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mstksg committed Aug 6, 2019
1 parent 076d32e commit 5028ea8
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Showing 2 changed files with 24 additions and 302 deletions.
300 changes: 0 additions & 300 deletions src/Data/Type/Universe.hs
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Expand Up @@ -71,141 +71,6 @@ import Data.Type.Universe.Prod
import GHC.Generics ((:*:)(..))
import Prelude hiding (any, all)

---- | A @'WitAny' p as@ is a witness that, for at least one item @a@ in the
---- type-level collection @as@, the predicate @p a@ is true.
--data WitAny f :: (k ~> Type) -> f k -> Type where
-- WitAny :: Elem f as a -> p @@ a -> WitAny f p as

---- | An @'Any' f p@ is a predicate testing a collection @as :: f a@ for the
---- fact that at least one item in @as@ satisfies @p@. Represents the
---- "exists" quantifier over a given universe.
---- This is mostly useful for its 'Decidable' and 'TFunctor' instances,
---- which lets you lift predicates on @p@ to predicates on @'Any' f p@.
--data Any f :: Predicate k -> Predicate (f k)
--type instance Apply (Any f p) as = WitAny f p as

---- | A @'WitAll' p as@ is a witness that the predicate @p a@ is true for all
---- items @a@ in the type-level collection @as@.
--newtype WitAll f p (as :: f k) = WitAll { runWitAll :: forall a. Elem f as a -> p @@ a }

---- | An @'All' f p@ is a predicate testing a collection @as :: f a@ for the
---- fact that /all/ items in @as@ satisfy @p@. Represents the "forall"
---- quantifier over a given universe.
---- This is mostly useful for its 'Decidable', 'Provable', and 'TFunctor'
---- instances, which lets you lift predicates on @p@ to predicates on @'All'
---- f p@.
--data All f :: Predicate k -> Predicate (f k)
--type instance Apply (All f p) as = WitAll f p as

--instance (Universe f, Decidable p) => Decidable (Any f p) where
-- decide = decideAny @f @_ @p $ decide @p

--instance (Universe f, Decidable p) => Decidable (All f p) where
-- decide = decideAll @f @_ @p $ decide @p

--instance (Universe f, Provable p) => Decidable (NotNull f ==> Any f p) where

--instance Provable p => Provable (NotNull f ==> Any f p) where
-- prove _ (WitAny i s) = WitAny i (prove @p s)

--instance (Universe f, Provable p) => Provable (All f p) where
-- prove xs = WitAll $ \i -> prove @p (index i xs)

--instance Universe f => TFunctor (Any f) where
-- tmap f xs (WitAny i x) = WitAny i (f (index i xs) x)

--instance Universe f => TFunctor (All f) where
-- tmap f xs a = WitAll $ \i -> f (index i xs) (runWitAll a i)

--instance Universe f => DFunctor (All f) where
-- dmap f xs a = idecideAll (\i x -> f x (runWitAll a i)) xs

---- | Typeclass for a type-level container that you can quantify or lift
---- type-level predicates over.
--class HasProd f => Universe (f :: Type -> Type) where
-- -- | 'decideAny', but providing an 'Elem'.
-- idecideAny
-- :: forall k (p :: k ~> Type) (as :: f k). ()
-- => (forall a. Elem f as a -> Sing a -> Decision (p @@ a)) -- ^ predicate on value
-- -> (Sing as -> Decision (Any f p @@ as)) -- ^ predicate on collection

-- -- | 'decideAll', but providing an 'Elem'.
-- idecideAll
-- :: forall k (p :: k ~> Type) (as :: f k). ()
-- => (forall a. Elem f as a -> Sing a -> Decision (p @@ a)) -- ^ predicate on value
-- -> (Sing as -> Decision (All f p @@ as)) -- ^ predicate on collection

-- allProd
-- :: forall p g. ()
-- => (forall a. Sing a -> p @@ a -> g a)
-- -> All f p --> TyPred (Prod f g)
-- prodAll
-- :: forall p g as. ()
-- => (forall a. g a -> p @@ a)
-- -> Prod f g as
-- -> All f p @@ as

---- | Predicate that a given @as :: f k@ is empty and has no items in it.
--type Null f = (None f Evident :: Predicate (f k))

---- | Predicate that a given @as :: f k@ is not empty, and has at least one
---- item in it.
--type NotNull f = (Any f Evident :: Predicate (f k))

---- | A @'None' f p@ is a predicate on a collection @as@ that no @a@ in @as@
---- satisfies predicate @p@.
--type None f p = (Not (Any f p) :: Predicate (f k))

---- | A @'NotAll' f p@ is a predicate on a collection @as@ that at least one
---- @a@ in @as@ does not satisfy predicate @p@.
--type NotAll f p = (Not (All f p) :: Predicate (f k))

---- | Lifts a predicate @p@ on an individual @a@ into a predicate that on
---- a collection @as@ that is true if and only if /any/ item in @as@
---- satisfies the original predicate.
---- That is, it turns a predicate of kind @k ~> Type@ into a predicate
---- of kind @f k ~> Type@.
---- Essentially tests existential quantification.
-- :: forall f k (p :: k ~> Type). Universe f
-- => Decide p -- ^ predicate on value
-- -> Decide (Any f p) -- ^ predicate on collection
--decideAny f = idecideAny (const f)

