        if val is None:
            self.bits = [BoolVar() for i in BITS]
        elif max_val is not None:
            if type(val) is not int or type(max_val) is not int:
                raise RuntimeError('Expected two integers for IntVar() but got: ' +
                                   str(val) + ', ' + str(max_val))
            if max_val < val:
                raise RuntimeError('Invalid integer range: ' + str(val) + ', ' + str(max_val))
            if max_val >= (1 << NUM_BITS):
                raise RuntimeError('Not enough bits to represent max value: ' + str(max_val))
            self.bits = [(FALSE_BOOL if max_val >> i == 0 else BoolVar()) for i in BITS]
            if val > 0: require(self >= val)
            require(self <= max_val)
        elif type(val) is IntVar:
            self.bits = val.bits
        elif isinstance(val, BoolVar):
            self.bits = [val] + [FALSE_BOOL for i in BITS[1:]]
        elif type(val) is int and val >> NUM_BITS == 0:
            self.bits = [(TRUE_BOOL if ((val >> i) & 1) else FALSE_BOOL) for i in BITS]
        elif type(val) is bool:
            self.bits = [TRUE_BOOL if val else FALSE_BOOL] + [FALSE_BOOL for i in BITS[1:]]
        elif type(val) is list:
            self.bits = [BoolVar() for i in BITS]
            require(reduce(lambda a, b: a | b, [self == x for x in val]))
            raise TypeError("Can't convert to IntVar: " + str(val))
    def hash_object(self):
        return ('IntVar',) + tuple([b.index for b in self.bits])
    def value(self):
        return sum([(1 << i) for i in BITS if self.bits[i].value()])
    def __repr__(self):
        return str(self.value())
    def info(self):
        return ('IntVar[' + ','.join(reversed([str(b.index) for b in self.bits])) +
                ']=' + ''.join(reversed(list(map(str, self.bits)))) + '=' + str(self))
    def __eq__(self, x):
        try: x = IntVar(x)
        except TypeError: return NotImplemented
        return reduce(lambda a, b: a & b,
                      [self.bits[i] == x.bits[i] for i in BITS])
    def __ne__(self, x): return ~(self == x)
    def __add__(self, x):
        try: x = IntVar(x)
        except TypeError: return NotImplemented
        # Optimization: only allocate the necessary number of bits.
        max_bit = max([i for i in BITS if self.bits[i].index != FALSE_BOOL.index] +
                      [i for i in BITS if x.bits[i].index != FALSE_BOOL.index] + [-1])
        result = IntVar(0)  # don't allocate bools yet
        result.bits = [(FALSE_BOOL if i > max_bit + 1 else BoolVar()) for i in BITS]
        constrain_sum(self, x, result)
        return result
    __radd__ = __add__
    def __sub__(self, x):
        try: x = IntVar(x)
        except TypeError: return NotImplemented
        result = IntVar()
        constrain_sum(result, x, self)
        return result
    __rsub__ = __sub__
    def __gt__(self, x):
        try: x = IntVar(x)
        except TypeError: return NotImplemented
        result = FALSE_BOOL
        for i in BITS:
            result = cond(self.bits[i] > x.bits[i], TRUE_BOOL,
                          cond(self.bits[i] < x.bits[i], FALSE_BOOL,
        return result
    def __lt__(self, x): return IntVar(x) > self
    def __ge__(self, x): return ~(self < x)
    def __le__(self, x): return ~(self > x)
    def cond(cons, pred, alt):
        pred = BoolVar(pred)
        alt = IntVar(alt)
        result = IntVar(0)  # don't allocate bools yet
        result.bits = list(map(lambda c, a: c.cond(pred, a),
                          cons.bits, alt.bits))
        return result
    def __lshift__(self, i):
        assert type(i) is int
        if i == 0: return self
        if i >= NUM_BITS: return IntVar(0)
        result = IntVar(0)  # don't allocate bools
        result.bits = [FALSE_BOOL for x in range(i)] + self.bits[:-i]
        return result
    def __rshift__(self, i):
        assert type(i) is int
        result = IntVar(0)  # don't allocate bools
        result.bits = self.bits[i:] + [FALSE_BOOL for x in range(i)]
        return result
    def __mul__(self, x):
        x = IntVar(x)
        result = IntVar(0)
        for i in BITS:
            result += cond(x.bits[i], self << i, 0)
        return result

def cond(pred, cons, alt):
    """An IF statement."""
    if type(pred) is bool:
        return cons if pred else alt
    pred = BoolVar(pred)
    if pred.index == TRUE_BOOL.index: return cons  # opt
    if pred.index == FALSE_BOOL.index: return alt  # opt
    if ((isinstance(cons, BoolVar) or type(cons) is bool) and
        (isinstance(alt, BoolVar) or type(alt) is bool)):
        cons = BoolVar(cons)
        return cons.cond(pred, alt)
    if (type(cons) is IntVar or type(alt) is IntVar or
        (type(cons) is int and type(alt) is int)):
        cons = IntVar(cons)
        return cons.cond(pred, alt)
    # Convert everything else to MultiVars
    cons = MultiVar(cons)
    return cons.cond(pred, alt)

def require_all_diff(lst):
    """Constrain all variables in the list to be different.  Note that
    this creates O(N^2) rules."""
    def choose(items, num):
        """Returns an iterator over all choises of num elements from items."""
        if len(items) < num or num <= 0:
            yield items[:0]
        if len(items) == num:
            yield items
        for x in choose(items[1:], num - 1):
            yield items[:1] + x
        for x in choose(items[1:], num):
            yield x
    for a, b in choose(lst, 2):
        require(a != b)

def sum_vars(lst):
    """Sum a list of vars, using a tree.  This is often more efficient
    than adding in sequence, as bits can be saved."""
    if len(lst) < 2:
        return lst[0]
    middle = len(lst) // 2
    return sum_vars(lst[:middle]) + sum_vars(lst[middle:])

