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Table of Contents

Day 1


We can generate a list of consecutive items (while looping around) very crudely using:

conseqs :: [a] -> [(a,a)]
conseqs (x:xs) = zip (x:xs) (xs ++ [x])

For part 2, we can generate a list of "opposite" items by zipping a bisected list:

bisect :: [a] -> ([a], [a])
bisect xs = splitAt (length xs `div` 2) xs

uncurry zip . bisect :: [a] -> [(a,a)]

From either of these, we can select the ones that are "matching" by filtering for equal tuples:

matchings :: Eq a => [(a,a)] -> [a]
matchings = map fst . filter (\(x,y) -> x == y)

The result is the sum of all of the "matched" numbers, so in the end, we have:

day01a :: [Int] -> Int
day01a =        sum . matchings . (      conseqs       )

day01b :: [Int] -> Int
day01b = (*2) . sum . matchings . (uncurry zip . bisect)

Note that we do need to "double count" for Part 2.

We could parse the actual strings into [Int] by just using map digitToInt :: String -> [Int]

Day 1 Benchmarks

>> Day 01a
time                 59.08 μs   (56.52 μs .. 61.98 μs)
                     0.981 R²   (0.971 R² .. 0.991 R²)
mean                 61.41 μs   (57.81 μs .. 69.65 μs)
std dev              17.28 μs   (7.177 μs .. 28.41 μs)
variance introduced by outliers: 97% (severely inflated)

>> Day 01b
time                 93.48 μs   (88.50 μs .. 98.63 μs)
                     0.979 R²   (0.969 R² .. 0.992 R²)
mean                 90.52 μs   (87.72 μs .. 94.51 μs)
std dev              10.30 μs   (6.708 μs .. 14.16 μs)
variance introduced by outliers: 86% (severely inflated)

Day 2


Good stream processing demonstration. Both problems just boil down to summing a function on all lines:

day02a :: [[Int]] -> Int
day02a = sum . map checkA

day02b :: [[Int]] -> Int
day02b = sum . map checkB

checkA is just the maximum minus the minimum:

checkA :: [Int] -> Int
checkA xs = maximum xs - minimum xs

checkB requires you to "find" an item subject to several constraints, and this can be done using the list monad instance (to pretend to be writing Prolog) or simply a list comprehension.

checkB :: [Int] -> Int
checkB xs = head $ do
    y:ys   <- tails (sort xs)
    (d, 0) <- (`divMod` y) <$> ys
    return d

First we list all of our "possibilities" that we want to search -- we consider all y : ys, where y is some element in our list, and ys is all of items greater than or equal to y in the list.

Then we consider the divMod of any number in ys by y, but only the ones that give a mod of 0 (the perfect divisor of y in ys).

Our result is d, the result of the perfect division.

Parsing is pretty straightforward again; we can use map (map read . words) . lines :: String -> [[Int]] to split by lines, then by words, and read every word.

Day 2 Benchmarks

>> Day 02a
time                 701.8 μs   (671.5 μs .. 741.4 μs)
                     0.982 R²   (0.961 R² .. 0.996 R²)
mean                 687.1 μs   (670.0 μs .. 721.0 μs)
std dev              80.53 μs   (50.15 μs .. 132.3 μs)
variance introduced by outliers: 81% (severely inflated)

>> Day 02b
time                 775.4 μs   (742.7 μs .. 822.8 μs)
                     0.974 R²   (0.947 R² .. 0.996 R²)
mean                 769.2 μs   (746.3 μs .. 818.0 μs)
std dev              107.1 μs   (49.91 μs .. 186.3 μs)
variance introduced by outliers: 85% (severely inflated)

Day 3


My Day 3 solution revolves around the Trail monoid:

newtype Trail a = Trail { runTrail :: a -> ([a], a) }
instance Semigroup (Trail a) where
    f <> g = Trail $ \x -> let (xs, y) = runTrail f x
                               (ys, z) = runTrail g y
                           in  (xs ++ ys, z)
instance Monoid (Trail a) where
    mempty  = Trail ([],)
    mappend = (<>)

Which describes a function that "leaves a trail" as it is being run. The mappend/<> action composes two functions together (one after the other), and also combines the "trails" that they leave behind.