---- | Lifts a predicate @p@ on an individual @a@ into a predicate that on
---- a collection @as@ that is true if and only if /all/ items in @as@
---- satisfies the original predicate.
---- That is, it turns a predicate of kind @k ~> Type@ into a predicate
---- of kind @f k ~> Type@.
---- Essentially tests universal quantification.
-- :: forall f k (p :: k ~> Type). Universe f
-- => Decide p -- ^ predicate on value
-- -> Decide (All f p) -- ^ predicate on collection
--decideAll f = idecideAll (const f)

------ | If @p a@ is true for all values @a@ in @as@ under some
------ (Applicative) context @h@, then you can create an @'All' p as@ under
------ that Applicative context @h@.
------ Can be useful with 'Identity' (which is basically unwrapping and
------ wrapping 'All'), or with 'Maybe' (which can express predicates that
------ are either provably true or not provably false).
------ In practice, this can be used to iterate and traverse and sequence
------ actions over all "items" in @as@.
---- :: forall f k (p :: k ~> Type) (as :: f k) h. (Universe f, Applicative h)
---- => (forall a. Sing a -> h (p @@ a)) -- ^ predicate on value in context
---- -> (Sing as -> h (All f p @@ as)) -- ^ predicate on collection in context
----genAllA f = igenAllA (const f)

-- | 'genAll', but providing an 'Elem'.
:: forall f k (p :: k ~> Type) (as :: f k). Universe f
Expand All @@ -228,48 +93,6 @@ singAll
-> All f Evident @@ as
singAll = prodAll id . singProd

---- | Automatically generate a witness for a member, if possible
-- :: forall f k (as :: f k) a. (Universe f, SingI as, SingI a, SDecide k)
-- => Decision (Elem f as a)
--pickElem = mapDecision (\case WitAny i Refl -> i)
-- (\case i -> WitAny i Refl)
-- . decide @(Any f (TyPred ((:~:) a)))
-- $ sing

--instance (SingI (as :: [k]), SDecide k) => Decidable (TyPred (Index as)) where
-- decide x = withSingI x $ pickElem

--instance Universe [] where
-- allProd
-- :: forall p g. ()
-- => (forall a. Sing a -> p @@ a -> g a)
-- -> All [] p --> TyPred (Prod [] g)
-- allProd f = go
-- where
-- go :: Sing as -> WitAll [] p as -> Prod [] g as
-- go = \case
-- SNil -> \_ -> RNil
-- x `SCons` xs -> \a -> f x (runWitAll a IZ)
-- :& go xs (WitAll (runWitAll a . IS))

-- prodAll
-- :: forall p g as. ()
-- => (forall a. g a -> p @@ a)
-- -> Prod [] g as
-- -> All [] p @@ as
-- prodAll f = go
-- where
-- go :: Prod [] g bs -> All [] p @@ bs
-- go = \case
-- RNil -> WitAll $ \case {}
-- x :& xs -> WitAll $ \case
-- IZ -> f x
-- IS i -> runWitAll (go xs) i

--instance (SingI (as :: Maybe k), SDecide k) => Decidable (TyPred (IJust as)) where
-- decide x = withSingI x $ pickElem

-- | Test that a 'Maybe' is 'Just'.
-- @since
Expand All @@ -280,23 +103,6 @@ type IsJust = (NotNull Maybe :: Predicate (Maybe k))
-- @since
type IsNothing = (Null Maybe :: Predicate (Maybe k))

--instance Universe Maybe where
-- idecideAny f = \case
-- SNothing -> Disproved $ \case WitAny i _ -> case i of {}
-- SJust x -> case f IJust x of
-- Proved p -> Proved $ WitAny IJust p
-- Disproved v -> Disproved $ \case
-- WitAny IJust p -> v p

-- idecideAll f = \case
-- SNothing -> Proved $ WitAll $ \case {}
-- SJust x -> case f IJust x of
-- Proved p -> Proved $ WitAll $ \case IJust -> p
-- Disproved v -> Disproved $ \a -> v $ runWitAll a IJust

--instance (SingI (as :: Either j k), SDecide k) => Decidable (TyPred (IRight as)) where
-- decide x = withSingI x $ pickElem

-- | Test that an 'Either' is 'Right'
-- @since
Expand All @@ -306,109 +112,3 @@ type IsRight = (NotNull (Either j) :: Predicate (Either j k))
-- @since
type IsLeft = (Null (Either j) :: Predicate (Either j k))

--instance Universe (Either j) where
-- idecideAny f = \case
-- SLeft _ -> Disproved $ \case WitAny i _ -> case i of {}
-- SRight x -> case f IRight x of
-- Proved p -> Proved $ WitAny IRight p
-- Disproved v -> Disproved $ \case
-- WitAny IRight p -> v p