##################################  MultiVar  ##################################

# MultiVar is a generic variable which can take on the value of one of
# a given set of python objects, and supports many operations on those
# objects.  It is implemented as a set of BoolVars, one for each
# possible value.
class MultiVar(object):
    vals = None  # Dictionary from value to boolean variable,
                 # representing that selection.  Treat as immutable.
    def __init__(self, *values):
        for v in values:
            hash(v)  # MultiVar elements must be hashable
        self.vals = {}
        if len(values) == 0:
            return  # uninitialized object: just for internal use
        if len(values) == 1:
            if type(values[0]) is MultiVar:
                self.vals = values[0].vals
                self.vals = {values[0]:TRUE_BOOL}
        for v in values:
            if isinstance(v, BoolVar) or type(v) is IntVar or type(v) is MultiVar:
                raise RuntimeException("Can't convert other variables to MultiVar")
        # TODO: optimize two-value case to single boolean
        for v in set(values):
            self.vals[v] = BoolVar()
        # constrain exactly one value to be true
        require(sum_bools(1, list(self.vals.values())))
    def hash_object(self):
        return ('MultiVar',) + tuple([(v_b[0], v_b[1].index) for v_b in iter(self.vals.items())])
    def value(self):
        for v, b in self.vals.items():
            if b.value():
                return v
        return '???'  # unknown
    def __repr__(self):
        return str(self.value())
    def info(self):
        return ('MultiVar[' + ','.join([str(v) + ':' + str(b.index)
                                        for v,b in self.vals.items()]) +
                ']=' + str(self))
    def boolean_op(a, op, b):
        """Computes binary op(a,b) where 'a' is a MultiVal.  Returns a BoolVar."""
        if type(b) is not MultiVar:
            b = MultiVar(b)
        # Optimization: see if there are fewer terms for op=true or
        # op=false.  For example, if testing for equality, it may be
        # better to test for all terms which are NOT equal.
        true_count = 0
        false_count = 0
        for a_val, a_bool in a.vals.items():
            for b_val, b_bool in b.vals.items():
                if op(a_val, b_val):
                    true_count += 1
                    false_count += 1
        invert = false_count < true_count
        terms = []
        for a_val, a_bool in a.vals.items():
            for b_val, b_bool in b.vals.items():
                term = op(a_val, b_val) ^ invert
                terms.append(cond(term, a_bool & b_bool, False))
        if terms:
            result = reduce(lambda a, b: a | b, terms)
            # Subtle bug: this must be cast to BoolVar,
            # otherwise we might compute ~True for __ne__ below.
            return BoolVar(result) ^ invert
            return FALSE_BOOL ^ invert
    def generic_op(a, op, b):
        """Computes op(a,b) where 'a' is a MultiVar.  Returns a new MultiVar."""
        if type(b) is not MultiVar:
            b = MultiVar(b)
        result = MultiVar()
        for a_val, a_bool in a.vals.items():
            for b_val, b_bool in b.vals.items():
                result_val = op(a_val, b_val)
                result_bool = a_bool & b_bool
                # TODO: make this work for b as a variable
                if result_val in result.vals:
                    result.vals[result_val] = result.vals[result_val] | result_bool
                    result.vals[result_val] = result_bool
        return result
    def __eq__(a, b): return a.boolean_op(lambda x, y: x == y, b)
    def __ne__(a, b): return ~(a == b)
    def __add__(a, b): return a.generic_op(lambda x, y: x + y, b)
    def __sub__(a, b): return a.generic_op(lambda x, y: x - y, b)
    def __mul__(a, b): return a.generic_op(lambda x, y: x * y, b)
    def __div__(a, b): return a.generic_op(lambda x, y: x / y, b)
    def __gt__(a, b): return a.boolean_op(lambda x, y: x > y, b)
    def __lt__(a, b): return MultiVar(b) > a
    def __ge__(a, b): return ~(a < b)
    def __le__(a, b): return ~(a > b)
    def __getitem__(a, b): return a.generic_op(lambda x, y: x[y], b)

    def cond(cons, pred, alt):
        pred = BoolVar(pred)
        alt = MultiVar(alt)
        result = MultiVar()
        for v, b in cons.vals.items():
            result.vals[v] = pred & b
        for v, b in alt.vals.items():
            if v in result.vals:
                result.vals[v] = result.vals[v] | (~pred & b)
                result.vals[v] = ~pred & b
        return result

def var_in(v, lst):
    return reduce(lambda a,b: a|b, [v == x for x in lst])

# initialize on startup

@jenna-h jenna-h closed this as completed Jul 10, 2024
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