In an unrelated monoid usage, we have

type Pos = (Sum Int, Sum Int)

So p1 <> p2 will be the component-wise addition of two points.

To start off, we build ulam :: [Pos], an infinite list of positions, starting from the middle of the spiral and moving outwards. ulam !! 0 would be the very center (the 1st position), ulam !! 10 would be the 11th position, etc.

We build this spiral using move, our most basic Trail:

move :: Pos -> Trail Pos
move p = Trail $ \p0 -> ([p0 <> p], p0 <> p)

move (1,0) would give a Trail that moves one tile to the right, and leaves the new position in its trail.

We can then build the entire spiral by <>ing (using foldMap) Trails forever:

spiral :: Trail Pos
spiral = move (0,0)
      <> foldMap loop [1..]
    loop :: Int -> Trail Pos
    loop n = stimes (2*n-1) (move ( 1, 0))
          <> stimes (2*n-1) (move ( 0, 1))
          <> stimes (2*n  ) (move (-1, 0))
          <> stimes (2*n  ) (move ( 0,-1))

And for ulam, we run the Trail from (0,0), and get the trail list (fst).

ulam :: [Pos]
ulam = fst $ runTrail spiral (0,0)

Part 1

Part 1 is then just getting the nth item in ulam, and calculating its distance from the center:

day03a :: Int -> Int
day03a i = norm $ ulam !! (i - 1)
    norm (Sum x, Sum y) = abs x + abs y

Part 2

For Part 2, we keep the state of the filled out cells as a Map Pos Int, which stores the number at each position. If the position has not been "reached" yet, it will not be in the Map.

We can use State to compose these functions easily. Here we write a function that takes a position and fills in that position's value in the Map appropriately, and returns the new value at that position:

updateMap :: Pos -> State (M.Map Pos Int) Int
updateMap p = state $ \m0 ->
    let newPos = sum . mapMaybe (`M.lookup` m0) $
          [ p <> (Sum x, Sum y) | x <- [-1 .. 1]
                                , y <- [-1 .. 1]
                                , x /= 0 || y /= 0
    in  (newPos, M.insertWith (const id) p newPos m0)

We use M.insertWith (const id) instead of M.insert because we don't want to overwrite any previous entries.

Since we wrote updateMap using State, we can just traverse over ulam -- if updateMap p updates the map at point p and returns the new value at that position, then traverse updateMap ulam updates updates the map at every position in ulam, one-by-one, and returns the new values at each position.

cellNums :: [Int]
cellNums = flip evalState (M.singleton (0, 0) 1) $
    traverse updateMap ulam

And so part 2 is just finding the first item matching some predicate, which is just find from base:

day03b :: Int -> Int
day03b i = fromJust $ find (> i) cellNums

Day 3 Benchmarks

>> Day 03a
time                 2.706 ms   (2.640 ms .. 2.751 ms)
                     0.997 R²   (0.995 R² .. 0.999 R²)
mean                 2.186 ms   (2.090 ms .. 2.267 ms)
std dev              231.4 μs   (198.3 μs .. 267.7 μs)
variance introduced by outliers: 66% (severely inflated)

>> Day 03b
time                 2.999 μs   (2.639 μs .. 3.438 μs)
                     0.870 R²   (0.831 R² .. 0.935 R²)
mean                 3.684 μs   (2.945 μs .. 4.457 μs)
std dev              1.629 μs   (1.190 μs .. 2.117 μs)
variance introduced by outliers: 99% (severely inflated)

Day 4


Day 4 is very basic stream processing. Just filter for lines that have "all unique" items, and count how many lines are remaining.