-- idecideAll f = \case
-- SLeft _ -> Proved $ WitAll $ \case {}
-- SRight x -> case f IRight x of
-- Proved p -> Proved $ WitAll $ \case IRight -> p
-- Disproved v -> Disproved $ \a -> v $ runWitAll a IRight

-- -- igenAllA f = \case
-- -- SLeft _ -> pure $ WitAll $ \case {}
-- -- SRight x -> (\p -> WitAll $ \case IRight -> p) <$> f IRight x

--instance (SingI (as :: NonEmpty k), SDecide k) => Decidable (TyPred (NEIndex as)) where
-- decide x = withSingI x $ pickElem

--instance Universe NonEmpty where
-- idecideAny
-- :: forall k (p :: k ~> Type) (as :: NonEmpty k). ()
-- => (forall a. Elem NonEmpty as a -> Sing a -> Decision (p @@ a))
-- -> Sing as
-- -> Decision (Any NonEmpty p @@ as)
-- idecideAny f (x NE.:%| xs) = case f NEHead x of
-- Proved p -> Proved $ WitAny NEHead p
-- Disproved v -> case idecideAny @[] @_ @p (f . NETail) xs of
-- Proved (WitAny i p) -> Proved $ WitAny (NETail i) p
-- Disproved vs -> Disproved $ \case
-- WitAny i p -> case i of
-- NEHead -> v p
-- NETail i' -> vs (WitAny i' p)

-- idecideAll
-- :: forall k (p :: k ~> Type) (as :: NonEmpty k). ()
-- => (forall a. Elem NonEmpty as a -> Sing a -> Decision (p @@ a))
-- -> Sing as
-- -> Decision (All NonEmpty p @@ as)
-- idecideAll f (x NE.:%| xs) = case f NEHead x of
-- Proved p -> case idecideAll @[] @_ @p (f . NETail) xs of
-- Proved ps -> Proved $ WitAll $ \case
-- NEHead -> p
-- NETail i -> runWitAll ps i
-- Disproved v -> Disproved $ \a -> v $ WitAll (runWitAll a . NETail)
-- Disproved v -> Disproved $ \a -> v $ runWitAll a NEHead

-- -- igenAllA
-- -- :: forall k (p :: k ~> Type) (as :: NonEmpty k) h. Applicative h
-- -- => (forall a. Elem NonEmpty as a -> Sing a -> h (p @@ a))
-- -- -> Sing as
-- -- -> h (All NonEmpty p @@ as)
-- -- igenAllA f (x NE.:%| xs) = go <$> f NEHead x <*> igenAllA @[] @_ @p (f . NETail) xs
-- -- where
-- -- go :: p @@ b -> All [] p @@ bs -> All NonEmpty p @@ (b ':| bs)
-- -- go p ps = WitAll $ \case
-- -- NEHead -> p
-- -- NETail i -> runWitAll ps i

---- TODO: does this interfere with NonNull stuff?
--instance (SingI (as :: (j, k)), SDecide k) => Decidable (TyPred (ISnd as)) where
-- decide x = withSingI x $ pickElem

--instance Universe ((,) j) where
-- idecideAny f (STuple2 _ x) = case f ISnd x of
-- Proved p -> Proved $ WitAny ISnd p
-- Disproved v -> Disproved $ \case WitAny ISnd p -> v p

-- idecideAll f (STuple2 _ x) = case f ISnd x of
-- Proved p -> Proved $ WitAll $ \case ISnd -> p
-- Disproved v -> Disproved $ \a -> v $ runWitAll a ISnd

-- -- igenAllA f (STuple2 _ x) = (\p -> WitAll $ \case ISnd -> p) <$> f ISnd x

---- | The null universe
--instance Universe Proxy where
-- idecideAny _ _ = Disproved $ \case
-- WitAny i _ -> case i of {}
-- idecideAll _ _ = Proved $ WitAll $ \case {}

-- -- igenAllA _ _ = pure $ WitAll $ \case {}

--instance (SingI (as :: Identity k), SDecide k) => Decidable (TyPred (IIdentity as)) where
-- decide x = withSingI x $ pickElem

---- | The single-pointed universe. Note that this instance is really only
---- usable in /singletons-2.5/ and higher (so GHC 8.6).
--instance Universe Identity where
-- idecideAny f (SIdentity x) = mapDecision (WitAny IId)
-- (\case WitAny IId p -> p)
-- $ f IId x
-- idecideAll f (SIdentity x) = mapDecision (\p -> WitAll $ \case IId -> p)
-- (`runWitAll` IId)
-- $ f IId x

-- -- igenAllA f (SIdentity x) = (\p -> WitAll $ \case IId -> p) <$> f IId x

---- instance forall f g a f' g' a'. (SingKind (f (g a)), Demote (f (g a)) ~ f' (g' a')) => SingKind ((f :.: g) a) where
---- type Demote ((f :.: g) a) = (:.:) f' g' a'

---- deriving instance ((forall as. Show (Elem f ass as)), (forall as. Show (Elem g as a)))
---- => Show (CompElem ('Comp ass :: (f :.: g) k) a)


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