Part 1 and Part 2 are basically the same, except Part 2 checks for uniqueness up to ordering of letters. If we sort the letters in each word first, this normalizes all of the words so we can just use ==.

day04a :: [[String]] -> Int
day04a = length . filter uniq

day04b :: [[String]] -> Int
day04b = length . filter uniq . (map . map) sort

All that's left is finding a function to tell us if all of the items in a list are unique.

uniq :: Eq a => [a] -> Bool
uniq xs = length xs == length (nub xs)

There are definitely ways of doing this that scale better, but given that all of the lines in my puzzle input are less than a dozen words long, it's really not worth it to optimize!

(We can parse the input into a list of list of strings using map words . lines :: String -> [[String]])

Day 4 Benchmarks

>> Day 04a
time                 1.786 ms   (1.726 ms .. 1.858 ms)
                     0.990 R²   (0.984 R² .. 0.995 R²)
mean                 1.776 ms   (1.738 ms .. 1.877 ms)
std dev              193.2 μs   (98.00 μs .. 356.9 μs)
variance introduced by outliers: 73% (severely inflated)

>> Day 04b
time                 3.979 ms   (3.431 ms .. 4.421 ms)
                     0.912 R²   (0.852 R² .. 0.974 R²)
mean                 3.499 ms   (3.349 ms .. 3.805 ms)
std dev              703.5 μs   (475.7 μs .. 1.026 ms)
variance introduced by outliers: 88% (severely inflated)

Day 5


Day 5 centers around the Tape zipper:

data Tape a = Tape { _tLefts  :: [a]
                   , _tFocus  :: a
                   , _tRights :: [a]
  deriving Show

We have the "focus" (the current pointer position), the items to the left of the focus (in reverse order, starting from the item closest to the focus), and the items to the right of the focus.

Tape is neat because moving one step to the left or right is O(1). It's also "type-safe" in our situation, unlike an IntMap, because it enforces a solid unbroken tape space.

One fundamental operation on a tape is move, which moves the focus on a tape to the left or right by an Int offset. If we ever reach the end of the list, it's Nothing.

-- | `move n` is O(n)
move :: Int -> Tape Int -> Maybe (Tape Int)
move n (Tape ls x rs) = case compare n 0 of
    LT -> case ls of
      []    -> Nothing
      l:ls' -> move (n + 1) (Tape ls' l (x:rs))
    EQ -> Just (Tape ls x rs)
    GT -> case rs of
      []    -> Nothing
      r:rs' -> move (n - 1) (Tape (x:ls) r rs')

Now we just need to simulate the machine in the puzzle:

    :: (Int -> Int)         -- ^ cell update function
    -> Tape Int
    -> Maybe (Tape Int)
step f (Tape ls x rs) = move x (Tape ls (f x) rs)

At every step, move based on the item at the list focus, and update that item accordingly.

We can write a quick utility function to continually apply a a -> Maybe a until we hit a Nothing:

iterateMaybe :: (a -> Maybe a) -> a -> [a]
iterateMaybe f x0 = x0 : unfoldr (fmap dup . f) x0
    dup x = (x,x)

And now we have our solutions. Part 1 and Part 2 are pretty much the same, except for different updating functions.

day05a :: Tape Int -> Int
day05a = length . iterateMaybe (step update)
    update x = x + 1

day05b :: Tape Int -> Int
day05b = length . iterateMaybe (step update)
    update x
      | x >= 3    = x - 1
      | otherwise = x + 1

Note that we do have to parse our Tape from an input string. We can do this using something like:

parse :: String -> Tape Int
parse (map read.lines->x:xs) = Tape [] x xs
parse _                      = error "Expected at least one line"

Parsing the words in the line, and setting up a Tape focused on the far left item.

Day 5 Benchmarks

>> Day 05a
time                 514.3 ms   (417.9 ms .. 608.1 ms)
                     0.995 R²   (0.983 R² .. 1.000 R²)
mean                 479.1 ms   (451.4 ms .. 496.5 ms)
std dev              26.27 ms   (0.0 s .. 30.17 ms)
variance introduced by outliers: 19% (moderately inflated)

>> Day 05b
time                 1.196 s    (1.164 s .. 1.265 s)
                     1.000 R²   (0.999 R² .. 1.000 R²)
mean                 1.211 s    (1.197 s .. 1.221 s)
std dev              15.45 ms   (0.0 s .. 17.62 ms)
variance introduced by outliers: 19% (moderately inflated)

Day 6


Day 6 is yet another simulation of a virtual machine. There might be an analytic way to do things, but input size is small enough that you can just directly simulate the machine in a reasonable time.


At the most basic level, we need to write a function to advance the simulation one step in time:

step :: V.Vector Int -> V.Vector Int
step v = V.accum (+) v' ((,1) <$> indices)
    maxIx     = V.maxIndex v
    numBlocks = v V.! maxIx
    v'        = v V.// [(maxIx, 0)]
    indices   = (`mod` V.length v) <$> [maxIx + 1 .. maxIx + numBlocks]

V.accum (+) v' ((,1) <$> indices) will increment all indices in indices in the vector by 1 -- potentially more than once times if it shows up in indices multiple times. For example, if indices is [4,7,1,2,4] will increment the numbers at indices 4, 7, 1, 2, and 4 again (so the number at position 4 will be incremented twice).

All that's left is generating indices. We know we need an entry for every place we want to "drop a block". We get the starting index using V.maxIndex, and so get the number of blocks to drop using v V.! maxIx. Our list of indices is just [maxIx + 1 .. maxIx + numBlocks], but all mod'd by by the size of v so we cycle through the indices.

We must remember to re-set the starting position's value to 0 before we start.

Thanks to glguy for the idea to use accum!


We can now just iterate step :: [V.Vector Int], which just contains an infinite list of steps. We want to now find the loops.

To do this, we can scan across iterate step. We keep track of a m :: Map a Int, which stores all of the previously seen states (as keys), along with how long ago they were seen. We also keep track of the number of steps we have taken so far (n)

findLoop :: Ord a => [a] -> (Int, Int)
findLoop = go 0 M.empty
    go _ _ []     = error "We expect an infinite list"
    go n m (x:xs) = case M.lookup x m of
        Just l  -> (n, l)
        Nothing -> go (n + 1) (M.insert x 1 m') xs
        m' = succ <$> m

At every step, if the Map does include the previously seen state as a key, then we're done. We return the associated value (how long ago it was seen) and the number of steps we have taken so far.

Otherwise, insert the new state into the Map, update all of the old "last-time-seen" values (by fmapping succ), and move on.

All Together

We have our whole challenge:

day06 :: V.Vector Int -> (Int, Int)
day06 = findLoop . iterate step

Part 1 is the fst of that, and Part 2 is the snd of that.

We can parse the input using V.fromList . map read . words :: String -> V.Vector Int.

Day 6 Benchmarks

>> Day 06a
time                 681.9 ms   (658.3 ms .. 693.4 ms)
                     1.000 R²   (1.000 R² .. 1.000 R²)
mean                 669.9 ms   (665.6 ms .. 672.8 ms)
std dev              4.220 ms   (0.0 s .. 4.869 ms)
variance introduced by outliers: 19% (moderately inflated)

>> Day 06b
time                 688.7 ms   (504.2 ms .. 881.2 ms)
                     0.990 R²   (0.964 R² .. 1.000 R²)
mean                 710.2 ms   (687.9 ms .. 731.7 ms)
std dev              36.52 ms   (0.0 s .. 37.19 ms)
variance introduced by outliers: 19% (moderately inflated)

Day 7


We can just build the tree in Haskell. We have basically a simple rose tree of Ints, so we can use Tree Int from Data.Tree (from the containers package).

Part 1

Our input is essentially M.Map String (Int, S.Set String), a map of string labels to their weights and the labels of their leaves.

-- | Returns the root label and the tree
    :: M.Map String (Int, S.Set String)
    -> (String, Tree Int)
buildTree m = (root, result)
    allChildren :: S.Set String
    allChildren = S.unions (snd <$> toList m)
    root :: String
    root = S.findMax $ M.keysSet m `S.difference` allChildren

    result :: Tree Int
    result = flip unfoldTree root $ \p ->
      let (w, cs) = m M.! p
      in  (w, toList cs)

Building a tree is pretty simple with unfoldTree :: (a -> [b] -> (a,[b])) -> b -> Tree a. Given an initial seed value, and a way to give a "result" (node content) and all new seeds, it can unfold out a tree for us. The initial seed is the root node, and the unfolding process looks up the weights and all of the children of the given label.

The only complication now is finding the "root" of the entire tree. This is simply the only symbol that is not in the union of all children sets.

We technically don't need the strings in the tree, but we do need it for Part 1, so we can return it as a second input using a tuple.

day07a :: M.Map String (Int, S.Set String) -> String
day07a = fst . buildTree

One nice thing about using a tree is that we can actually visualize it using drawTree :: Tree String -> String from containers! It's kind of big though so it's difficult to inspect for our actual input, but it's nice for being able to check the sample input.

Part 2

Time to find the bad node.

findBad :: Tree Int -> Maybe Int
findBad t0 = listToMaybe badChildren <|> anomaly
    badChildren :: [Int]
    badChildren = mapMaybe findBad $ subForest t0
    weightMap :: M.Map Int [Int]
    weightMap = M.fromListWith (++)
              . map (\t -> (sum t, [rootLabel t]))
              $ subForest t0
    anomaly :: Maybe Int
    anomaly = case sortOn (length . snd) (M.toList weightMap) of
      -- end of the line
      []                       -> Nothing
      -- all weights match
      [_]                      -> Nothing
      -- exactly one anomaly
      [(wTot1, [w]),(wTot2,_)] -> Just (w + (wTot2 - wTot1))
      -- should not happen
      _                        -> error "More than one anomaly for node"

At the heart of it all, we check if any of the children are bad, before checking if the current node itself is bad. This is because any anomaly on the level of our current node is not fixable if there are any errors in children nodes.

To isolate bad nodes, I built a Map Int [Int], which is a map of unique "total weight" to a list of all of the immediate child weights that have that total weight. We can build a total weight by just using sum :: Tree Int -> Int, which adds up all of the weights of all of the child nodes.

If this map is empty, it means that there are no children. Nothing, no anomaly.

If this map has one item, it means that there is only one unique total weight amongst all of the child nodes. Nothing, no anomaly.

If the map has two items, it means that there are two distinct total weights, and one of those should have exactly one corresponding child node. (We can sort the list to ensure that that anomaly node is the first one in the list)

From here we can compute what that anomaly node's weight (w1) should really be, and return Just that.

Any other cases don't make sense (more than two distinct total weights, or a situation where there isn't exactly one odd node)

day07b :: M.Map String (Int, S.Set String) -> Int
day07b = fromJust . findBad . snd . buildTree


Parsing is straightforward but not trivial.

parseLine :: String -> (String, (Int, S.Set String))
parseLine (words->p:w:ws) =
    (p, (read w, S.fromList (filter isAlpha <$> drop 1 ws)))
parseLine _ = error "No parse"

parse :: String -> M.Map String (Int, S.Set String)
parse = M.fromList . map parseLine . lines

Day 7 Benchmarks

>> Day 07a
time                 8.411 ms   (7.956 ms .. 8.961 ms)
                     0.973 R²   (0.954 R² .. 0.989 R²)
mean                 8.129 ms   (7.939 ms .. 8.447 ms)
std dev              736.6 μs   (501.9 μs .. 1.058 ms)
variance introduced by outliers: 50% (moderately inflated)

>> Day 07b
time                 12.30 ms   (11.36 ms .. 14.21 ms)
                     0.909 R²   (0.815 R² .. 0.993 R²)
mean                 12.06 ms   (11.55 ms .. 13.00 ms)
std dev              1.799 ms   (935.1 μs .. 2.877 ms)
variance introduced by outliers: 69% (severely inflated)

Day 8


Happy to see that Day 8, like day 7, is another problem that is very suitable for Haskell! :)

I decided to make an ADT to encode each instruction

data Instr = Instr { _iRegister  :: String
                   , _iUpdate    :: Int
                   , _iCondReg   :: String
                   , _iPredicate :: Int -> Bool

It includes a register to update, an update amount, a register to check for a condition, and a predicate to apply to see whether or not to apply an update.

So something like

b inc 5 if a > 1

would be parsed as

Instr { _iRegister  = "b"
      , _iUpdate    = 5
      , _iCondReg   = "a"
      , _iPredicate = (> 1)

From this, our updating function step is basically following the logic of the puzzle's update process:

step :: M.Map String Int -> Instr -> M.Map String Int
step m (Instr r u c p)
  | p (M.findWithDefault 0 c m) = M.insertWith (+) r u m
  | otherwise                   = m

Part 1

So this makes Part 1 basically a simple foldl, to produce the final Map of all the registers. Then we use maximum :: Ord v => Map k v -> v to get the maximum register value.

day08a :: [Instr] -> Int
day08a = maximum . foldl' step M.empty

Note that this might potentially give the wrong answer if all register values in the Map are negative. Then maximum of our Map would be negative, but there are still registers that exist with 0 that aren't in our Map.

Part 2

Part 2 is basically a simple scanl.

day08b :: [Instr] -> Int
day08b = maximum . foldMap toList . scanl' step M.empty

foldl gave us the final Map, but scanl gives us all the intermediate Maps that were formed along the way.

We want the maximum value that was ever seen, so we use foldMap toList :: [Map k v] -> [v] to get a list of all values ever seen, and maximum that list. There are definitely more efficient ways to do this! The same caveat (situation where all registers are always negative) applies here.

By the way, isn't it neat that switching between Part 1 and Part 2 is just switching between foldl and scanl? (Observation thanks to cocreature) Higher order functions and purity are the best!


Again, parsing an Instr is straightforward but non-trivial.

parseLine :: String -> Instr
parseLine (words->r:f:u:_:c:o:x:_) =
    Instr { _iRegister  = r
          , _iUpdate    = f' (read u)
          , _iCondReg   = c
          , _iPredicate = (`op` read x)
    f' = case f of
      "dec" -> negate
      _     -> id
    op = case o of
      ">"  -> (>)
      ">=" -> (>=)
      "<"  -> (<)
      "<=" -> (<=)
      "==" -> (==)
      "!=" -> (/=)
      _    -> error "Invalid op"
parseLine _ = error "No parse"

Care has to be taken to ensure that dec 5, for instance, is parsed as an update of -5.

It is interesting to note that -- as a consequence of laziness -- read u and f' might never be evaluated, and u and f might never be parsed. This is because if the condition is found to be negative for a line, the _iUpdate field is never used, so we can throw away u and f without ever evaluating them!

Day 8 Benchmarks

>> Day 08a
time                 8.545 ms   (8.085 ms .. 9.007 ms)
                     0.984 R²   (0.975 R² .. 0.994 R²)
mean                 8.609 ms   (8.365 ms .. 9.328 ms)
std dev              1.068 ms   (432.2 μs .. 2.039 ms)
variance introduced by outliers: 67% (severely inflated)

>> Day 08b
time                 9.764 ms   (9.185 ms .. 10.44 ms)
                     0.975 R²   (0.955 R² .. 0.993 R²)
mean                 9.496 ms   (9.233 ms .. 9.816 ms)
std dev              846.1 μs   (567.6 μs .. 1.200 ms)
variance introduced by outliers: 50% (moderately inflated)

Day 9


Today I actually decided to live stream my leader board attempt! Admittedly I was in a new and noisy environment, so adding live streaming to that only made my attempt a bit more complicated :)

Anyway, our solution today involves the AST Tree:

data Tree = Garbage String
          | Group [Tree]

Getting the score is a simple recursive traversal:

treeScore :: Tree -> Int
treeScore = go 1
    go _ (Garbage _ ) = 0
    go n (Group   ts) = n + sum (go (n + 1) <$> ts)

Getting the total amount of garbage is, as well:

treeGarbage :: Tree -> Int
treeGarbage (Garbage n ) = length n
treeGarbage (Group   ts) = sum (treeGarbage <$> ts)

And so that's essentially our entire solution:

day09a :: Tree -> Int
day09a = treeScore

day09b :: Tree -> Int
day09b = treeGarbage


Parsing was simpler than I originally thought it would be. We can use the megaparsec library's parser combinators:

parseTree :: Parser Tree
parseTree = P.choice [ Group   <$> parseGroup
                     , Garbage <$> parseGarbage
    parseGroup :: Parser [Tree]
    parseGroup = P.between (P.char '{') (P.char '}') $
        parseTree `P.sepBy` P.char ','
    parseGarbage :: Parser String
    parseGarbage = P.between (P.char '<') (P.char '>') $
        catMaybes <$> many garbageChar
        garbageChar :: Parser (Maybe Char)
        garbageChar = P.choice
          [ Nothing <$ (P.char '!' *> P.anyChar)
          , Just    <$> P.noneOf ">"

Our final Tree is either a Group (parsed with parseGroup) or Garbage (parsed with parseGarbage).

  • parseGroup parses Trees separated by ,, between curly brackets.

  • parseGarbage parses many consecutive valid garbage tokens (Which may or may not contain a valid garbage character, Maybe Char), between angled brackets. It catMaybes the contents of all of the tokens to get all actual garbage characters.

    Thanks to rafl for the idea of using many and between for parseGarbage instead of my original explicitly recursive solution!

And so we have:

parse :: String -> Tree
parse = either (error . show) id . P.runParser parseTree ""

We do need to handle the case where the parser doesn't succeed, since runParser returns an Either.

Day 9 Benchmarks

>> Day 09a
time                 2.508 ms   (2.366 ms .. 2.687 ms)
                     0.957 R²   (0.910 R² .. 0.990 R²)
mean                 2.589 ms   (2.477 ms .. 3.009 ms)
std dev              628.2 μs   (223.5 μs .. 1.246 ms)
variance introduced by outliers: 94% (severely inflated)

>> Day 09b
time                 3.354 ms   (3.108 ms .. 3.684 ms)
                     0.952 R²   (0.919 R² .. 0.992 R²)
mean                 3.196 ms   (3.086 ms .. 3.383 ms)
std dev              411.1 μs   (232.5 μs .. 595.1 μs)
variance introduced by outliers: 76% (severely inflated)

Day 10

(code) (stream)

I feel like I actually had a shot today, if it weren't for a couple of silly mistakes! :( First I forgot to add a number, then I had a stray newline in my input for some reason. For Day 9, I struggled to get an idea of what's going on, but once I had a clear plan, the rest was easy. For Day 10, the clear idea was fast, but the many minor lapses along the way were what probably delayed me the most :)

Our solution today revolves around this state type:

data HashState n = HS { _hsVec  :: V.Vector n Int
                      , _hsPos  :: Finite n
                      , _hsSkip :: Integer

Here I'm using DataKinds with the vector-sized library and the finite-typelits library. Vector n Int, where n :: Nat (a type-level natural number) is a vector with exactly n Ints. Finite n is a type with exactly n inhabitants, and so works well as an index for a Vector n Int.

For example, for this puzzle, HashState 256 would be the type we're using -- with Vector 256 Int (256 ints) and a Finite 256 (index from 0 to 255).

For more information, please refer to my blog post for a full tutorial and explanation on how to use these types.

This (Vector n a, Finite n) pairing is actually something that has come up a lot over the previous Advent of Code puzzles. It's basically a vector attached with some "index" (or "focus"). It's actually a manifestation of the Store Comonad. Something like this really would have made a lot of the previous puzzles really simple, or at least would have been very suitable for their implementations.

Part 1

Anyway, most of the algorithm boils down to a foldl with this state on some list of inputs:

step :: KnownNat n => HashState n -> Int -> HashState n
step (HS v0 p0 s0) n = HS v1 p1 s1
    ixes = take n $ iterate (+ 1) p0
    vals = V.index v0 <$> ixes
    v1   = v0 V.// zip ixes (reverse vals)
    p1   = p0 + modClass (n + s0)
    s1   = s0 + 1

Our updating function is somewhat of a direct translation of the requirements. All of the indices to update are enumerated using iterate (+ 1) p0, and we take n of those to get the n indices after p0.

Note that the Num instance for Finite n implements modular arithmetic, so iterate (+ 1) p0 automatically cycles around after reaching the final index. For example, for Finite 4, iterate (+ 1) 2 would be [2, 3, 0, 1, 2, 3 ...], etc. This handles the periodic boundary conditions for us.

We also need the values at each of the indices, so we map V.index v0 over our list of indices.

Finally, we use (//) :: V.Vector n a -> [(Finite n, a)] -> V.Vector n a to update all of the items necessary. // replaces all of the indices in the list with the values they are paired up with. For us, we want to put the items back in the list in reverse order, so we zip ixes and reverse vals, so that the indices at ixes are set to be the values reverse vals.

p1 = p0 + n + s0, according to the puzzle, but n and s0 are Ints. We want to make sure these are added in a "cyclic" way. Luckily, + for Finite handles that for us. We just need to convert n + s0 into Finite n, which we can do using modClass. modClass converts an Integral to a Finite n by wrapping around values that are out of range, like a clock.

Note that as of the time of writing, modClass is not yet in any version of finite-typelits on Hackage, and neither is a (//) that would take Finites. I'm using my own forks:

- .
- location:
    commit: d6cfd34db8843e66203f44cca1d8dd6fea6b813d
  extra-dep: true
- location:
    commit: 782fd4679c2eeab990b70b61432d474e8a77eab5
  extra-dep: true

Now we can iterate this using foldl'

process :: KnownNat n => [Int] -> V.Vector n Int
process = _hsVec . foldl' step hs0
    hs0 = HS (V.generate fromIntegral) 0 0

From here, we can write our Part 1:

day10a :: [Int] -> Int
day10a = product . take 2 . toList . process @256

Care must be taken to specify what we want n to be -- that is, the size of our permutation buffer. We can use the TypeApplications to specify that we want a 256-vector.

We can parse our input using map read . splitOn "," :: String -> [Int], splitOn from the split library.

Part 2

Part 2 is pretty straightforward in that the logic is extremely simple, just do a series of transformations.

day10b :: [Char] -> Int
day10b = toHex . process @256
       . concat . replicate 64
       . (++ salt) . map ord
    salt  = [17, 31, 73, 47, 23]
    toHex = concatMap (printf "%02x" . foldr xor 0) . chunksOf 16 . toList
    strip = T.unpack . T.strip . T.pack


  1. map ord :: String -> [Int]
  2. Append the salt bytes at the end
  3. concat . replicate 64 :: [a] -> [a], replicate the list of inputs 64 times
  4. process things like how we did in Part 1
  5. Get the V.Vector 256 a out of the HashState 256
  6. Convert to hex:
    • Break into chunks of 16 (using chunksOf from the split library)
    • foldr each chunk of 16 using xor
    • Convert the resulting Int to a hex string, using printf %02x
    • Aggregate all of the chunk results later

Again, it's not super complicated, it's just that there are so many steps described in the puzzle!

Day 10 Benchmarks

Note: Benchmarks measured with storable vectors.

>> Day 10a
time                 298.3 μs   (287.8 μs .. 310.5 μs)
                     0.981 R²   (0.962 R² .. 0.994 R²)
mean                 332.4 μs   (296.9 μs .. 458.4 μs)
std dev              212.7 μs   (37.85 μs .. 445.3 μs)
variance introduced by outliers: 99% (severely inflated)

>> Day 10b
time                 34.90 ms   (30.87 ms .. 39.75 ms)
                     0.948 R²   (0.881 R² .. 0.984 R²)
mean                 31.84 ms   (30.19 ms .. 33.98 ms)
std dev              4.027 ms   (2.827 ms .. 5.244 ms)
variance introduced by outliers: 48% (moderately inflated)